Hitman 3 Escalations, level 1 speedrun so/sa
2 years ago
Oregon, USA

I think I currently have the WR Run on THE SZILASSI DARKNESS escalation on level one but there I cant find a place to submit it.

Varsinais-Suomi, Finland

There'd be way too many rows if every escalation level had too be accounted for. Hence, I highly doubt it'll be implemented. Of course, what do I know, not a mod.

United States

We are not interested in creating categories for the non-final escalation levels for the foreseeable future, due to the sheer volume of them and general lack of historical interest.


You'd better know that only the final level can reflect the level of one player best ..

Czech Republic

What about a full escalation run (from level 1 to level 3/5) category ?

Flxti 喜欢这个
United States

I am not interested in adding escalation categories such as non-final levels or all levels together for the forseeable future. There just isn't enough players playing to make it meaningful competition to add such a category now.

SmartCasual 喜欢这个
Czech Republic

I myself speedrun every level and I think that if the category would be added, more people would be running it.

United States

I'll think about it then, will take a good luck at existing runs on Youtube. "Taiwan Hitman - long -" on Youtube has a good amount of (good) runs on each level on the escalations he has played, so it's a possibility.

I just don't want the leaderboard flooded with too many categories that no one plays. But a good amount of people play the Any% categories of Hitman Escalations (which people didn't use to play much on Youtube), so maybe I can be proven wrong.

I'll consider making poll in the future that will be posted on these forums and/or Hitman Runs Discord (It's below the "Follow" button on the leaderboard if you're not in it yet).

编辑者 作者 1 year ago
United States

Not too sure about having levels 1-3/4 since most of the levels are pretty much the same but with an additional target/complication. Levels 3/5 mostly covers everything.

But if a majority who actually runs escalations like them I would be okay with it. I've only seen only like 3-5 people here at most semi-active.

Aside from that, I think full levels 1-3/5 would be alright even if Long has done a good amount of runs.

编辑者 作者 1 year ago
Solderq35 喜欢这个

I wouldn't have individual levels as an option, but I wouldn't mind seeing a level 1-x column for sure.

Czech Republic

Exactly, since most of the first levels are just a easier version of the final level there is no reason to give them their own row. However there are probably faster strats to beat them then the final level and full escalation runs can put them on the spotlight.

Also the 7DS and some other escalation change targets or places threw out, so that could be interesting to see.

But at the end of the day, as a mod you probably know the best and I don't think anyone would be mad if you don't add it. Nevertheless, if any category should be someday added it, it should be this one.

United States

I agree that some of the levels that have different targets or complications from the final level (or where the final level adds a target far from the others) could have different and quite interesting routes when compared to the final levels, but at the same time there would be a lot that are quite similar and wouldn't diverge much from what we already have.

On one hand, the more similar missions could probably be done in quick succession by someone going for the escalation as a whole, but on the other hand I would imagine it being a lot of work to set up since there's a ton of escalations and they often have a differing amount of levels each, on top of the fact that it might take awhile for the less inspiring levels to get more than a couple of runs posted.

Ultimately from my perspective I wouldn't be heartbroken or anything if they're not added right away and I tend to get into new levels pretty slowly (and even then I prefer to focus SA), but if they do get added I don't see why I wouldn't just go down the list of levels and get a time on each after learning the escalation's final level. The 1-X/all levels category could be an interesting approach to include the subsequent levels while avoiding the risk of site bloat/sparsely populated leaderboards.

SmartCasual 喜欢这个

Hi, I’m really new here, are all levels of the proloffe parable available to submit Speedruns? I’ve just reached 2nd globally in the second level of the proloffe parable and I thought I should post it here

编辑者 作者 1 year ago
United States

Only final level, due to reasons listed above.

Any% Category Poll (Re-Assessment)

Hitman 3 Escalations Any% Poll:

This time around we will be requiring you to list your Discord or Speedrun.com username to filter out duplicate votes.

The category was added earlier yesterday as a trial, but upon further reflection, we want more community in

2 years ago