Texas, USAdeathline2 years ago

Yay, thank you!

To my knowledge, the timer is running as soon as you start a new game and continues to run through any time the game is running including loading screens and cutscenes (as duly noted with Any% IGT obviously being comparable to that of RTA, meaning it runs during credits as well).

You can view your IGT when you save at any Mrs. Save location, in the bottom right of the save file.

From my testing the IGT is NOT advancing during the following: Pausing the game OR having the bag open. It is running when you have the menu open to select which file you want to save to when talking to Mrs. Save, however.

This just begs the question: Why is IGT still longer than RTA in some categories?

My conclusion is two things: #1, each runner will have different load times to one another (you can see this when comparing my Any% runs to other Any% runs during the endgame section) and #2, the IGT is potentially running faster than RTA does in certain sections. This could be for various reasons such as (but not limited to) framerate, how the game was built, etc. It may advance faster during some interactions even such as sleeping to advance time, taking a death, or other similar things, but this is purely speculation on my part. More testing would need to be done in order to limit the reasons why the IGT runs longer in longer categories.

Texas, USAdeathline3 years ago

Hello! I have added your run to the leaderboard as we have changed the rules on allowing PAL/Japanese versions of the game.

Thank you for your patience!

Texas, USAdeathline3 years ago

I added a bunch of IL runs from cyberscore to here, didn't look too hard at confirming usernames which is my bad. If it's not your run, I can remove it or edit it to dissociate it from your account.

Pokehero 喜欢这个
Texas, USAdeathline3 years ago

This question has popped up a handful of times and this is the answer: All Friends can become a category if there are more recorded videos and requests to me. As far as I know, there have only been 2-3 recorded runs and I ideally need around 5 runs at the minimum to make a case for it to be added.

TRLittleToaster 喜欢这个
Texas, USAdeathline3 years ago

No. All three ways to play the game (Wii, WiiU, and WiiUVC) are equal to one another, though I do find that WiiUVC version tends to be a little more lenient with moving between "Yes/No" menus (though they don't load or accept inputs any faster).

Pear 喜欢这个
Texas, USAdeathline3 years ago

Hey all!

We're opening up staff applications for our team once again! We're looking for mainly active restreamers who know their way around OBS Studio, but we're also still offering the host position.

If there are any questions or comments, please feel free to drop them down below! A staff member will answer you ASAP!

Copy this template into your response below, or you can answer in one of our marathon channels on Discord! Additionally, if you prefer to submit in privacy, please DM them to me on Discord!

Staff applications will close July 18th, at 11:59 PM PDT. We will be contacting everyone individually within one week of applications closing (by July 25th). These applications are discussed between the three organizers of SS4C, being myself, nes, and piner.

Username/Preferred Name:

Position (Host, Restreamer, or Both):

Any Prior or Related Experiences:

Are you in the Discord Server (Yes, No - If no, join us! - https://discord.gg/yKQjPX8 ):

Texas, USAdeathline3 years ago

Hey all!

Submissions are finally open as of today at 9:00 AM (PDT)! As listed on the about page, they'll be open up until August 16th at midnight (12:00 AM PDT), which is a little over two months away from today, so you'll have plenty of time to consider what runs to submit!

If you do submit, please join our Discord server!

This thread serves as a guide for what you should be putting in the "Submit run" form, and for any possible questions that a runner may have. If there are any questions, please leave a post below or contact us on Discord!

Game: Self-explanatory.

Category: Self-explanatory.

Why should this be shown at Speed Stuff 4 Charity 7?: A short (less than 5 sentences) description of why you believe the run you're submitting would make a good fit. It's okay to leave this section blank, but filling it out helps!

Video: Self-explanatory. Please submit a video with your submissions.

Platform: What console your run will be on (some games are available on Wii and XBOX360, or PC and PS4, so pick the one you're running on).

Region: Self-explanatory.

Additional players: For co-op or races if you're submitting co-op runs or races. Please separate with commas if more than 2 players total.

Estimate: The absolute longest your run will take considering all "worst-case scenario" events, and still be able to finish within. Note: PLEASE SUBMIT ALL ESTIMATES IN RTA TIMING (REAL TIME ATTACK). DO NOT SUBMIT IGT (IN-GAME TIME) AS YOUR ESTIMATE.

Availability: If you have strict availability or requests (i.e.: I would prefer not to have a graveyard or early morning run), please put that here. I know the marathon is a little under 3 months away and it's hard to tell this early on what your schedule may be, but give the answer that will be as accurate as possible. If needed, please inform a marathon moderator of your availability changes.

