Snowboard Cross Guide
Snowboard Cross Guide
更新时间 4 years ago XanderTTheTogepi

The Snowboard Cross world record seems pretty sketchy, but is 100% possible. There were not many explanations to how this record could work, but it is possible. Here I will explain how to get the best time on Snowboard Cross. The first thing to be sure of is character choice. The best character to use, hands down, is Shadow. The reason being that Sonic takes to long to accelerate and therefore is not a viable pick to pull these tricks off. Now that you've started Snowboard Cross, be sure to get a perfect start. Use your boost a little while after you start. A good place mark for your boost are the lines when you first go down. The second line is your limit. Do it any later and you go flying off the ramp. You should be on the hills located on top of the ramp. Here is where you shake. Shake quickly, but in small, circular motions. This should keep you on the ground. The result is a large speed boost. Once you see the blue streaks, turn a sharp left to reach the ramp. If you're lucky, you'll go straight into the off-road snow, except you will not lose any speed unless you hit a wall or one of the flags. This luck separates a pretty good time from a 35-second or less time. You've reached the second ramp. Do not do any tricks. This goes for the rest of the ramps until you reach the end ramp. Turn a sharp right the moment you touch down. This should keep you at the edge of the track, still going at a fast speed. Make as many inside turns as you can. Continue shaking in circular motions at the hill bumps, and you should reach the first checkpoint in about 15 seconds. This next hill bump is where things get tricky. Sometimes you may hit the wall. To avoid this, turn as sharp a left as you can, but don't stray too far, or you'll lose time at the next ramp and make an outside turn. Continue the circular motion at the next hill bump. Depending on your skill, you should reach the last checkpoint at around 28 seconds. Make a left turn, and there is one last hill bump to give you an extra boost. Avoid the flags, jump off the ramp(it doesn't matter when as long as it's perfect or late) and land a few tricks for a last second boost. Continue practicing, and you should have a good time in no time!

New EMU IL rules

Hello there gamers

So due to some concerns in the community about Emulators possibly being used to attempt cheated runs we decided after talking with other runners to increase the strictness of runs done on emulator as a hope to kurb possible cheating so we added the following rules for Individual

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