Vermont, USAVriaeliss2 days ago

Other memory locations I could figure out:

05ED = toggles 00 or 01. 00 when you're low to the ground, 01 normal height. Didn't test extensively, but 03 you're flying sideways and can't get hurt but it's hard to hit enemies with your attacks.
05E6 = Dragon Type. 10 = Bronze, 11 = Silver, 12 = Gold. Changing this during play will immediately change the breath weapon but the sprite won't until you take damage. Other values make your attacks miss enemies with varying sprites and each has its own dragon color using what seems to be enemy pallets.
05E8 = direction you're flying from x0 flying right CCW to xB

06FA: Setting this to 00 makes Kraken, Wizard, Citadel, Bone Dragon, Efreeti, and Space Head Man Guy thing... all die in one hit.
06FB: Setting this to 00 makes it so you can't leave a boss room.
06FC: Setting this to 00 you skip bosses and castles immediately.

I was trying to find a "Power" stat since each color has a breath power scale (the B), but it seems it's more to reference how generally useful it is. Gold has a TON of projectiles, Silver gets a lot, and Bronze has so few it seems to take nearly twice a long to beat most bosses with him.

Vermont, USAVriaeliss2 days ago

I've been trying to get some solid info on the power ups by watching the memory. So far this is what I've got:

Memory Locations for stats during play:

Current HP 05E7 (set to 60 for max HP always)
Armor 05F3 (setting this above 6A is bad. 6B freezes, higher resets the game when taking damage. It's AD&D, so lower is better. Setting it lower than 53 will also reset the game when taking damage.)
Current Speed 05F4 (Checks N of XN hex values. F is slowest, E is fastest but C-E moves too fast to turn and glitches the map after a while.)
Power Level 05F5 (0-3, or 11-13 with diamond. Values outside the X0-3 range change your attacks to enemy projectiles which do not hit enemies)
05F0 Orb Buff Timer: Mage Spells pass through you (including Stage 8 Boss).
05F1 Amulet Buff timer: Dragon Breath Attacks pass through you.
05F2 Arrow Buff Timer: Arrows/Stones/etc pass through you.
05EF White Potion timer: Combines Orb/Amulet/Arrow buffs
05F6 is your breath attack cooldown timer. Forcing it to zero doesn't change overall fire speed though. Forcing it to anything > 0 you can't shoot at all.

Wing: +1 Speed. Blue Potion: +2 Speed. Can't get more than +3 total with Wings and Blue Potion.

Shield: Supposed to buff defense permanently, but it's bugged. It reads the AC memory location (05F3) but does not change it. I'm guessing since the game will crash or freeze if the value gets too high or low they just made it a static stat for each dragon that can't be changed in-game.

Blue Heart: Heals 1-11 HP (randomly determined when spawned)

Red Potion: Heals 7-17HP (randomly determined when spawned. May heal more but never saw any heals over 17 or less than 7)

Red Heart: Heals HP to Max

Diamond: +1 Breath Power Level until hit

Arrow: Arrows/Catapults/Etc will pass through you while active (Red Aura)

Orb: Magic (Including from Stage 8 boss) will pass through you while active (Blue Aura)

Amulet: Dragon Breath (Including Dragon Queen's) will pass through you while active (Yellow Aura)

White Potion: Combines effects of Arrow, Orb, and Amulet buffs while active (White Aura)

Vermont, USAVriaeliss3 days ago

I've only gotten two of the input codes to work, start at level 2 and skip to the end. There's one to start with more gold that doesn't seem to work and one to view the map indefinitely by pressing up on 2P that also doesn't seem to do anything at all.

the text of the Tree Scene intro, hit A button seven(7) times on Player-2 controller then hit start on Player-1 to begin the game normally. ```

This does start you at Level 2, but only with 18 HP. Seems low honestly, but having the advantage of being Level 2 for damage/defense stats might be considerable? It's been a while since I looked under the hood at how exactly level impacts everything.

I'm definitely curious if it could be allowable. Regardless I'm curious if it's advantageous to start at level 2. I've tested it works both FC and NA versions.

version only: Pressing Left and Right on Player-2 D-pad simultaneously will jump immediately to the ending screen.```

This is "technically" any% valid, but given I don't think the claim that there's a FC controller than can actually legitimately do a Left+Right input is true, and it's really against the spirit of "beating" a game, I'm sure and would agree it's not. Just a silly meme style "run/category" at best.

