Category/Route Idea I was goofing with
2 years ago
Texas, USA

Hello All - I've never ran this game, but I really like the story behind it. I've always wanted to run it in some way, but for me personally, the full Any% run wouldn't fit into my life schedule. I generally only stream for about 2 hours at a time.

Connor’s story was always the most interesting to me. In addition to the typical public and companion opinion, he also has the unique Software Instability trait.

So just for fun, I started goofing around with routing the game as a New Game+ type of route/category for Connor chapters only.

Must complete all missions successfully without death Route choices must include all software instabilities possible. Hank’s opinion can never drop, and he must be your friend in the end. Public opinion can never drop, and must go out of your way to positively influence it any chance you can. Must complete the game as deviant, fully free. All optional choices that impact opinions or instability must be included. (Like saving the fish or the wounded officer in The Hostage).

Basically I just tell it to save my progress so that I know what I have done has impacted the timeline. It is sorta lame always having to exit back to the main menu to do a chapter select. Though I think it may be a fun way to show off the game as it would shorten the length of it, and still leave mystery to the viewers since they aren't seeing the other 2 main stories.

I've used this list as a guide of things I need to make sure happen, or are avoided.

Anyways, just something I've been goofin with when I don't feel like doing my normal grind. Not sure if anyone would have any input on anything, but if you'd like to see what I've routed so far you can check out this doc

I know this isnt the most optimal in any way, again I dont actually run the game, but I've used the Any% route as the main skeleton, while referencing some of the other categories if possible.

The thing I like is that it seems this would show off a lot of Connor content that none of the runs (other than 100%) would show off.

Not asking/looking for this to be an actual category, but just thought I'd share this random thing.

编辑者 作者 2 years ago
shaza 喜欢这个

Seems like a fun idea, but maybe a bit difficult to implement as a category due to chapter swapping and how the game uses saves.

Also the wiki page you linked is incomplete, for example it doesn't include some changes you can get when you meet North in Crossroads and it's missing hidden Software Instability changes (notably in The Hostage).

Feel free to join the Discord channel if you want to and haven't already, it's usually easier to discuss ideas over there.

编辑者 作者 1 year ago
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