ChinaNanjimao7 years ago

以下是我个人观点(因为我英文不好,所以直接中文解释了,如果外国有会中文的朋友可以翻译一下。) firemizuque这次的目的就是破掉jimmypoopins的WR,原因在于bestofnes看到了jimmypoopins左边秒掉邪鬼王(因为时差的关系,我们都是熬夜看的bestofnes的Ninja Gaiden,以及xiuluowentian也打算破掉jimmypoopins的WR,xiuluowentian用了不到一个月的时间打到了10分18秒,firemizuque就是因为xiuluowentian的带动,所以才打算在他退出之前再跑一个让人惊叹的成绩,对于他来说,10分08秒和10分15秒没有任何区别,但是他并不认为自己破掉了jimmypoopins的记录就代表他的水平比jimmypoopins高,当他跑出这个成绩的时候,在录像最后说到,jimmypoopins看了这个录像如果要认真对待,只需要不到一个星期的时间就能追回来。 在跑这个成绩之前,firemizuque曾说过这是他最后一次跑记录,之后就会退出。 在中国,直播刚刚开始,而且很多观众不喜欢看这种一直不停的跑一个游戏,不停的重来。我曾经跑过部分游戏的记录,观众从1000人跑到只剩下200人。 中国玩Ninja Gaiden的玩家非常多,玩的好的也非常多,但是他们不喜欢投稿。对这种排名也没有兴趣,我曾经试图说服很多人投稿,但是很多玩家第一句回答是“有没有钱?”,这是我感到比较遗憾的,因为这样很多外国玩家并不知道中国有很多玩的很好玩家,他们能打出很好的成绩。在InfestedRiche Ninja Gaiden3 打出12分54秒的时候,xiuluowentian的师父早就打出了12分48秒的成绩,但是他们不满意,觉得这个录像并不能让外国人感到惊叹。他们需要的是一个能让外国人感到惊叹的成绩。正如firemizuque一样,但这样的结果是,外国人会怀疑录像的真实性。也如jimmypoopins说的“我们没有看到你一点一点进步”。 我和firemizuque的区别在于,我是一个职业主播。但我没有那么多时间在直播的时候练习,因为这样我会失去很多观众,我的收入也将减少。这点,你可以问jlt363093,他比较了解。所以我练习一般都是私底下练习,而firemizuque他并不是主播,他不直播。他有大量的时间练习和跑成绩,我和他语音交流的大部分时间里,他都一直在练习或者跑成绩。他会比我强很多。 firemizuque在去年用了大量的时间培养新玩家,做了非常多游戏的教学,包括外星战将HARD,洛克人,忍者猫以及其他很多游戏。Ninja Gaiden 2,他做过一个4个小时的教学视频,和duckfist那个Mega Man 2一样。他很早就会很多游戏了,并且玩的非常好,只是今年才开始在speedrun上投稿,中国有很多玩家的思想是,如果要speedrun上投稿,要么投第一,要么不投。 firemizuque个人因为性格比较要强,所以外国人认定他所有录像作弊的时候,他选择的是删掉所有跑的记录,他是觉得自己浪费了两年的时间,这个我也感到比较遗憾。 现在,firemizuque已经选择退出了,但是不代表他承认他的录像是作弊的。因为如果要作假,他不会做这种让外国人怀疑的录像,也不会犯一些低级错误。 只是他对这个已经不在意了。

springrolls 喜欢这个
ChinaNanjimao7 years ago

The following is the firemizuque response in China (The source file is Chinese) I've been running this for about a year, from 10min06secs when I first took on this to the 10min06secs now, the gain and loss within is only known by myself. During that time X-squad organized a NG2 relay run, I who was kinda overestimated also was offered a part in it, I didn't shy back and took the last run, which was quite a challenge for me cuz I didn't know much of NG2. Thanks to my diligence and a appropriate plan, in just 3 days, I got a striking 10min50+sec by chance, which was more than enough for the coming relay.

Afterwards I put NG2 on the backburner, my real opponent, is from NG1. I won't go any length on how I feel about it. As I played more and more of it, certain delicate feel was gradually forming in my heart. Without knowledge of the so-called frames, even for the tight frame-perfect manuevres, people have their neurons to rely on. Feels of this sort are trickier to convey than personal experiences. It's like, something you feel difficult whereas for me it's like breeze, vice versa. People are different by default, I for one is a doofus in fighting games.

