United StatesDragondarch6 years ago

I think that invite link wasn't set to never expire.

United StatesDragondarch6 years ago

If you can find uses for the elevator glitch that don't involve calling the credits, go for it. I didn't even know there were other uses for it.

BootlegPickle 喜欢这个
主题: Athena
United StatesDragondarch6 years ago

We can make a category for it, yes.

United StatesDragondarch6 years ago

It should be noted that my old 100% run on SDA is VERY outdated, and probably shouldn't be used as a guide at this point

KomradeKontroll 喜欢这个
United StatesDragondarch6 years ago

I think it was already said in Discord that she was using Turbo, by her friend. So long as she doesn't use that she should mostly be fine. She should also check and make sure "Allow L/R + U/D" is unchecked, as that will make it impossible for those specific actions.

Her friend also said she'll have access to a NES at some point, so hopefully that happens soon.

Angrylanks 喜欢这个
United StatesDragondarch6 years ago

As for emulator choice, FCEUX is not the most accurate. You can reference this page: http://tasvideos.org/EmulatorResources/NESAccuracyTests.html

I personally use BizHawk with the NesHawk core (likely what Freya is using). Thus far I've noticed no anomalies vs. FCEUX, and to be honest, it feels like there's less input lag, but I could be imagining that. BizHawk also has an input viewer that can be toggled.

So no, she doesn't need to start running on FCEUX.

United StatesDragondarch6 years ago

I went in a tested a number of things for I-Frames and shot frequency.

Normal enemies have exactly 10 frames of invulnerability. I tested on the Red Rippers in Brinstar, since they have a bajillion HP. The only guaranteed way to stunlock is to hit them on every 11th frame. Hitting one frame early would cause them to get a substantial period to move, hitting one frame late had unusual results, but it usually resulted in one frame of movement. Occasionally a stunlock could occur on the 12th frame, but it seemed position based at best.

As for bosses, their invulnerability period is only 3 frames, requiring them to be hit on every 4th frame. Same as with normal enemies, one frame early, and they won't take damage or go back into stunlock, and one frame late gives them one frame to move. I tested this on Ridley, though it likely works the same for Kraid.

To hit exactly on every 4th frame you'd have to be mashing at 15hz, no more, no less. With 2 fingers hitting the same button, you'd need 7.5hz per finger. This is consistent with Lord Tom's findings. Now, 7.5hz isn't hard to do on it's own, but keeping it consistently at that speed is unlikely over long periods. 15hz is out of reach for most people, unless mapping 2 buttons to B, which Freya claimed was the case with the 3DS VC version, since I'm guessing both B and A are mapped twice.

As for shot frequency, for the in-game auto-fire. The first shot happens, then there's a noticeable delay, then the auto-fire kicks in, firing once every 8 frames (7.5hz). Using 2 buttons mapped to B, and holding both of them had the exact same result. It would be possible to alternate, but the game is picky and if you hit either button even a frame before letting go of the other, it won't register the input.

Angrylanks 喜欢这个
United StatesDragondarch6 years ago

This is the best that I can explain it:

This has to be at the exact camera position that it's in when you pop out of the door.

Once the door closes, quickmorph 8 times, then shoot the block, then twice more and shoot the next one.

Quickmorph once more and slightly pop out of the wall, but not far enough to start falling, and shoot the blocks above you.

Quickmorph 3 more times, popping out of the wall at the same time you do the 3rd one to perform the screen wrap.

Try to make sure the Ripper is to the left, else it could be in the way.

Once off screen, fall as far as possible, then do a full height jump to bring the camera down to the lower section.

From there, jump while holding right, and start shooting near the top of your jump. This will break the 2 blocks just under the door. If done correctly, you'll land in this open space. You have to get a feel for when to start shooting since there aren't any visual cues.

Next, do a low height jump up to where the door is. Camera position is important here - if it's too high it will spit you out of the door up in the top section again. It needs to be low enough to trick the game into thinking it should spit you out down bottom. Note that there's a camera position that's only one pixel big where it will spit you out in the wall in the middle, causing a softlock.

Olympus72 喜欢这个
主题: Hero Core
United StatesDragondarch6 years ago

You cannot use anything that's not provided within the game itself. You can alter the controls to make expel easier, but if your macros require an outside program than they are not allowed.

United StatesDragondarch6 years ago

There's no info on it anywhere. Everything I've found came through long sessions of emulator/savestate testing.

What card set you get is based off of the frame you select your gender.

