We've added a speedrunning mode into our game, CONTINUE
5 years ago
Kainuu, Finland

Hi everyone!

If you're a fan of fast-paced action games, then CONTINUE may offer you what you're looking for. In CONTINUE, you get to explore a computer world inhabited by computer programs, and not everyone there is your friend so you'll have to be ready to take on all kinds of enemies and bosses.

We always designed this game with speedrunning in mind, so we're happy to finally release the mode into the wild. If this sounds interesting, you can check out our Steam page for more information: https://store.steampowered.com/app/996920/CONTINUE/ Hopefully this will satisfy your speedrunning needs!


Hi @PixelPinecone,

Is there a demo available of this game? I would like to try it out a bit. Looks nice

Kainuu, Finland

Sadly, no demo as of now, but we may add 1 at a later date

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