Incentive suggestions: Suggest donation incentives, bid wars, possible co-op runs, or game races here. Be as descriptive as possible. Please separate each incentive or suggestion with a numbered list, pipe (this what you call pipe ---> | ), or 5 hyphens together (such as -----).

That should be everything! Once again, you have a little under a month from the day of this forum post to get your submissions in. Should you have any questions, please feel free to drop them down below!

Yes, I totally copy pasted this from the last marathon. #ModerationWorkIsHard

主题: The Site
Texas, USAdeathline4 years ago

Marathon: Speed Stuff 4 Charity 7 Type: Online Marathon Purpose of Marathon: Speedruns, glitch exhibitions, and more to raise money for charity! Charity: Direct Relief (most likely, haven't made a firm decision but this is the leading choice). Dates: Sept. 4th - 6th 2020 (potentially the 7th depending on amount of submissions/length of runs as it's a holiday weekend for the US). Stream Channel: https:/​/​www.​twitch.​tv/​speedstuff4charity Mods: Myself, @nes, and @piner

Notes: Figured I'd add in that we've had 3 past marathons added before, being Speed Stuff 4 Charity - Winter 2018 (/ss4c-w18), Speed Stuff 4 Charity 5 (/ss4c5) and Speed Stuff 4 Charity 6 (/ss4c6). I am wondering who/where I can request to make a marathon team (see: https://www.speedrun.com/degendash) if that's at all possible? I know Pac used to do that kind of thing a while back, not sure if that's still applicable now and what the requirements are for qualifying to have a marathon team on SRC.

If any other info is required, please let me know!

Texas, USAdeathline4 years ago

You may run the game on Dolphin 5.0 as that's the only approved emulator for this game at this moment in time. All emulators run differently than official hardware so by default they are hidden on most boards. While the run will be accepted should it be played on Dolphin (and you must show the entire window of Dolphin when recording), just know it will be inaccurate in comparison to a run on console.

AudreyTheTitan typedef_Fate 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Texas, USAdeathline4 years ago

When viewing submissions on a marathon page you are a moderator for, showing extra info goes outside of the border. Also, all submissions automatically enter Phase 0, but for some reason, I can't choose to move up to Phase 1 (but I can still choose to move down to Phase 0 while they're already in Phase 0, which does nothing as expected). These seems to happen on all themes (at least the four that I tested did this).


Edit: Also, comments are extremely vertical lol (sorry if all of this has been mentioned before)


Texas, USAdeathline4 years ago

Hey all!

Submissions are finally open as of today at 4:30 PM (PDT)! As listed on the about page, they'll be open up until August 11th at midnight, which is a little under a month away from today, so you'll have plenty of time to consider what runs to submit!

If you do submit, please join our Discord server!

This thread serves as a guide for what you should be putting in the "Submit run" form, and for any possible questions that a runner may have.

Game: Self-explanatory.

Category: Self-explanatory.

Why should this be shown at Speed Stuff 4 Charity 6?: A short (less than 5 sentences) description of why you believe the run you're submitting would make a good fit. It's okay to leave this section blank, but filling it out helps!

Video: Self-explanatory. Please submit a video with your submissions.

Platform: What console your run will be on (some games are available on Wii and XBOX360, or PC and PS4, so pick the one you're running on).

Region: Self-explanatory.

Additional players: For co-op or races if you're submitting co-op runs or races. Please separate with commas if more than 2 players total.

Estimate: The absolute longest your run will take considering all "worst-case scenario" events, and still be able to finish within. Note: PLEASE SUBMIT ALL ESTIMATES IN RTA TIMING (REAL TIME ATTACK). DO NOT SUBMIT IGT (IN-GAME TIME) AS YOUR ESTIMATE.

Availability: If you have strict availability or requests (i.e.: I would prefer not to have a graveyard or early morning run), please put that here. I know the marathon is a little under 2 months away and it's hard to tell this early on what your schedule may be, but give the answer that will be as accurate as possible. If needed, please inform a marathon moderator of your availability changes.

Incentive suggestions: Suggest donation incentives, bid wars, possible co-op runs, or game races here. Be as descriptive as possible. Please separate each incentive or suggestion with a numbered list, pipe (this what you call pipe ---> | ), or 5 hyphens together (such as -----).

That should be everything! Once again, you have a little under a month from the day of this forum post to get your submissions in. Should you have any questions, please feel free to drop them down below!

