Coming Changes
2 years ago
Kentucky, USA

Hello all.

There are some changes about to take place on the leaderboard. I have reached out to all moderators individually as well, but I wanted to outline some of these changes here before moving forward as to not surprise anybody.

  1. Emulator and Console runs will be SEPARATED. This decision is the result of research by several runners (including myself) that have confirmed that Emulator provides a unique advantage that applies to any Tournament Belt run. Specifically, the results screen can be dismissed immediately on Emulator, but not console. This effects the Ring-Outs categories more, but separating all of them makes the most sense. I will leave a function to see all runs compared against each other for reference, but the default, will become console/hardware runs. I know that this may anger some runners of the game, but the advantages provided, short length of runs and the growing community make this more integral now than it was before.

  2. Inactive moderators will be removed, and new moderators are going to be added. Any current moderators that DO NOT want to removed, please respond to my message or here in this forum post.

  3. No-Ring Outs is now the default category for the game. Ring-Outs simply put is very close to being fully optimized (if it isn't already). As such, No Ring-Outs is a better candidate for our default.

  4. Some minor rule changes (that are less changes really, more so clarification). Ring-Outs runs may ONLY be won via Ring-Out. Lastly, TKO runs must ONLY have TKO set as the method of elimination, and all other win conditions must be set to OFF. Any TKO runs that do not display the rules screen with with these conditions met, will be rejected. This will not apply to any TKO runs set before this clarification was made, as those runs have already been verified to have only TKO eliminations, but for the sake of simpler retiming, having the rule set clearly dictate that TKO is the only possible way of elimination makes sense.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
bradenexplosion, Megamatt79 and 2 others like this
British Columbia, Canada

Does winning by 'Ring Out' count as both someone being 'counted out' (eg. being outside the ring for too long in a regulation match), AND being eliminated by being tossed outside the ring like in a Battle Royal? Or do these have separate terms?

Kentucky, USA

@bradenexplosion That's a great question man. Yes it does! Ring Outs refers to both of those things.

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