United StatesGlitchPhD1 year ago

Don't quote me on this as I don't exactly run the game, but when I did try out some speed strats, I believe the strat was to hold Ctrl and then left click the mouse in order to instantly skip a line of dialogue. (If anyone reading this runs the game, feel free to correct anything I got wrong.)

yeabruh 喜欢这个
United StatesGlitchPhD3 years ago

It's literally the same for the US and Canada. Just plug and play. Now if you were, say, in a region anywhere else (like in Europe for example) then that'd be different.

United StatesGlitchPhD4 years ago

If you're on emulator, as long as you're not using turbo buttons for anything, you should be all good. If you could do it on real hardware, like you said on Wii, that would be even better.

nullscythe, Benjams 2 其他 喜欢这个
United StatesGlitchPhD5 years ago

Slight correction: The game doesn't load the upstairs until you can unlock the door and walk through.

Longer explanation: The model data for the foyer of the castle, much like the famed Black Room of Death, just has it to where there's part of the spiral staircase room, but not anything past the first couple of steps. The N64 can't handle all that being loaded at once, so they separated the castle into different "areas" to only be loaded once you get there by means of a door (some way to warp from place to place).

United StatesGlitchPhD5 years ago

Take it from someone who has ran the category: it's not beginner friendly. (Like DiamondcrafterA said) There IS a tutorial if you wish to learn how to do it: https://www.speedrun.com/lm/guide/bu8md

I would advise against this until you at least have run No OoB (or any other main category, 100%, Normal Mansion, etc.) for a bit, or are pretty comfortable with the speedgame. It's such a short category, and can be an easy culprit for resets.

United StatesGlitchPhD5 years ago

also hi son @xNose_

United StatesGlitchPhD5 years ago

Yeah any capture card will do the trick. I personally recommend GV-USB2 for older consoles, it's only for composite cables though. If you use component cables at all, or anything with HDMI (such as a GC upscaler), then I use the Avermedia LGP, as it does both those things. (It just doesn't do composite though.)

Anything else, like webcam on TV, is not necessarily the best thing, and may be ruled out in the future. (IIRC, they did that with Super Mario 64, not this game yet.)

Fang 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
United StatesGlitchPhD6 years ago

...oh .-.

Well if that's the case, thanks everyone for your help lmao. Didn't even think to check while not logged in.

Also in regards to what @6oliath said, I read it but at first didn't even realize what was being said lol. Dragged the thread out longer than it needed to be. Thanks again.

Imaproshaman 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
United StatesGlitchPhD6 years ago

It's Chibi-Robo. I have it set as only 1 player for the category, and yet it comes up with this. I never quite understood why.

Imaproshaman 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
United StatesGlitchPhD6 years ago

So essentially, I'm trying to set it so that it defaults Player 1 to the submitter's account. For example:

https://prnt.sc/jeynto Here is the submission page of the game I am a supermod of. As you can see, there is a Player 1 tab, which is open for you to write anything in there. The "You Are" tab has the option of just Player 1 (as that is the max amount I have it set to.) When I select Player 1, it comes up with my name. I want to make it so that it defaults it to the account of whoever is submitting.

https://prnt.sc/jeyo0q Here is a game I run. As you can see, what I am trying to accomplish has already been done here. It defaults Player 1 to my account, and there is no "You Are" tab.

Sorry for any confusion I caused earlier.

Imaproshaman 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
United StatesGlitchPhD6 years ago

So this was something I have been stuck on for quite some time. I scrolled up and down constantly under Edit Game, but to no avail. I have asked the supermod of another game I run how he was able to do it, but he didn't even remember how it was done. Any help will be tremendously appreciated. :)

LOLMAN-0027 喜欢这个
United StatesGlitchPhD6 years ago

I hadn't thought about starting Mario out in 2nd gear. True innovation.

Mastahbobby 喜欢这个
United StatesGlitchPhD6 years ago

Well this is the one they were talking about. Not sure if you're able to order this one though. https://www.amazon.com/DATA-connection-video-capture-GV-USB2/dp/B00428BF1Y/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1513187831&sr=8-1&keywords=GV-USB2

But the one you posted looks to be about the same thing, so if you can't get this GV-USB2 then you probably should get the one you posted.

United StatesGlitchPhD6 years ago

glN64 is your best friend, use that.

United StatesGlitchPhD6 years ago

No. BLJ. Anywhere. Period.

United StatesGlitchPhD6 years ago

Yeah it's similar to the same sort of thing in BitS. Puncay did that twice in a row, although when he took damage and warped down, he was still on the platform. You on the other hand managed to kill yourself whilst doing so. GG

United StatesGlitchPhD6 years ago

JP saves about I believe 25 seconds on text, plus with the mousehole glitch exclusive to that version, another couple seconds. That's about it for noticeable timesaves.

Jaypin88 喜欢这个
United StatesGlitchPhD6 years ago

You COULD practice on emulator, although it will feel different going from practicing on emulator to running on console. Another way, is if you have a softmodded Wii (meaning Homebrew channel is installed), you can get an app called GCMM, which can import a save from somewhere else, like a save that was uploaded online (providing your memory card is 3rd party, i.e. Madcatz). The save files that you will probably need is located under the Resources tab on this board. You will need either a USB thumbdrive or SD card in order to do anything with softmodding though.

主题: Chibi-Robo!
United StatesGlitchPhD7 years ago

http://prnt.sc/f5nyne Oh it's possible alright. Will follow up with either a YT vid or short stream later tonight. I don't really want to disappoint anyone though, but all the loading zones are not present, so unfortunately we can't go to any other room. You can't even plug into an outlet. There are a couple semi-cool things to come from this, but that's about it.

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