Distrito Federal, BrazilNekoTheBrawler3 years ago

Hi People!

I'm kinda New to speedrunning at a serious matter. But I want to share some of my studies. And want to ask you all to do the same.

Let me introduce myself: I'm a Brazillian Streamer of varieties and a Doom Lover that are engaging into learning how to run Doom for about 2 years. I can't even do a full game run, jokes on me, but with help of this lovely community, I'll learn and teach what I've learned to keep people playing lots of Doom.

I know some tricks from the "Doom Movement Bible" ( https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/87199-the-doom-movement-bible/ ) that I'm trying to workout lots of different things, like aim placements and the correct timing of spawning monsters. And on this journey, I've find a huge lacking on good intent on the newcomers to Speedrunning on Doom, but on SMW and other Communities, the people welcome new runners with lots of love and joy.

There's a lot of info about it on internet, but, IMO, using this kinda of info into usefull ways is hard, so I'm thinking into turn this post into a placement for single tips, from how you do some tricks (As E1M4 for Ultimate Doom, cuz lots of people have lots of different setups, as u can see watching people run this game) and stuff like that.

But, mostly, find people that are in love with this game as I'm... From my childhood till today, I'm a huge fan of this wonderfull game.

So, my first tip will be: Be the calm possible while running.

Doom is a high punitive game. A single misclick or too much holding on SR40 can throw you at an acid pool (Like E1M3, know as one of the "Run Killer" maps even for experienced players) that makes you reset. But, If you're not dying, try to not reset the run and learn "backup strategies". You can learn lots of them watching races on Youtube, so u'll find lots of ways to make your runs "survive". And new strategies that can make you progress at learning not how to run better, but how to master the game to run better.

So, try to not focus on "oh gods, I suck at this game, I die a lot and do lots of resets!" and try to focus on end every run and avoid "run killers". Even If you do poorly, you'll learn where and when are your worst spots at every map at the game. You'll will focus on improve and fun, and not on getting better times.

And for a second tip: Do Demos. Has lots of tutorials here on this forum and lots of others, and this is a repository for tips (I hope so! =^.^= ), but you need to watch you playing. You'll see the exact pixels you miss, you can activate a crosshair to see your aim placement, you'll see the positions that you missed and the small stucks you're doing. And also, Demos can validate and will validate your runs even more. The Demos are really usefull for learning, so try to use it!

Thanks for your attention this far and you can contribute, if you want, at any time.

I hope I can help lots of people and learn how to play better <3

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