Canadaskateman2225 months ago

Awesome, thanks for your cooperation and patience, everyone! I added "Any% Cheats" categories to the Misc. section, which you can find by clicking the (v) icon on the right side of the categories header, as seen below. Hope you all had another wonderful Diecember and GLHF with the cheat (and cheat-less) runs! :D

thread: Hime's Quest
Canadaskateman2229 months ago

Hey Asuka, welcome to Hime's Quest speedrunning! As Welsh said, none of us have our hands on it, so having some way of dumping the game via whatever means would be fantastic, if possible. That way, we can have more eyes on it to assess everything. As it currently stands though, if bombs do truly work 100% the same after more testing (can skip and still hit Nofungus for 4x damage than sword swings), then I don't believe that is enough to warrant a separation. While not dying to fall damage is somewhat of an advantage, you're already limited with the amount of tries you have with the amount of bombs you can work with anyways. Of course, there are niche times where it can let a run continue with the additional attempts the glitch would provide, such as getting a health upgrade, but that's only really relevant in a no-reset setting. PB attempts at a high level would aim to not fail the skips as much as possible anyways.

Now, even if the bombs didn't do more damage, I think full separation would only make sense if the original version we all played on wasn't so easily accessible via either browser or the rom they provide (which can also be played on hardware). If this was more of a situation where the game was only distributed physically and Crunchyroll's physical version differed from Limited Run's physical version, then I would be more inclined to agree with a separation.

Despite all this, I don't think it hurts to add it as a variable to make the distinction at the very least. Either way, thank you for sharing your findings! I look forward to whatever else you find in your testing and wish you the best of luck with speedrunning Hime's Quest. Please feel free to reach out to any of us if you have any questions about the run. :D

Canadaskateman2221 year ago

As someone who was only brought in later as a moderator and can't speak for the other/prior moderators, my assumption here is also that this falls under it being a cheat/debug code/etc. and would therefore not be allowed as part of the main Any% category. While I also personally didn't know about this code until this thread and agree that it's an amazing find, the cheat in question has been on these other websites for quite some time now. Like arnaud33200 said, it was probably known by the older runners at the time and if it wasn't allowed then, there's no reason it should be allowed now. Perhaps the moderators didn't feel the need to clarify not being allowed to use cheats in the rules back then, but it certainly can't hurt to add that rule in now.

If anyone's strongly against not allowing it in Any%, I'm open to read your feedback, but I definitely agree that this is neat enough to be its own miscellaneous Any% (Debug) category! :D

Lucha_Gym, ShuriBear and 3 others like this
Canadaskateman2222 years ago

Hello fellow Die Hard runners! I thought it would be fun this Diecember to add a new category to the boards: Best Ending! This ending will first show McClane and Holly coming out of the building, then Karl will reappear and try to kill McClane. Powell shoots him and McClane says "I knew you could do it, partner!"

As far as we know currently, to get this ending, you must:

  • call the police with the radio on the roof before Lock 2 is broken,
  • retrieve 1 detonator, and
  • defeat Hans Gruber

Feel free to reference my personal best run to see how I currently routed it out:

It's basically just 2nd half of current Any% route, followed by 1st half of current Any% route and then doing the ending of the older Any% route. I thought it would be interesting to try something fresh to experiment with alongside the usual yearly Any% shenanigans, so please feel free to try things out and have fun with it!

ShuriBear, Lucha_Gym, and MagicK like this
Canadaskateman2223 years ago

All the English translation runners have been using 1.00 it seems, as seen in the link below:

I honestly didn't even know there was a newer version, seems like it was quite recently done this year, 20 years after 1.00 was made. Interesting! :o

Canadaskateman2224 years ago

Hey Palmer! Do I see more interest in this game? Nice! :o

First, here are my own personal notes that I can't guarantee will be helpful to you. It also may have some incorrect information, but it's what I used to get through the game. In addition, I believe I provided these same notes to MyOhMyke and he got a couple finished runs with them just fine. Here they are:

Second, I was under the same assumption that Japanese is faster, but I only based that assumption on feeling and not actual evidence. It's very possible that they are quite similar or the opposite even, but I couldn't be bothered to go through hours of footage to get that definitive answer. You can use either version and it shouldn't be a huge deal either way.

Lastly, BizHawk should be fine as far as emulators go. As long as it's not ZSNES or SNES9x versions 1.4x and lower, then it should be A-OK. Also, it's important to note that since this is a Super Famicom exclusive game, in addition to the fact that it does not have a super competitive leaderboard, we agreed that turbo is allowed for this game to save our wrists. There are a TON of cutscenes in this game and mashing all of it got super tiring.

