Should mods speedrun the game they moderate?
1 year ago
Glamorganshire, Wales

Hey fellow runners, I have a question for the community...

Should the mods speedrun the games they moderate over?

I'd love to see the communities opinions on the matter and to know.. how many games are moderated by someone unkown or not speedrunning thier respective games.



We (my friends and I) have a saying about this "Must, but not necessary", that is, this is not a mandatory, but highly desirable action, at least it helps to better recognize the game you are moderating

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 1 year ago

It is almost universally a good idea for the people running a leaderboard to be people who actually play the game and know how it works, and to have a personal stake in the leaderboard being accurate and up-to-date (it's hard to care about getting runs verified in a timely manner, properly re-timing runs, rule change discussions, etc if none of those things affect you personally).

What's best for a specific game depends on context, but broadly speaking most moderators should be active (or at least semi-active) runners, most of the time.

Goiás, Brazil

I think the mod need to most know about the game than actually run the game. The mods need to understand when the run is fair, is cheated or edited. You don't have to run the game to learn about that, but if you wanna moderate and contribute with the community, speedruning the game is an plus. I run Final Fight 3, when i invited to moderate the game i'm impressed how interesting moderate is. But i still won't validade my own runs, i could, but i won't. I submit and wait about other moderators to validate it. I think it's healthy do engage anyone who run/moderate the game.