Vermont, USAVriaeliss17 days ago

It's interesting, but I originally thought it tracked your top 10 fish, but I found soon as I entered ANY value in 014C I was always in the top rank for the class. Even if I had caught zero fish.

I couldn't find the exact place in memory where it basically rolls the other competitors' weight totals to compare yours against, but it seems like a static number modified slightly by what frame you confirm to end a day on.

I got the above by initially setting all the fish to 75% max weight catchable for the lake and incrementing the weight of one fish .1lbs at a time (not going over the max for the lake). I found that I /could/ start winning at about 16lbs/32.5lbs/60.5lbs total for each respective class, but odds were a coin toss as best. Anything lower and I wasn't finding any frame windows I won or got promoted.

The above total weights I was not finding any frame windows where I didn't win or get promoted. going .1lbs total below there started being a small window where I wouldn't get 1st or promoted.

I have a feeling the game checks the ROM for the other fishers' base weigh-ins and does a little RNG dance to add to their totals. It does all this without showing it so it's a lot harder to figure out, but it's how the other hot-b fishing games work and they do show it there (EG: Super Black Bass).

Vermont, USAVriaeliss18 days ago

Been digging through the memory to figure out what the game uses to determine ranking. It checks the total weight of your five largest catches (memory 0147-014B). This determines your ranking, mixed with some frame-based RNG.

Lake Amada (Class C) 
 Target Bass Weight: 2.1lbs - 4.0lbs (small solid shadow). 
 17lbs total of top five fish is your ideal goal. 
 0.1-0.2lbs less can still win but odds are worse the lower you go.
 Largest Fish Size doesn't matter.

You'll need an average weight of 3.4lbs for your top five bass to cement a promotion with 17lbs total.

Lake Japan (Class B) 
 Target Bass Weight: 4.1lbs - 8lbs (2nd to largest shadow with "holes" in fins)
 34lbs total of top five fish is your ideal goal.
 Again a bit less can still win but odds improve to lose as you go lower.

You'll need an average of 6.8lbs per fish for your top five bass to ensure you advance to Class A.

Lake More (Class A) 
 Bass Weight 8.1lbs - 16lbs (Largest shadow) 
 62lbs total of top five fish is your ideal goal.
 It was possible to win as low as 60lbs, seemed close to a 50% chance.

You'll need an average of 12.4lbs per fish for your top five bass. If you're above 12lbs average and feeling lucky you do have a chance to win with that.

hollygorock likes this
Vermont, USAVriaeliss19 days ago

Shocking, I know, but there's actually not a lot out there for this game in specific. But, I found some more detailed info from the Gameboy game which was also dev'd by Hot-B and seems to line up with what little info the NES manual offers, so hopefully it's accurate (enough) here too:

Lure Colors
        Along with choosing the type of lure to use when going fishing, you may
also choose between lure 'color', with red, blue and silver the available
options. The following are the optimal conditions for each color type.

        Rainy/Cloudy Days
        Very Shallow or Deep Waters
        Early Morning or Late Afternoon

        Clear or Cloudy Days
        Middle Depths
        1:00pm - 3:00pm

        Clear Days
        Shallow to Middle Depths
        Early Morning or Late Afternoon

Ultimately I'm not entirely sure color /actually/ matters in the NES version.

The manual suggests that the bass tend for deeper waters midday. For the first lake this doesn't matter but has anyone experimented with deeper lures in the other three lakes?

Spinner and Worm are the "sink" lures that are used for deeper fishing. Manual instructs "during the daytime" ie: Not morning or evening to use Sink Lures.

Popper, Frog, and Pencil are all float lures for morning/evening use.

All of the lures work well with the "Left, Right, Up/A, repeat" movement method. (According to the manual again). Worm can "dance" at depth with Up/A.

Vermont, USAVriaeliss19 days ago

I was reviewing the manual trying to find any insights on lures or whatnot and at the back almost they have a tip to use the name HBMAX. What it does is change the depth meter's function for fishing and fighting.

Fishing it increases to display the efficacy of your fishing technique and it's attractiveness to the fish - instead of depth of the lure.

Fighting it increases to show the strain on your line while reeling. Sounds normal up to 10, and line breaks seems like maybe the first "tick" ending at/above 12.5.

Ultimately it doesn't really change how the game functions or what fish show up or how easy/hard it is to catch them best I can tell. I'm not sure it'd be super beneficial once the game is learned, but it would be helpful for learning how to play at least - having a numerical queue on how you're handling the lure as well as one to help gauge when you'd lose the lure.

