发布于 1 year ago


long over due change to the pc side of the leaderboards as today igt will be used as the primary time. what does this mean? i recently reached out to kuno who helped make another build of a load remover that wasn't official but he was very nice and generous enough to work with me to get another load remover out for the current build of the game. unfortunately TRS never left us with an EAC off option before they ended support so we have to circumvent that and bypass the anti cheat with external software for the load remover script to work. that being said i personally have tested the bypass as well as the load remover and can tell you it is 100% safe to use as you won't get banned from steam (so long as you dont use it with other games). your anti virus will more than likely read the eac bypass as a virus but you can add an exclusion to the bypass exe. this also only works for the steam version of the game so that would be the preferred pc version. the bypass as well as the load remover will be available in resources and a tutorial on how to set everything up will be available in guides on speedrun.com. you can still submit just your rta if you don't wish to run with the load remover on pc but igt will be the primary time for the leaderboards and your runs must use the load remover to count for igt. as i said this only effects the pc side of the boards as well as downpatched 1.0 pc. totem burn cards will also not be allowed in coop runs anymore due to implications with dlc unlocks and such but any current runs will be grandfathered in. for console please do NOT submit under the in-game time form, only the regular time form. please if there or any issues or even you have an issue please reach out to the discord as all updates will be there first including any important updates to the load remover if need be, and feel free to ping me and i'll help when i can cause i really do love this community and want the best. ❤️

发布于 1 year ago


so with dlc 2 coming out i figure this was needed for awhile now. the boards have been reorganized and now have two main categories for 1.3+ on pc (1.3 solo/1.3 solo hiveless). the reasoning for this is because dlc 1 introduced ridden hives on certain levels that have a chance to spawn and save massive time on certain sections but they are only enabled if dlc 1 is owned meaning obtaining fast times would be paywalled essentially, which isn't good in any capacity. so now hive and hiveless runs will now be submitted under their respective category:

runs that use hives: 1.3+ solo [pc]

runs that don't use hives: 1.3+ solo hiveless [pc]

the rules for hiveless are pretty self explanatory. this will allow the boards to keep competitive intergrity while at the same time keeping the game accessible for any current and future runners to the game. act 4 will also only exist under hiveless, no act 4 for regular solos. one last rule i decided to change for accessibility reasons is co-op runs requiring all perspectives. i am going to change this to only require ONE perspective but this footage must have livesplit visible at all times for verification reasons. this rule was originally put in place to make sure runs couldn't be easily cheated and false claimed but seeing now that not as many people run co-op at all anymore i see no harm in making the category more accessible for more people. console boards for now will remain unaffected by these changes as well. i think that's about it for now, if there are ANY issues with any changes that i have made please let me know. ❤️

edit as of 9/3/22: i've also went ahead and added hiveless/hives to console boards as well :]

发布于 1 year ago

Hey it's me.

With the recent update including the ability to draw your entire deck from the get go, many of you are probably wondering how that's going to affect runs or the leaderboard.

Here's what's gunna happen: For now, Full Deck Draw is not going to be allowed for any category present on this leaderboard. However, I invite those who haven't joined the runner discord to do so, in order to discuss the addition of NEW categories that would allow Full Deck Draw. If there's enough demand, we can add them!

Reasoning: An addition/update of a major game mechanic by the developers, at this magnitude, deserves a discussion to best address it in the community. Allowing FDD across all categories, especially when this mechanic is so new and doesn't come from the community, would be premature.

Again, join the discord! Discuss! Although smaller now, we still got a good little community over here.

*** Update July 2nd, 2022 ***

First off, I want to apologize for not understanding how Full Deck Draw worked. It has come to my attention that Full Deck Draw is just on. Can't turn it off. So... That changes things. I'll brainstorm today and with the other mods on what to do. As with the many other times TRS has made weird, wide sweeping changes, to this game for no reason, an archive and wipe of the current patch boards will probably be done.

Leaderboard IGT Update + Rules Update


long over due change to the pc side of the leaderboards as today igt will be used as the primary time. what does this mean? i recently reached out to kuno who helped make another build of a load remover that wasn't official but he was very nice and generous enough to work with me to get ano

1 year ago
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