in game rules
2 years ago

Hi, with a fex freinds, we are thinking about doing some speedrun game on valheim, You added recently some hardcore tules which we like very much.

  • Do we have to do the run in 1 go? or can it be on 3 / 4 vidéos? it takes a long time and even the better vikings need some break^^

  • i was doing a hardcore run on twitch, but my rules were a bit diférent to yours

  • no die
  • no glitch or ia manipulation nore deco/reco (only skip the intro)
  • no portal
  • and i counted in game days, no timer, so that way sleeping is not a godd option, and you have to take the best part of the night and its danger.
  • it took me 36 days in game to beat yagluth, my friend was on 37days. I've done it all on twitch live, but on 4 stream. i guess i cannot submit the run because it is segmented.
United States

Hey Adel!

The rules have been revised to not allow deco/reco, but portals will remain allowed. In-game days is cool but not precise enough for speedrun submissions so real time must be used. Also segmented runs will not be allowed.

Archy and ADEL779 like this

thanks for the reply, i'll train harder to make a portal run in 1 go hahaha

ThreadMenace and Archy like this
United States

same, lol

Edited by the author 2 years ago