I personally don't see why it would be disallowed. I doesn't seem to give an unfair advantage over someone who's practiced and wouldn't need the visual guides anyway.

I'm planning to do some more runs with it to see if it affects ranking or whatnot too, but the manual never claims to do anything other than change the functionality of the depth meter.

Vermont, USAVriaeliss23 days ago

(Moved this from guides as I'm not 100% confident I have this correct yet.)

I spent most of a day running trial and error for certain times and frame windows for the several potential time-saving ? options for travel: Hillsfar - Rock Quarry, Big Tree - Hillsfar, Hermit's Place - Hillsfar, Ruins - Hillsfar, and Rock Quarry - Hillsfar.

Of these only three actually had the potential to work in favor of the run (Cleric route): Big Tree-Hillsfar, Hillsfar - Rock Quarry, and Rock-Quarry - Hillsfar.

Where you end up seems to be linked partially on the time of day in-game it is, but it's more specifically to a window of frames since frame 129 after a reset or power-on. Every 8967 active frames game time advances to the next hour. A handful of frames can be lost from events like a thief approaching you for a job in Hillsfar.

I initially tried each one based on the time of day, 1 - 12 (AM/PM didn't seem to matter). This gets obscured somewhat from resting, as the destination of the ? paths still seem to be consistent with what time it WOULD be if you hadn't rested opposed to what time it IS since you've rested. The run's short enough that if you never rested it'd be between 12-1am in game.

What's great is the return route from the Quarry to Hillsfar only works at 11 and 1. That lines up nicely to when it's usually possible to get TO the quarry with the quest. The hope is to leave the quarry inside of one of those two 8967 frame windows, which could be as much as 1000 frames delayed depending on progression and events. That's mostly why it felt like it was 50/50 when I was initially testing this return trip with save states, I had the state saved right on the border of these frame windows.

The game starts at 2pm. So your windows (Frame-wise) for a successful trip from Rock Quarry to Hillsfar are frames 80833-89799 and 98767-107733 (again these will be affected by dead frames). My 30:34 run exits the quarry at 102973, comfortably in the latter window, so I got the trip back to Hillsfar.

Similarly, you have three windows (or one large window) to get to the Quarry from Hillsfar on the 1st of the ? options between frames 80833 and 107733. My 30:34 run left 88831.

The shortcut I didn't use in my run that was the only viable one for Cleric I found was Big Tree - Hillsfar. This one works (relevant to the run) from 2-4 or frames 130-27030. This is a time save of almost 2300 frames, or a bit over 38 seconds, from going to the trading post then Hillsfar, assuming no falls on the treck to the trading post. This is using the three inputs ? path. My 30:34 could've used this as it left the big tree at 12120, well under 27030.

A concern I had was using the Big Tree - Hillsfar shortcut might cause the trip to the quarry to be too soon to work, or worse put the return trip at risk. It might be possible it could, but it's not likely in most cases I feel.

So, in summary, there are three shortcuts to use:

#1: Big Tree after finding the Acolyte: use the 2nd ? option (three inputs) and it'll take you directly to Hillsfar.

#2: Hillsfar after getting the quest to go to the Rock Quarry: Use the 1st ? option (four inputs) and it'll take you directly to the Rock Quarry.

#3: Rock Quarry after finding out Darhma's hideout is the Haunted Mansion: Mash A-button after leaving the quarry to get into the riding section. It'll take you directly to Hillsfar.

#1 should work 100% of the time so long as you exit the tree before frame 27030.

#2 should work if you leave Hillsfar between frames 80833 and 107733. A little later might work depending on how many dead frames (where the internal clock doesn't tick) you had during the run.

#3 should work if you leave the Quarry between frames 80833 and 89799 OR between 98767 and 107733.

If you're not on emulator (Everdrive/etc or actual cart) if you're loading a character to ride about as quickly as you can generally you'll start at about frame 1900-2000. 8967 frames is 2:29.45.

The Hillsfar-Quarry window is approximately 21:53.89 - 29:22.22

The Quarry to Hillsfar windows are 21:53.89-24:23.32 and 26:52.78-29:22.22.

Vermont, USAVriaeliss25 days ago

GG! with no rings too? That's amazing!

SchmidttyGames likes this
Vermont, USAVriaeliss1 month ago

Fair enough, it also doesn't reference saving a party name to load up your six characters a bit faster. Much less of a notable issue with a 5+ hours run. For win% it saves at least a full second the few times I was trying it out (for a party of three).

