Englandkingsophie8 years ago

I am actually going alone and I was hoping to make some friends when I get there but then I remembered I'm no good at making friends IRL so I thought I would make a thread about it.

If anyone is going alone or wouldn't mind me hanging out with there group just reply or pm or whatever.

Also I am super excited about SGDQ, what runs are you looking forward to watching?!

Englandkingsophie9 years ago

Hi I am kingsophie and I have just started speedrunning wario land 2 for the gameboy, I am hoping to start practing other games too. I haven't streamed or put out a video yet as I do not have the eqiupment yet or the funds for the equipment, so for now I just practice offline :D

I got into speedrunning as I love watching people speedrun games, the first game i saw speedrun was jak and daxter for ps2 and it looked really cool! I am really looking forward to trying different games to speedrun.

I would love to talk to new speedrunners too so if you are speedrunning just say hey and we can chat. :D

About kingsophie
9 years ago
8 years ago