After the first time I saw Jimmy's speedrun, or should I say the first time I saw a foreigner playing, apart from fascination, awe was what all was left in me, I hadn't the time to think: is it real? Instead, I flouted my insolence, the hauteur in me soon tided over. Before others' runs, I'm like a droplet in the ocean, in terms of strategems, execution, constancy, innovation or reflex, I'm far from the same level of them. In the past, I never anticipated I could be one of them, not even close, that was, because of my weakness. But over time, I could finally be proficient enough and be one with the game I'm keen on.

Weaknesses are there, the difficulty of overcoming them in a short peroid, went without saying. Things like reflex, should be what younger people go for, for someone my age, should set eyes on both experience and reflex. I who excel at summary would of course jump at any chance to make myself better, I would treasure words that may otherwise just wash over other people. Therefore I enhanced my abilities in risk surmise, with one operation input, I could reckon the connection with the later movements, so I could be warned before it's too late, rather than be wise to it right before death.

About choke point, people encounters choke points in every line of work, speedrunning is no exception. When most of the runners in the community pushed their limits or dwelt on quick kill, I made stuffs like routing and strategies my perspective. In my personal opinion, pulling off stunts is sure fancy, but it serves as icing of cake, what we use to conquer the enemy, is the basics and the strategems. I may not be able to anticipate what my opponent's gonna do, in times of such perplexity, I'll just do my best is enough, ostensibly I'm competing with the others, in fact I'm facing myself. Whether you're willing to admit your weaknesses or to acknowledge your opponents' mightiness or to learn from your enemy, these are what we must face in the process of improving our abilities. For most people nobody want to admit defeat, they stop at trash talk and sulk, rather than put it into action. No one remains a winner or loser forever. Having summarized the routings of most of the runs in existence, I settled on a route most fit for me. There're things people deem difficult, I dunno how to put it, now I can get past things once I deem difficult without much effort, as they say, quantitative change give rise to qualitative change.

When people are questioning the routing of 4-1, the aporias they were talking about is either long resolved by me or I don't feel much of. You never know the first exploding fireball is what I fear the most.

The scorching wheel in 5-1, even if I failed to get it, I'd planned and practiced strategies without the scorching wheel nonstop for the coming 5-2.

Jumping the wall directly in 7-1, that was meant to to push the limit, for those who say if I fail the run's over, I just wanna tell, I went for the first place, I wouldn't be able to if I didn't try, which is no different from reset. And, this is a game, not life, we can start it over as we want.

Accepted or declined, I'm indifferent and without regret. When the time's out, I wasn't very rapturous, cos I couldn't find a reason to swank, about an antiquated game tens of years old, I did it for myself. As my mentor said, maintain a scholarly attitude even when playing games. At the cost of the copious time with which I should be doing my academic work, I did it. For the most part I feel ashamed, to allocate time on this, though I've read a lot of books, things are not well organized, and I've not been very productive, this way industrialization'll be tricky. Whoever treat academics with meticulous, scrupulous attitude will be as good as, or even better than me.

Weltanschauung's reflected through how people look at my WR. They doubt it because they couldn't do it, so others couldn't either. In such people's worlds, only he can do something, maybe it's been long since he was last dumbfounded. It's a big world out there, Ohon was doubted when he first cut a figure, new ideas will inevitably be libeled.

It's just that I feel sad about comrades of my country, they submit for me. I'm merely one of the many speedrunners in China, doozy runners like "xiuluowentian","xinlei" will go about snatching the first place. By setting the record I'm merely telling myself I did it, and mark the end of my gamer's life, the purpose of submission, is to tell the westerners, constrained by our country's conditions (large population, pressure from livelihood), we can't sit in our little world carefree, grind for records while obtaining welfares. WR in itself is a matter of possibility, if the sample capacity is large enough, any dense guy could make it, but what good of it? With us and you not on an even keel, we still managed to make a difference, by which I mean, under pressure of livelihood, we're not inferior than you lots.

At the very least, in our country, people sitting around playing games all day, are surely to be forsaken by the society.

Lastly, maybe it's variance in views between oriental and occidental world, westerners update their achievement, make known every bit of improvement, so that people around know how you're making progress step by step. But in our country, most of the time ostentation is to be rebuked, so we're more used to stash our strength before cutting a swath. It's part of our culture, we understand yours, but you may not ours. Many Chinese want to make a difference overnight, though they've been striving, and have achieved many little bits, they're not prone to show off.

Standing under this sky and finding a place to be, I just want peace of heart, I have not regrets.

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