Survival Submission
7 years ago
California, USA

Edited: Survival Mode is now added to the leaderboard and ready for submissions. Good luck and enjoy!

编辑者 作者 7 years ago

Peck you are relatively active with this ive been busy with sfv lately so im gonna mod you here!

peck324 喜欢这个
Ontario, Canada

how long is Survival? I will run this as well if its added.

California, USA

Thank you JerQ_Q and for the survival I will add it to the leaderboard and for the result the EST is 25 min with Gear and 30 without.

Ontario, Canada

So weird Survival is 29 fights. My splits were all messed cause i thought it was 30 lol. Also twice my PS4 messed up recording my gearless runs. 24:37 and 24:00. At least my Gear run actually recorded.

peck324 喜欢这个
Leaderboard Changes

Hey everybody, I just wanted to let everyone know I went ahead and condensed some of the boards and added sub categories for Story mode. If you want me to add Difficulties to the Ladder and survival modes just let me know.

1 year ago
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