v1.0 is objectively the better version for speedruns
4 years ago

I know another thread on this topic already exists, but that one got off-topic so quickly and didn't reach the correct conclusion, so I decided to open the topic anew.

I feel really stupid for only realizing this now, but version 1.0 of the game has a few very relevant differences from the much more common version 1.1. First of all, you can tell the versions apart easily by checking which song is playing as A-Type: Minuet = 1.0, Korobeiniki = 1.1.

As mentioned in the other thread, but not to its full extent, v 1.0 allows for inputs during line clears. What wasn't stressed there is that that includes preloading DAS, which is of course relevant for DAS players. However, the advantages don't stop there: the level up progression is very different in v 1.0. Starting on level 9, your level progresses every 20 lines, i.e., level 10 at 20 lines, level 11 at 40 lines, etc. That, of course, also means that line clears are worth more earlier in the run, which is VERY relevant for the 300k category. Whereas in version 1.1 300k is equivalent to clearing 100 lines with only tetrises (ignoring pushdown), you have much more leeway in version 1.0 and can even realistically reach 300k before arriving at 100 lines (all tetrises would amount to 360k). Another small advantage is the speed increase that comes with the earlier level-ups, of course.

I didn't see any of the top runs making use of this, so I assume it's not really known or shared in the community so far. I'm baffled that I did never notice this myself before today.

编辑者 作者 4 years ago

Been thinking of attempting a better level 0 start run, might as well go for it on 1.0 for the input buffering alone! The difference in level increases shouldn't have any effect on that run if I understand correctly.


Yeah, L0 start is affected the least. Here's a nice and possibly exhaustive list of version differences: https://tcrf.net/Tetris_(Game_Boy)

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