GL on learning/runs! Looking forward to see what you can do with this speedrun ;)

Canadaskateman2224 years ago

First time attending from overseas and overall, it was an amazing experience! I'll probably end up repeating a lot of what was said, but I'm just grabbing this from a pros/cons list I wrote up just shortly after the event.


  • The venue was so good. Quick train ride from airport, 1st exit and hotel is right there. Good food options and mall nearby as well.
  • Free ice cream and popcorn. Also breakfast was WAY better than any hotel I've ever been to
  • The wi-fi connection was incredible compared to other events I've been to where it's either near impossible to connect or non-existent.
  • Arcade was dope! I really liked those 800-in-1 arcade machines; they had quite some variety and hidden gems in there, which gave our group some unforgettable, hilarious moments.
  • I personally liked having stream 1, stream 2 AND console practice room all in same room, but I understand people are not a fan of noise bleeding over to the other stream. I found it nice to be able to practice while also being able to peek at either stream whenever I felt like it.

Cons: Biggest issue for me was definitely tech on a lot of fronts, so a majority of my cons will be related to that and hopefully this all can be improved in the future.

  • As a foreigner with all NTSC consoles, I didn't feel accommodated at all. The only things about consoles mentioned in the attendee guide were that they would have NA outlets and make sure to bring our consoles. So, having 3 runs with 3 different consoles, I had to pack all of em and barely fit them in my luggage, and guess what? They forced me not to use 2 of them because they were "not compatible" with what they needed for the stream. First run was on NES, so I brought my NTSC NES with basic composite cables because it was NEVER specified anywhere which kind of cables we NEEDED and they rejected it because it wasn't RGB-modded. Sorry, I didn't fork out the cash for that, should've let me know beforehand. Not only that, my NES controller wasn't compatible with the RGB NES they provided, so I had to use someone else's controller. This is just unacceptable. Thank goodness my run wasn't super technical or else I would've been super thrown off.
  • After that, I had a Wii U run where I set the console to composite mode since I play on CRT for no input delay. Nope, can't use that either, it MUST be HDMI or else! Since I didn't bring my gamepad to change the settings (like I said, no more luggage space), they then had to get someone else's Wii, that wasn't even NTSC, meaning it couldn't read my NTSC disc. Thank goodness the runner I was racing against had another PAL copy of the game, but it was brand new. He planned on keeping it or giving it away sealed and he had to open it for our run to go on.
  • No CRTs, forcing people to use OSSC + Monitor. I get that CRTs are annoying and are eventually going to be phased out (assuming this was a test), but if you want to go that route, should probably look into all possible options and go with the best option. One of the NES crew guys, Grukk, brought their own monitor setup and it was much better than stream 1's setup, comparing side-by-side. A handful of people were complaining about that for their runs, due to being able to tell the difference quite a bit in their runs with frame-perfect tricks.
  • I think I've only seen the split buttons work for solo PC runs and would never work properly for races. Could've most likely been user error, but just something I noticed.
  • I didn't watch too many runs at the event, but at least half the runs I watched had the capture screen tear for a decent chunk of the run. Not sure how easily avoidable tearing is, but it happened enough to warrant looking into.
  • Bar closing at 11 instead of 1-2. Not really something under your control, but that was a common hotel complaint, thought the hotel benefits severely outweigh the negatives, so it's all good!

TL;DR: Experience as an attendee was phenomenal, experience as a runner was a complete nightmare.

Canadaskateman2224 years ago

I also was interested in learning this game for the 12-Hour Challenge with friends this weekend, but I have the same issue where I do not have a PAL NES to run at the correct speed. I know for other games, such as Gameboy games being ran on a Super Gameboy with higher framerate, sometimes they allow runs, but with the time converted to proper framerate. Nudua made a handy tool to convert times that you can find here:

So, for this game, we would convert our NTSC 60.09881387708959 framerate to PAL's 50.006978908189 framerate to get the right time. Of course, if that is too weird/complicated, we could also just go with another category, but it would be nice to be on the same leaderboard with this method (in this case, record would be 7:23 on an NTSC console).

Canadaskateman2225 years ago

Does the webcam have to be that big? The game should be the primary focus IMO. I would just shrink your webcam to the same width as your splits (can also maybe get a bit more width if you push your game feed a bit more left).

If you absolutely want the cam to be about that size though, why not just overlap the other way? I think the game feed is more important than seeing your drawer in the background :P

Canadaskateman2225 years ago

So, I'll be honest, I never even tried out the Taiwanese version until now. We've all been running this game on flashcarts and I timed out both and they run the exact same. The 50/60 Hz difference probably only applies with the actual games on their respective PAL/NTSC consoles. So, sure, with the real games, you're probably right, go with the NTSC version. Otherwise, no difference as far as I can tell just messing with it quickly.

