Legacy Category Thread
6 years ago
Oregon, USA

This is a thread for all the legacy runs that have been pruned off the leader board:

Level 1 to 100 (Warlords Patch 6.2, around July 2016)

Rules at time of category: No use of: Instant Levels

Timing starts on ANY input/Any UI interaction (Except camera movement) after you skip the cutscene, and ends as you hit level 100.

1st Truffles, 2h14m00s Blood Elf Monk, 2nd Cruadal, 3h17m59s Blood Elf Priest, 3rd BnH247, 3h33m40s Night Elf Druid,

Level 1 to 110, Old Recruit-A-Friend System (Legion Patch 7.3.5, around January 2018)

Rules at time of category: No use of: Instant Levels XP Potions

Guilds are allowed at this time.

This run allows for the old RAF system (If you have the new RAF with less xp bonus submit your run to the other 1-110 category)

Timing starts on ANY input/Any UI interaction (Except camera movement) after you skip the cutscene, and ends as you hit level 110.

1st Xeronkar, 13h42m23s Blood Elf Monk, & 2nd ShokoWhite, 26h43m17s Blood Elf Paladin, https://www.twitch.tv//v/220484428?t= & https://www.twitch.tv//v/220856725?t=

Edited by the author 6 years ago
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Archive Project is Complete!

Hi all,

I am happy to report that the archive project is just about complete! You are now able to see runs that used to live on on the following leaderboards

  • [Legion Archive](http
7 months ago
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