Capturing bosses.
7 months ago

Basically, if boss is only damaged by guards (you don't attack boss), you can capture it - and sign of it is when boss starts to walk into corner.

Current speedrunners tend to run to that same corner and hide behind the boss, to wait for guards to kill him.

But actually, the faster (and more usefull for the player, considering incredible power of bosses) strategy would be capturing the boss - it's faster to capture boss that wait for guards to whittle down his massive HP.


Oh hey it's my video on the top there :D I also posted it in the Discord!

Also, capturing them doesn't actually count as defeating them which is why current runners use the guards.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 7 months ago

Then maybe make "Capturing bosses" as an additional category?


For now it's unlikely we would, since then "All Towers" and "All Tower Bosses Caught" would essentially be the same run just one would fight and the other would catch. That being said, we're always looking to add more categories - so perhaps in the future!


so i speedran all bosses caught for no reason then? lmao

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 7 months ago

ahah hey, the achievement alone is great! It's just that it doesn't count catching as beating them :( maybe one day :>

United States

i will say that if you rush a flying mount and then speed to the volcano, you can capture the tower boss there for big xp gains

New Jersey, USA

Not everything needs a category

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Result of the Poll to Allow Lifmunk or not

The result of the poll ran on Discord regarding what should happen in runs that Lifmunk's /クルリス ability is used in a way that relies on good PCs/hardware has concluded and it was decided that:

**Outside of UNRESTRICTED runs, Lifmunk/クルリス abusing is banned until further notic

7 months ago
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