主题: Alleyway
CanadaLegs2 years ago


Sorry, I've been away for the last month and have had minimal time to check into pending runs. It will be verified this week along with the others. Sorry for the delay!

II3URNZ 喜欢这个
CanadaLegs2 years ago

@petaQ You can also feel free to send me any questions directly, if you have something specific you'd like to ask. :)

主题: Tetris DX
CanadaLegs3 years ago

Originally this board was just 40 lines. In which case, I think a single category made sense. The different speeds are all available and you go as fast as you can at the highest speed you can currently do; like any any% speedrun.

That being said, I think the standard that most Tetris boards does would work here. 40 lines: any speed, any height. 40 lines, 0 start: speed 0, any height.

However, this brings up the issue of sorting existing runs.

This board accepts images in place of videos. And the high score screen does not show the level/height the game was done on. So assumptions would have to be made for many runs ( example: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D-3e8-vU4AA113s?format=jpg&name=large We can assume this was done on 9/4, but it's not a guarantee that it was), and for the rest we just would not know (example: https://imgur.com/gallery/HtHzVop)

The cleanest solution if you did want to add a new category, would probably be to add a "40 lines, level 0" and move all -known- level 0 runs there, while leaving all other runs in the normal 40 lines.

Just my 2 cents.

cassasaur Warhol 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
CanadaLegs3 years ago


I'm a moderator in the Game Boy community, we were recently discussing the state of the Fortified Zone board ( https://www.speedrun.com/fortified_zone ).

We spoke to @Oh_DeeR on the matter and he contacted the existing mods. [quote] Oh_DeeR: I contacted both Darko and cfb. Darko is fine with handing over the board and cfb never replied and hasn't logged in in 2 years. Whoever wants to take on the responsibility, should just use the official queue here: https://www.speedrun.com/the_site/thread/dueac and refer to what I just stated.[/quote]

So I'm doing just that. Would it be possible to have myself made a moderator of that board to be able to fix it up? Thanks!

Shac0le, smartalec24, xenkaroshi 喜欢这个
CanadaLegs3 years ago

It's generally where I put categories that are skip the majority of a game. (Credit warps, death%, etc.) But in the future we may reorganize the board a bit to make use of variables and move it from a misc category. :)

The category is the same though! So if it interests you, you should give it a shot! It's short and pretty fun.

主题: Tetris DX
CanadaLegs3 years ago

Hey there!

I actually do the testing of emulators for the GB community :) https://www.sprintinglegs.com/emutiming/results.html

As is, android emulators are banned outright for inaccuracy; but I'm already doing some testing of new emus this week, and I'd be happy to do tests on this one as well.

I don't expect it to pass, but I'll be happy to check! I should have an update by this weekend :)

Marcosggizy 喜欢这个
CanadaLegs3 years ago

Hey there!

I actually do the testing of emulators for the GB community :) https://www.sprintinglegs.com/emutiming/results.html

As is, android emulators are banned outright for inaccuracy; but I'm already doing some testing of new emus this week, and I'd be happy to do tests on this one as well.

I don't expect it to pass, but I'll be happy to check! I should have an update by this weekend :)

Marcosggizy 喜欢这个
CanadaLegs3 years ago

Leaderboards: I totally agree with you that the current categories aren't "Glitchless" they are just "Beat the game" (Now with the caveat that the OOB glitch is banned.)

My thoughts on why I made the category as it is : -This OOB would basically invalidate any other 'glitch' that could be found. Meaning a Glitchless category couldn't really develop from this, this is just the run. So it doesn't make sense to make it the start of that category. -Given that the category is under a minute and just skips playing the game entirely, I'd much rather keep it as a misc vs a full category. It feels much more akin to a credits warp than a glitchless category

I plan to set up the MED and HARD ones if people want to run those.

{Might switch to having Easy Med and Hard as subcatgeories of the categories 'Beat the Game'/'OOB Glitch' as AA suggests; I'll see if that looks good}

I look forward to hearing everyone elses thoughts on how we should move forward :)

Thanks again JKL for the find!

CoKami AmenAnthem 喜欢这个
CanadaLegs3 years ago


I'm one of those GBRunners :) The GBP is totally valid for runs, but a small note on it:

The standard software for the GBP, the startup disc that came with it at retail, is known for it's blurry output and slight input delay; but it's totally valid to use if you want.