I do have the full 256 seeds worth of possible card pulls during character creation, but while the card sets themselves don't change, what seed they actually are DO change based on which name you use. In addition, for some unknown reason, dismissing the Quest logo early has an effect on the 7th card (The one that's manually pulled). The list I have is based off of NOT dismissing it, and letting the screen advance on it's own, in addition to naming your character "!" (Without the quotes). Obviously this doesn't help with FIRESEAL runs, but is fine for any other category.


That's the spreadsheet I've been building/using for a while now. Most of the tabs are self-explanatory, but "Card List (Dismiss)" is incomplete, so ignore that one for now.

NewSchoolBoxer 喜欢这个
United StatesDragondarch6 years ago

What your groups look like for FIRESEAL is based on opinion leader choice, and the frame the world map loads. It is possible to manipulate, but difficult.

United StatesDragondarch6 years ago

GBA version is allowed, as we already have at least one time on the leaderboard that was done on that version. To my knowledge there's no advantages or disadvantages of playing GBA, except that Up+A is not possible.

AquaBlake StarFalco64 喜欢这个
United StatesDragondarch7 years ago

-3rd party controllers are fine, so long as it doesn't give you an advantage over official controllers.

-So long as we can see the gameplay, and confirm there's no cheating and it follows the rules of the category, it's fine.

-To my knowledge, no, there's no difference. But don't quote me on that.

-Depends on the category. I haven't made any for the 100% categories, but I think there's some for 2 Boss and any%

United StatesDragondarch7 years ago

As it reads now, it says "complete all 29 missions and finish with 100PT." This is incomplete.

The rules that have been in effect since Brootus' run was done are: Compete all 29 Maps. Obtain the World Ending. Recruit all special characters except Galf (since he conflicts with the World Ending).

The PT you see on the screen after the credits is simply what your reputation was when completing the game. While it has a bearing on what ending you get, it's not the only thing and can't be used to determine ending. The only thing that matters on that screen is Whether you get the World Card.

How the rules should read: "Timing starts when selecting new game, and ends upon the death of Diablo.

Complete all 29 maps, obtain the World Ending, and recruit all special characters except Galf (since Galf conflicts with the World Ending)"

NewSchoolBoxer Krayzar 喜欢这个
United StatesDragondarch7 years ago

The timing for this game starts when New Game is selected on the title screen, and ends on final boss death. The new Fireseal run doesn't start timing until they select their gender, which is ~15 seconds after selecting New Game.

Also note that the title screen isn't even shown in the video, so it'd be impossible to properly time unless he has the full video somewhere.

Edit: Just read the rules listed for this category. Not sure why this category uses a different start point. I don't see any reason to have this one category timed differently than the others.

Krayzar NewSchoolBoxer 喜欢这个
United StatesDragondarch7 years ago

The reason why I called it Deathless is because Up+A does exactly the same thing as killing yourself, just without the need to take damage. The game treats both the exact same, so I've always considered Up+A to be a death.

Remz 喜欢这个
United StatesDragondarch7 years ago

I left the Up+A in the category name just to make it easier for people to pick out what's allowed. In addition, Up+A and deathwarps utilize slightly different strats (except for 100%, which actually looks like it'd be a different route altogether), so I think deathwarps warrants it's own category.

United StatesDragondarch7 years ago

Changed it to have Deathless first.

United StatesDragondarch7 years ago

OK, the leaderboards should be updated to reflect the new category addition and the renaming of No Up+A. I think I got all the runs moved to their proper categories. I'd ask the everyone check their own just to be sure. Also added rules to each category. If anyone notices something I missed, let me know.

anthole, Toad22484, badbrakes 喜欢这个
United StatesDragondarch7 years ago

I had a long spiel with some further thoughts on Up+A vs. deathwarps, but I don't feel it's needed.

Here's what I'm proposing we do with the categories: (applies to Any%, 2 Boss, and 100%) Up+A: No change. Will be renamed any% as it is the fastest way to complete the game. No Up+A: Will allow deathwarps, but not Up+A. Will be added as a new category. Deathless: Renamed from No Up+A. No change to the category itself.

I'll likely not add 100% No Up+A until someone actually bothers routing it...I contemplated a route last night and it made my head hurt. It actually would be a bit different than the 100% Up+A route thanks to dying with Varia and a shit ton of Energy Tanks taking forever lol.

Give me a bit to get the categories updated and renamed and the like.

TheMotherBrain86, anthole 2 其他 喜欢这个
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