Vermont, USAVriaeliss1 month ago

It doesn't say specifically, but should be freshly made characters only (pre-created is fine, but still Level 1, 300g, 0xp, and no items). Maybe encourage, but not require given it'd be new, showing the party after a successful run?

Also, is a pre-saved party allowed? I'd assume it'd be better to say 'nay' given none of the current runs are using that option to save a bit of time when loading up the party, perhaps should be noted in the rules to clarify though.

re: Hard Reset- mesen it's clear (on my version at least) that it's a hard reset because it'll have a few frames of green after resetting (rather than just black with soft reset). FCEUX shows Power On instead of Reset. Hopefully other emulators have similar tells?

Or is there a way to "Soft" reset the game from within the game (and thus this rule is referring to not using that)?

Vermont, USAVriaeliss1 month ago

Given showing a reset and stats rolling isn't required for the runs is there any reason to disallow save state starts? It does provide a potentially unfair advantage vs. hardware runners who can't save state start, but it doesn't do much other than open the game a bit more by letting folks skip the initial RNG gatekeeper of waiting for 500+ stat points... and THEN praying that run can be a run at all >_>

I bring it up as it's not expressly disallowed, but perhaps it should be clarified for or against in the rules?

After trying to get and use save-stated stats:

Seems that the 1st turn RNG, at least for events, gets locked in when you lock in the IQ stat. I had a state earlier that had 528 stats but even waiting up to 10 seconds I was stuck locked into Fief 15 getting hit by the plague. Turn order and such also seems to be pretty static as does NPC actions. After turn 1 though anything can happen again.

Vermont, USAVriaeliss2 months ago

And I just got it!

Anyone else struggling - Hold the Jump button as you're falling onto the ladder then you can just press right on d-pad to break the boulder.

Vermont, USAVriaeliss2 months ago

I've been trying D-pad inputs with jump like the initial block by the dragon but I've yet to once get this block to break. Any tips or advice one is supposed to get it to break?

Vermont, USAVriaeliss2 months ago

Lost almost a full minute forgetting Malor coords alone.

Vermont, USAVriaeliss3 months ago

Excellent, thanks for the info! Also, you can run?! Thanks for the tip there too! :D

Vermont, USAVriaeliss3 months ago

Are the jumps over the vents just frame perfect? Or is there some setup to make them work I'm missing just watching the runs?

Also there seems to be a trick to more or less ignoring the zappy tomato that I'm missing too. Granted I still have to hit all the switches not being able to jump them yet, I still spend a lot of time dodging it.

Vermont, USAVriaeliss3 months ago

I overlooked my ROM being the prototype too >_> Thanks for catching that Ryu~ At least I have a run ready if you do make a new category, but I'm not sure how essential it'd be. I guess I'll find out today ;) Gotta get a run done with the right game this time!

Right off the bat: The prototype version has significantly more limited paddle response in regards to the angles the ball can be bounced at relative to the PAL release. It does seem a bit slower, and is running 50FPS.

Vermont, USAVriaeliss3 months ago

Apologies! I didn't notice that on the ROM.

About Vriaeliss
5 years ago
Games run
Al Unser Jr. Turbo Racing
Al Unser Jr. Turbo Racing
Last run 7 months ago
Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom
SimCity (NES)
SimCity (NES)
Last run 3 years ago
Tennis (NES)
Tennis (NES)
Last run 3 years ago
Tecmo Super Bowl
Tecmo Super Bowl
Last run 3 months ago
Ehrgeiz: God Bless The Ring
Ehrgeiz: God Bless The Ring
Last run 3 years ago
Games followed
Defender of the Crown
Defender of the Crown
Last visit 3 years ago
Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (NES)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (NES)
Last visit 4 years ago
Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos
Adventures of Lolo
Adventures of Lolo
Last visit 5 years ago
Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord
Super Dodge Ball
Super Dodge Ball
Last visit 4 years ago
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey
Last visit 2 years ago
Games moderated
Al Unser Jr. Turbo Racing
Al Unser Jr. Turbo Racing
Last action 21 days ago
Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord
Wizardry: Knight of Diamonds
Wizardry: Knight of Diamonds
Last action 1 year ago
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes of the Lance
Godzilla 2: War of the Monsters
Godzilla 2: War of the Monsters
Last action 1 month ago
Color a Dinosaur
Color a Dinosaur
Last action 22 days ago
Nobunaga's Ambition
Nobunaga's Ambition
Last action 16 days ago