BootlegPickle likes this
Canadaskateman2227 years ago

To keep consistent with the typical, non-RTA MOTHER series speedrun timing, we have decided to remove the 2-3 seconds it takes to name your characters. Timing now begins when you select "Yes" on the "Is this OK?" screen after naming your characters and food. The times in this category have been changed to reflect this new timing change.

ukoid likes this
thread: The Site
Canadaskateman2227 years ago

Oh cool, that's great news! I am quite looking forward to that update then. :)

I remember seeing that 1st spreadsheet and loved digging through that. If you could add other criteria to your new one, such as consoles, year, etc, that would be cool as well, but it's just a random thought. Could be interesting to see what's trending in speedruns on retro consoles like NES, SNES, PS, etc., considering no new games are coming out for them ignoring homebrew.

Thanks, ROMaster2!

thread: The Site
Canadaskateman2227 years ago

Hey there!

Hopefully I am posting in the correct thread, but I am really interested in the Activity stat on an individual game's statistics page, mostly just to see which games are trending at any given time. Is there any possible way we can add an activity filter/sort on the "All Games" page so that anyone can check this out without the need to wait for whoever has access to this to post in this thread, please? I feel like I may have seen a screenshot of that feature being a thing in an older thread last year, but not sure if that was on the site temporarily and then removed or if it was just something tested locally.

Thanks! :)

ROMaster2 likes this
thread: EarthBound
Canadaskateman2227 years ago

I'm honestly fine either way. Considering us non-Japanese runners have only really tried Glitchless Mother 2, it probably wouldn't hurt to just put it under Earthbound as the category of "Any% Glitchless (JP)" or something along those lines.

Canadaskateman2227 years ago

Hey TM and No Reset Staff!

A lot of what I will say here has already been shared with staff, but I thought I'd drop it in here just to document them and to look back at this thread for next time.

  • Apparently, really long HDMI cords were needed to capture HD games, so either have those on hand for next time or find a better set up that allows for any kind of cord to be used.

  • If it can even be fixed for next time, the whole streaming from OBS preview was kinda gimmicky because of the mouse hovering on taskbar showing the desktop wallpaper. I think most people just kind of accidentally did that out of habit when using the mouse, which is totally understandable. If there's an alternate way of streaming so that can be avoided, that'd be wonderful.

  • Sound issues plagued the first day, but that's mainly due to unfamiliarity with the hardware, but as far as I could tell, it was pretty much fixed from Saturday onwards, so huge props for picking up and adjusting on the fly like that. I'm a little sad my great VVVVVV run was ruined due to that, but it's all good. :)

  • Dedicated practice setups for runners, at least 2 PCs and 2 CRTs, along with an HDTV and powerbars for all this. I think this was pretty much a given for next time, but just thought I'd throw that in there.

  • Better lighting in the runner/commentator area so it's not almost pitch black and only lit by the TVs and I guess the party lights or whatever they are. I think Deln was the one who pointed this one out right away.

  • I know this will probably happen for next time, but more than a month's notice would be great to allow more time for runners learning the game for the marathon and for giving enough time for people to plan for that weekend to be free, especially for people travelling from quite a bit away (Elminster MVP).

Overall though, you all did a great job organizing this event in such a short amount of time. Just having the venue at a bar alone is such a chill environment. Having a drink or two or twenty while watching everyone beast mode their game or after your run's over is so cool (well, unless you're Fozzy who makes the brilliant decision to get wasted before his run, ayy lmao <3). Thanks to all the staff for making it an enjoyable event. Really excited for future marathons at that venue, along with LAN ETS and Dreamhack. See you all again soon! :D

Fozzy, Dracula013 and 4 others like this
About skateman222
9 years ago
Games run
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
Last run 6 years ago
Hime's Quest
Hime's Quest
Last run 5 months ago
Last run 7 years ago
Animorphs: Shattered Reality
Animorphs: Shattered Reality
Last run 4 years ago
Die Hard (NES)
Die Hard (NES)
Last run 2 years ago
The Messenger
The Messenger
Last run 5 years ago
Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy
Last run 5 years ago
Super Mario Odyssey
Super Mario Odyssey
Last run 6 years ago
Games moderated
Die Hard (NES)
Die Hard (NES)
Last action 11 days ago
Last action 2 years ago
Sid Meier's Pirates! (NES)
Sid Meier's Pirates! (NES)
Last action 2 months ago
MOTHER (EarthBound Beginnings)
MOTHER (EarthBound Beginnings)
Last action 3 years ago
Hime's Quest
Hime's Quest
Last action 2 months ago
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Another Story
Let's Tap
Let's Tap
Last action 5 years ago
Shadowverse: Champion's Battle
Shadowverse: Champion's Battle
Last action 2 years ago