thread: The Site
someflow8 years ago

There are a few things I things I'd like to request for the guide section,

  • Preview Button: Some way to preview your guide so you can check formatting without it already being officially shown in the guides section.
  • Some kind of display showing that there are guides or ressources available for a game, like a symbol next to the guide button. Here an example of what it could look like

  • A way for multiple people to edit a guide, even if they are not mod. As of now the only way to edit or contribute to an existing guide is if you have mod for the game or are the creator of the guide. Latter doesn't work once a mod has edited the guide, though. Maybe some kind of submission system would be good here.
  • An option to embedd more than one image per line. This is mostly for clarity and to make the guide pages look a bit nicer.

Maybe other people have some requests, so feel free to add onto this.

Zoekay, Sjorec and 4 others like this
thread: Wario Land 3
someflow8 years ago

I honestly think any kind of resource is helpful for newer runners. So if you commit to it, I'm sure it will be good! :)

thread: Wario Land 3
someflow8 years ago

I don't use skype but you can probably always reach me via twitch pm. The background is really nice and not too distracting, which is in my opinion the most important thing! A full tutorial could be nice, but considering most treasures are separated it's probably more convenient to have a video per treasure or something like that. Thanks for adding to the resources! :)

thread: Wario Land 3
someflow8 years ago

So since I posted a few guides I thought it would be nice to have a general feedback thread for them and all future guides that might get posted for this game. :)

First off huge thanks to Vlack, Becored and Tore for providing videos and helpful material for others to help learn more about he game!

The things that are posted in this thread should be kept to feedback to guides submitted for this game, so please try not to go too far off topic.

Now to a few general things pertaining the guides I wrote

  • Why split the guides up? I didn't want to have one huge guide that's cluttered with a ton of stuff. Instead I felt like making a few smaller guides so navigation is easier and considering there will probably be stuff that's gonna be added to all of them they will become even bigger. The way I split them up made the most sense to me. I'm open to suggestions here though.

  • Anything you wanted in your guides you didn't add yourself? I would have liked to write something about some of the older Any% tricks like getting Jump Boots early or Frog Prince gloves early, but since I have insufficient experience with either of them I decided to omit them for now until somebody who actually knows what he's talking about can write an explanation for them. Also I would have liked to have more frame data instead of just writing vague things a lot of the time.

  • The formatting is messed up/inconsistant! Yeah I'm not god and I make mistakes, too. If you notice some feel free to point them out. :)

thread: Wario Land 3
someflow8 years ago

I don't think it's that hard to run. But it's hard to learn, at least if you do the fastest any% route. Most of the tricks have a very steep learning curve and will require a long time of trying until you get them even your first time. Most things outside of the few big tricks are not hard (there are minor tricks that are really hard, but obviously you don't need to implement them until you get better). Also there's currently a lack of easily accesible ressources for learning. I've kind of been writing explanations for most tricks and some other miscellaneous stuff, but I'm kinda busy currently so that'll take at least another week to finish.

thread: Wario Land 3
someflow8 years ago

I'm guessing you're using emulator? I've had the thing in pools of rain happen to me on emulator before but never on console. I think it's an emulation bug. Wario Land 3 is not an easy speedgame, but most runners will be glad to answer any questions you might have. Have fun :)

About someflow
8 years ago
6 years ago
Games run
Wario Land 3
Wario Land 3
Last run 8 years ago
Wario Land 4
Wario Land 4
Last run 8 years ago