On *-Timer on Screen
7 years ago

Good evening. I'm curious I'm having some complications with Livespliter's. As "timer on screen", could I use AMD Relive record timer on screen, or even Plays.tv timer on screen? A secondary doubt. For the world record do I need to do the game play live? For my upload simple does not exist, although I'm used with recording and upload... As long as my RE3 PC game play(bio3mediakite) does contain a timer on screen, would my speedrun be valid? One last question: Do I need to play the mediakite version(Japanese)? Does that version contains something special to validate my live? Do I need to save my game play after beating the game and sent the save or something like it? Waiting for reply....

United States

You have to use the in-game timer script for LiveSplit or the SRT made by Dchaps for your run to be validated. These must be displayed during the entirety of the run or they won't be accepted. They can be found here: http://www.speedrun.com/re3/resources

WR runs or any run in general do not have to be done live, but they have to still follow the rules when you're recording them offline. MediaKite, China and Taiwan versions are the only versions accepted here. These releases are the most stable and reliable on PC along with being faster. China/Taiwan have a slight edge over MediaKite, so if you're looking for the lowest time possible those would be the version(s) to play. You don't have to save your game and send the save file in your finished run. Just finishing the run itself is enough. Make sure the clear time at the end is displayed! If you have questions regarding where to find these releases feel free to join the RE discord and ask there :) https://discord.gg/FEFu5qH

编辑者 作者 7 years ago
Jackster 喜欢这个

Yeah, the information sent by AltriaAvalon lead me to Dchamps. I'll opt for using MSI AfterBurer(Rivaturner) tool... It already serves me as a monitoring tool for fps and temps. happens that it also does have a 00:00:00 time function, along with the actual pc time... It also it's the recording tool, and records the screen along with itself so the result is pretty practical and reliable for one is able to record any fullscreen application in real time, RE3.exe of mediatech, China and Taiwan are no exceptions... The result is this:

Thank you mate... Time to beat some WR...

编辑者 作者 7 years ago
United Kingdom

Make sure to capture sound by the way. Just saying since there's no sound on that above vid and runs without sound are an instant reject.

编辑者 作者 7 years ago