Canadatomkabs1 day ago

oops that description, i meant 6:04 final goal time lmao

Canadatomkabs1 month ago


Zarc0nis likes this
Canadatomkabs4 months ago

Yo thanks for looking into that Tecate I appreciate that!! After reading you say that, I went ahead and looked at them frame by frame myself, and saw the same thing. Seems like I was able to save an average of 9 frames on each of the hand selections. Some times as little as 4 frames saved, once as much as 14. None of the hand selections were frame perfect but a few were 1 frame off!

In the beginning of boxing I was able to save 20 frames at the very beginning of the movement, and 10 at the turnaround.

Our runs are virtually identical otherwise aside from 1 other timeloss I didn't notice until the frame by frame. On day 5 after selecting trivia, I think kelsey accidentally stopped holding A for that brick wall transition, and lost 50 frames at once lol.

Now I don't have any suspicions about everdrive loading differently or anything, it all adds up. 90 frames from hands, 30 from boxing, 50 from brick wall.

Thx for the help guys!!!! This investigation did give me a lot more knowledge on how timing works in this game, neat.

Kelseeyy likes this
Canadatomkabs4 months ago

Exactly, there's no way there should be 3 seconds difference between our runs. If you could test out ED load times vs original cart briefly, that would be great to get a second pair of eyes on this theory! But you definitely don't have to. I already ordered an original cart and am waiting for it to ship. Once it's here i'll try the same route, and hopefully I end up with a 3:51 or so.

Honestly would be shocked if somehow everdrive loads faster. But truthfully I'd be MORE shocked if somehow my recordings are so bunked that they are off by multiple seconds in a 4 minute run?!? There's no wayyyyy. But I'll get down to the bottom of it.

Thanks for the reply and tryna help me out!!

Canadatomkabs4 months ago

Seeing Kelseeyy did the same route as me but 3 seconds slower, with little to no possible timeloss existing, raised some red flags for me. Her run looked like it should be virtually the same time as mine.

So I did some comparisons, and was surprised to see I gained a small amount of time on every single split! That can't possibly be right, and the last thing I want is a fraudulent wr. So I did a test against the same splits as BloodSweatAndCode's last run, and sure enough, i gained time against his too.

So something is obviously wrong with my recording or something. I will happily delete my run when I figure out what's exactly wrong.

At first I thought it must be a recording issue, but the thing is, other games i've recorded and submitted don't have any sort of time discrepancies like that! The times and splits seem to match up just as they should with other runs.

Could it be an Everdrive issue?? Seems silly to suspect that, as virtually all other nes games allow Everdrive submissions, so why would this game be any different.

One strange quirk I did notice when playing this game is that it won't allow me to bring up the everdrive menu or load/make savestates during MANY different specific gameplay sequences. While the Stooges are walking after the hand selected an icon? Can't use everdrive menu. During certain cutscenes? Can't use menu. After falling during boxing? Somehow you cant use the menu until the stooge is standing back up???

It sounds like a crazy theory that maybe Everdrive has slightly faster loading times than regular cart and emulator, but i've never noticed being unable to bring up the menu in other nes games so idk. Also, this game does have a crazy amount of potential "loading sequences" if that's even a thing.

Anyway sorry for the rant. I'll buy a real three stooges cart and test out recording the same route. If the times end up exactly the same, then it must be a problem with my recording settings. But I honestly don't see how that's possible. Thx for reading and any input is appreciated!

Canadatomkabs1 year ago


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