Proposal for "All Boss Kills" Category
5 years ago

If you want all boss kill, maybe we should consider avoid Barry helping us for Plant42 too ?

WitchRain 喜欢这个
Pennsylvania, USA

I like that it would make it more different cause ABK as it is now, really isn't too different. Plus Vjolt% for the memes PogChamp

Pennsylvania, USA

Actually, Barry comes in and kills P42 anyway now that I think about it.... even with Vjolt. Which is what makes it so stupidly pointless lol

California, USA

As for the fire round pickups in guardhouse, I would have to time this to be sure but I'm almost 100% positive it would be faster to pick up the explosive rounds from the save room instead. The flame rounds would require taking a bite which will be more trouble for lesser skilled runners, plus time loss, plus the animation of kneeling down to pick it up. The explosive rounds in the save room is an instant pick up with no animation.

WitchRain 喜欢这个
Pennsylvania, USA

Ooh okay, I'm really curious about this now XD

Pennsylvania, USA

Desert, you can post this into guides if you want :)

Florida, USA

For what it's worth, I don't think you have to save Chris/Jill to fight Roof Tyrant. I think only Barry/Rebecca have to be saved. So you could skip MO discs and all that.

SephJul WitchRain 喜欢这个
Pennsylvania, USA

Yes, we are definitely going to add the category. I will try to do it by the end of this week.


Neptune something more unnecessary I've seen is to have to kill in this category, very meme


Pennsylvania, USA

What? Neptune is THE boss Keepo

deserteagle417 SephJul 喜欢这个