Guide to Orienteering
Guide to Orienteering
Updated 1 year ago by Woji
  1. At the base of the mountain, can be seen from the Happy Ski Resort building

  2. Above Fox, there is an unnamed path to the right that connects over to Rabbit. Control point is on this path.

  3. Located where Bear merges with Eagle, on the uphill side. He's possible to miss if you ski too quickly.

  4. Above L4, uphill from the Sunnyside Cafe. If you follow the left wall out of Lion and down the unnamed path to Eagle, you'll find the control point past the windy ice tunnels before you get to the buildings above Eagle.

  5. Ski down Fox to the huge tree in the middle of the course

  6. Control point will be under the last jump on Dolphin. He's easy to overshoot, so don't get carried away.

  7. Follow the unnamed path to the left out of Lion, and you should find him in the second ice tunnel.

  8. Go to the peak of Lion, and instead of going down the hill, turn around. He'll be standing by the sign.

  9. At the very end of Deer, just before you get to the cabins, look for a break in the snowbank on the right. You can march up to the control point. (although there's another way to get here)...

  10. From the top of Elephant, ski towards the buildings and Lifts 5 and 6, but stay as far to the left as you can. Past the buildings, there is a dead tree that looks like something from a Tim Burton movie- it's unmistakable. You can get behind the tree and through a gap in the fence to find the control point. If you get to deer, you've gone too far.

Credit to Sean Arentz (