EnglandPelador9 years ago

Nice to meet you.

主题: Speedrunning
EnglandPelador9 years ago

DJ Boy. A really easy game and nice and short.

主题: Talk
EnglandPelador9 years ago

Something you can play over and over and not get sick of.

Percy_Rain 喜欢这个
EnglandPelador9 years ago

Megadrives run at 50hz which obviously slows the game down. How much slower is a run on a Megadrive likely to be?

EnglandPelador9 years ago

Yep, I play Megadrive at 50hz. Just means I have to be even faster due to the handicap.

Anyway, welcome.

EnglandPelador9 years ago

Welcome. I'm a big rpg fan so I look forward to seeing your runs.

EnglandPelador9 years ago


I have seen some Prince of Persia Speedruns. They were fantastic. I can't even beat the original games casually.

主题: Talk
EnglandPelador9 years ago

Dat Choreography XD

EnglandPelador9 years ago

Welcome and enjoy.

EnglandPelador9 years ago

Welcome, enjoy the site.

主题: Speedrunning
EnglandPelador9 years ago

With editing software such as Cyberlink Power Director.

Or you can use a basic free one like Movie Maker but it's really shit and struggles with AVI files.

EnglandPelador9 years ago

Alright thanks. Might run this one day if I can get better at speedboost strats.

EnglandPelador9 years ago

I'm streaming a Sega Mega Drive console. I don't have any issues going straight through Game Capture HD. But when I use OBS purely for the purposes of showing splits, the audio is terrible. Nah it's not the Stream, I don't even log in. It's how it's being recorded. I'm fairly sure it just needs a settings tweek but I have no idea what to adjust.

EnglandPelador9 years ago

I use OBS to show my splits since they don't show on Game Capture HD. But my audio is seriously out of sync and I have barely a clue how to fix it. I reckon there is at least a 15 second delay between what I am saying on my mic and it coming through on the recording. Can anyone help me out?

EnglandPelador9 years ago

This just came out on virtual console today. Will there be a Wii-u option available for submissions?

EnglandPelador9 years ago


主题: Talk
EnglandPelador9 years ago

Sounds like a most enjoyable idea. I recommend Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse for the Sega. It's only a 30 minute game at best so it's not too over whelming. I really want to learn that game properly.

EnglandPelador9 years ago

That's not a nice thing to say about someone.

主题: Speedrunning
EnglandPelador9 years ago

If you're the only runner and you moderate the section then you can do what you like. Someone can always come along later and ask that you add something. For example I am the sole Golden Axe runner on here and I currently haven't added a co op option or a no magic run. But if someone came along with the aim of running it as well and asked for a new rule then I'd consider it if it was reasonable.

9 years ago
9 years ago
Golden Axe
Golden Axe
最近一次游戏记录 9 years ago
Resident Evil (Remake)
Resident Evil (Remake)
最近一次游戏记录 9 years ago
Resident Evil HD Remaster (Console)
Resident Evil HD Remaster (Console)
最近一次游戏记录 9 years ago
Streets of Rage
Streets of Rage
最近一次游戏记录 9 years ago
DJ Boy
DJ Boy
最近一次游戏记录 9 years ago