Yes, I totally copy pasted this from the last marathon. #ModerationWorkIsHard

Razorflame, JacobArnold 3 其他 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Texas, USAdeathline4 years ago

Marathon: Speed Stuff 4 Charity 6 Type: Online Marathon Purpose of Marathon: Speedruns, glitch exhibitions, and more to raise money for charity! Charity: The Trevor Project Dates: Aug. 30th - Sept 1st (maybe 2nd depending on amount of submissions) Stream Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/speedstuff4charity Mods: Myself, @nes, and @piner

Edit: Figured I'd add in that we've had 2 past marathons added before, being Speed Stuff 4 Charity - Winter 2018 (/ss4c-w18) and Speed Stuff 4 Charity 5 (/ss4c5).

kalarse CountGooby 喜欢这个
Texas, USAdeathline5 years ago


Sorry for the slow response, for some reason didn't see this forum post. We only currently accept English in line with most of the other Pokemon series runs other than a handful of runs that allow Japanese (such as but not limited to: Stadium, Ranger, Snap) for consistency across the boards.

Texas, USAdeathline5 years ago

Considered adding All Shards and 100% before, but did not due to such low activity for the game. Feel free to post rules or vids of such categories in response and I could add them in or talk about it. I feel as though if there's a want for it, there could be a 100% (with true 100% on credits or whatever) and then the 98% or whatever % it is (everything no hats cause the hats are a little lame).

Texas, USAdeathline5 years ago

Yikes. I can feel the passive aggressiveness from over here.

Frankly, I didn't want to change any of the runs because I wanted to be lazy as the only active mod (the 2 supermods are actually one person with two accounts who gave me normal moderator access after I kindly asked them on Twitter, to which they told me they were quitting speedrunning altogether). Yes, I know that's not a good attitude, but I figured I could afford it with a game I only ever look at to moderate runs for.

I was going to type a nice wordy paragraph on why those 1-2 seconds don't matter too much at the moment and if it became an issue I would retime all the runs, but in reality, there's only 7 runs anyways, and only one of them had to be retimed to begin with (which was the current WR, +1 second to it). The run has been adjusted accordingly.

Texas, USAdeathline5 years ago

Please refer to this thread under the forum for the Pokemon series.


The PSR Discord server has a dedicated channel for nearly every single game in the series, spinoffs included. You're more than welcome to join the server and talk about Pokepark in the corresponding text channels.

Texas, USAdeathline5 years ago

I'm making a slight timing change because after having verified a number of runs, I don't like where the timer ends cause it makes splitting inconsistent.

Old timing: Timing ends upon Mickey opening the blue door after you obtain your 8th shard.

New timing: Timing ends upon first full black frame after Mickey walks through the blue door after you obtain your 8th shard.

This will only add 1-2 seconds to the run, but it's for the sake of making things more consistent. As of 10/31/18, all runs will be timed this way. The current runs on the leaderboards will stay the way they are.

StarrlightSims 喜欢这个
Texas, USAdeathline5 years ago

Category extensions, huh? Wild. Guess I'll throw one up there.

Name: All Nozzles Vod: (55:12 by me from 5/20/16, Trey has a 53:31 floating around somewhere...)


  1. Start with "Race File" timing aka play on a file with Airstrip and cutscenes already done, end when blue text box fully appears for the last nozzle collected.
  2. You aren't required to get the Rocket Nozzle in Corona cause then it's Any% + All Nozzles which could be its own thing.
  3. Collect every other nozzle in the game (Rocket/Turbo in Delfino, Bianco, Ricco, Gelato, and Noki. Rocket in Pianta. None in Pinna/Sirena).
Texas, USAdeathline5 years ago

It was found that both Kobral's and heero_fred's runs were not played on a standard Wii setting, so the mods have allowed the runs to stay under the fact that they were ran on "emulators" which are hidden by default.

Texas, USAdeathline5 years ago


As far as glitches go, for the most part they are fine, that being said the only real glitch I know of in this game is Tepig/Pikachu Clipping, which is used once in the Any% run. Any major game breaking glitches found would be discussed by PSR mods and then categories and/or rulings would be adjusted as needed.

I'm not positive on development builds of Dolphin, but I do know that the standalone stable version of 5.0 is the one allowed per PSR ruling. For more useful information from someone who knows more about this than I do (lol), feel free to ask in the PSR Discord under the #speedrunning-help channel. You can find the server invite in this thread if you're aren't already in the Discord server: https://www.speedrun.com/pokemon/thread/r7a65

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