If you wanted to fix that, or just don't have the startup disc, then there is custom software for it known as the Game Boy interface (GBi) that resolves those issues; but requires a bit of work to install.

Good luck on your runs!

Mariogirl17 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
CanadaLegs3 years ago

That was my first thought; so I remoted into a few other computers I have on different networks, all of them seemed to pull the same initial skinny image. Also Chromes 'Empty Cache and hard reload' with dev tools open, and the standard ctrl+f5 on firefox, but same results.

Is it loading the correct square one for you? (https://www.speedrun.com/themes/dark_crystal/favicon.png)

主题: The Site
CanadaLegs3 years ago

I set the game icon for a new board, but forgot to make it square. (which would lead to it being stretched in the user info page) Initial Image (https://www.speedrun.com/themes/dark_crystal/favicon.png)

I updated it to a square: Updated Image (https://www.speedrun.com/themes/dark_crystal/favicon.png?version=6306c025)

but the update didn't seem to propagate to the info page, where I still see the stretched icon. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/448991972427038731/766019860454441001/unknown.png

I tried setting it to entirely other images too, but the initial upload is the only one I've seen. It doesn't seem to be any kind of local cache, I've tried it on multiple computers in multiple places and always get the same icon appearing. Am I missing something, is the system just slow to update it, or is this a bug?

主题: Penguin Wars
CanadaLegs3 years ago


I recently took over moderation for this board. My apologies for the delay, but runs will be verified in a reasonable time frame now. :)

As for the Switch release of PW, I think the game differs enough that it would make sense for the switch version to be it's own board.


主题: The Site
CanadaLegs3 years ago

I'd like to request moderation on Penguin Wars ( https://www.speedrun.com/penguin_wars )

The moderator has been inactive for 4 months now. I attempted to reach out to him at all of him listed contact methods a week ago, but there was no answer on any of them and all of the social media accounts appear to have inactive the same length of time or longer. I'm also aware of at least one other pending run other than my own. I'm familiar with the run, and game boy speedrunning in general.


adrianus 喜欢这个
主题: Speedrunning
CanadaLegs4 years ago

The Game Boy has a large library of speedgames that are under 15 minutes; it may be worth looking at some of them to see what piques your interest.

CanadaLegs4 years ago


I would also like to encourage you away from Bizhawk for Game Boy speedruns. Both Gambatte and bgb have proven themselves to be more accurate emulators. (Here are some empirical testing results from emulators last year: https://www.sprintinglegs.com/emutiming/results.html )

xenkaroshi 喜欢这个
CanadaLegs4 years ago

Hey Ramen,

Each game has it's own sub forum where you can ask specific game related questions. (Sonic 3 & Knuckles: https://www.speedrun.com/s3k)

Good luck with your runs.

CanadaLegs4 years ago


I'm from the Game Boy speedrun community and can speed specifically to this.

Emulators: Game Boy is lucky enough to have some very accurate emulators. 2 emulators, bgb and gambatte, are pretty much universally accepted among the game boy boards. Bizhawk running the gambatte core is also generally considered legal as well. (Emulator timing results: https://sprintinglegs.com/emutiming/results.html )

That being said, I prefer to run on console myself.

Hardware recording equipment: You have 2 main options for GB runs on hardware; -The Super Game Boy 2 (Japanese only, so likely has to be imported) and a SNES. -The Game Boy Player, a Game Cube (Also recommended to run the custom GBi software in place of the GBP software)

You'd need either one of these, and also a composite capture card. The GVUSB-2 is the most common inexpensive cap card I see. I believe the SGB2 route is the less expensive, but the GBi route allows you to play GBC and GBA games as well

I hope this helps.

主题: The Site
CanadaLegs4 years ago

Pac, the founder of the site, had made the jump to purchase the domain a bit after he started work on the site (It used to be under a different domain I think?)

He did an interview on a podcast, 'My Insane Pace' (Episode 11) where he goes over in pretty good detail the early days of the site.

Pear DarQ 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
CanadaLegs4 years ago

Thank God!

Thanks so much for the help, both of you. :) I appreciate it a lot.

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