Short Basic Guide
Short Basic Guide
更新时间 5 years ago Fireman

Mission 1 – Answers

Not much here. Follow the tutorial, set up the following Set under Set [1]

Gyro Stabilizer III Tungsten Rounds III Polarity Charger IIII

Grenades and Repair Tool

Preferably after leaving the shooting range.

For the obstacle course and all throughout the game you can quickly tap space to elongate your jetpack boost, which is quite fast, but not as fast as Overdrive.

Overdrive, the sprint mechanic in Section 8: Prejudice, has a build up time of around 3 seconds. Try to build up the sprint in narrow areas such as between doors, so you can immediately sprint. You can sprint through almost all enemies, one hit killing them. Until later in the game where Captains and Lieutenants show up, which have more health. Overdrive works as long as you don’t run out of sprint or use your jetpack (you can do baby jumps and continue sprinting. If you bump into anything, you lose your overdrive, so movement is important and in some locations you will NEED your sprint to get through, so you might have to hold back sometimes.

Follow the objectives and do nothing but the objectives. You can skip most enemies by simply running past them. Some objectives you only need to run past to trigger, so keep running!

Most of the game is knowing where enemies spawn, which you will find out by playing it.

Mission 2 – Into the Breach

This second mission features red areas on your minimap, you can go to these areas but you’ll die within 6 seconds. So what you can do is run into it when you know the area is going to open up 5 seconds later. This way you can save 5 seconds each time!

This level you also get a second set, which you can set up to do maximum amount of damage for the latter half of the game. This will be Set [2]. WARNING: The sets change automatically to the next unlocked set, like when you get new weapons Set [3] will become activated. You have to switch back to Set [1] (or Set [2]).

Gyro Stabilizer IIII Tungsten Rounds IIII Polarity Charger II

Grenades and Crash Mortar.

After doing the sniper part, you should pick up a Rocket Launcher and a Sniper Rifle with Set [1] stats. This way you can take out convoys with 2 Rocket Launcher shots and one sniper shot and you won’t have to reload for the rest of the level until you get to the refinery.

Until the mission For The Wicked (Mission 5) use Set [1] with AR Automation Mod and Sniper Rifle. At the start of For the Wicked, switch to Set [2] with AR Automation and Sniper. Place the turrets you can buy at positions to spawnkill enemies. The NPC allies can hit and kill enemies, so try to snipe enemies once and let your teammates finish them. Halfway through the level you get mechs, use them. They do more damage.

Once the Pulse Cannon is unlocked, switch your weapons to the Riot Shotgun and Machine Gun with Crash Rounds. These will melt through everything very fast. Shotgun on bosses is practically instant kill if you do it good/close enough. Now you just need to finish the game! Good luck!

PS. These are just suggestions, maybe using max damage throughout the game is actually the most timesaving. I tested a bit of it, but not all of it. It’s just that the first levels require a lot more travelling before shooting, whereas the latter half is mainly shooting with only small walks.
