SpeedGaming Ideas/Planning
6 years ago
California, USA

If you didn't see it in the Discord server, SpeedGaming is looking to showcase a little bit of everything going on in the speedrunning world. Here is the full post:

"Hi! I'm part of SpeedGaming, a speedrunning organization that features community events and tournaments on our Twitch channels (twitch.tv/SpeedGaming, SpeedGaming2, SpeedGaming3, SpeedGaming4). During the month of December SpeedGaming is going to be showcasing a little bit of EVERYTHING that is happening in the speedrun world. We want to get a sampling of all the active communities out there (any game, any era). It can be just about anything! Weekly races, showcases, relays, mini-tournaments -- we are open to all ideas." - jaysee87

I'd personally like to work with them to come up with something to showcase from the Cuphead community. If anyone is interested in participating, please use this forum to discuss ideas.

Things I think would work well:

  • Tournament
  • Weekly Race
  • A Cuphead Mini-League -- a series of races with a different category per stage; would include an overall leaderboard for the "season"
  • Relay -- Somebody take World 1, World 2, and World 3. We could either lump in Hell with World 3 or make it a separate thing if there's enough interest

Again, if you have any other ideas, feel free to discuss them here. Also, if you are interested in participating, we can start planning something as well. Thanks!


I honestly think that out of the ones listed a tournament would be the best. The bfbb community recently held one and even though the community isn't that big it brought in a lot of new runners who learned the game just for the tournament.


I like the first 3 options the most, mainly being the mini-league.

Piedmont, Italy

I would love to take part in some community event, each of the listed options would be cool.

Oregon, USA

I think that the mini-league would be the best choice, it would show the community and display the best players.

编辑者 作者 6 years ago
California, USA

I know this is moving pretty quickly, but we don't have a ton of time to figure this out. I've talked to jaysee87 from SpeedGaming and after some discussion and the brief community input I've seen, I think the mini-league idea would be the best option. Here are some preliminary planning things to consider with that in mind:

  • The mini-league would consist of three separate races showcasing the different categories: I'm thinking All Bosses - Normal, Low% - Normal, and 100% in some order, but this is certainly open for discussion.
  • The mini-league would be held either over three weeks, for instance, say 12/6, 12/13, and 12/20 at noon EST (date and time can be adjusted, but participants need to be available for each race) or we could possibly do the races back to back in a single session.
  • We'd be making a Google Sheet to keep track of times, standings, etc.
  • In addition to at least 6 participants, we'd need 2 people to commentate and explain what is going on so that viewers can follow the action (and to keep the stream entertaining)

The other option is to do a single race showcase, either with the top runners only or do a big open-to-all community race. For these options, we'd have to figure out what to race and when to hold it.

I personally like the idea of the mini-league since it showcases the breadth of the community, but it'll also be the most time-consuming in terms of participation and planning. Regardless of what we do, we don't particularly have a lot of time to get these things set up, so the sooner we can get going on it, the better. If you are interested in participating or commentating, please reply with the following information:

  1. Which event would you prefer, the mini-league or a single race? NOTE: Please only commit to the mini-league idea if you want to participate in ALL races!
  2. Do you want to run the event or would you prefer to commentate? Would you be open to filling the other role if needed (for instance, commentating instead or participating or vice versa)?
  3. What is your availability (day of week and time)? Please include time zone. Note that if we go with the mini-league, this will be an on-going commitment.
  4. What category/categories should we showcase? For a single race, list only your most wanted category; for mini-league, list top 3 (please try to make them differentiated from each other, i.e. don't list Any% and All Bosses)
  5. For a single race, are you open to running any potential category, or do you only want to run a specific one?
  6. Any other questions, comments, concerns, etc.?
Oregon, USA
  1. Mini-League
  2. I want to run in the event.
  3. weekends 12 pm to whenever weekdays 4 pm to 10 pm pst
  4. 100%, All Bosses Regular, and All bosses glitchless
  5. Open to whatever.
  6. No

mini-league, all bosses regular


I would love to participate, if the time is running short to plan something, why not have like a showcase of the different categories and plan for a tournament to be held starting sometime in Jan?

So this is my votes

Dec - Showcase categories (I could participate in Low% - Normal)

Plan along with speedrunning staff a tournament in the future with more planning time (All bosses - Normal would be the best option IMO)

California, USA

Yeah, that's kinda the approach I'm taking with it at this point. The plan is to do an All Bosses - Regular race for SG in December, then we can organize something bigger (whether it be a tournament or league-type event) for next year when we have more time to plan it out and can get more participation.

If you want to participate in the race, let me know!

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