thread: Speedrunning
EnglandWinter_Doggo3 years ago

I'm not sure if I'd personally enjoy doing a blind run- when I'm playing a game for the first time, I prefer being a "stop and smell the flowers" kind of guy and will go for as much completion as I can (if the game allows for it). I'll take my time to learn or figure things out.

It does seem like a really interesting thing to watch, though, so I'll probably look into it sometime. Same as the 12 hour challenge (didn't Wii Sports Resort golf get attention because of this?)

EnglandWinter_Doggo3 years ago

Possibly minecraft being in fullscreen overrides this...?

Try having minecraft in windowed mode. Does this work? If so, you can always resize the window to be more comfortable.

EnglandWinter_Doggo3 years ago

Heya, Enzo! I like your username. MH4U is a great game :)

mh4uforever and Pear like this
thread: The Site
EnglandWinter_Doggo3 years ago

Hello! If you're trying to request this game, it's already on the site:

If you ever want to request a game, you should also do it through this page:

If I've misunderstood, please let me know :)

Pear, decaf35, and Walgrey like this
EnglandWinter_Doggo3 years ago

Thoughts on ILs for minigames (or at least racing)? Given the replayable ones are timed in-game, I think it would be neat to be able to try getting the best times in these too.

Trying to optimise and get the best time in the hardest racing course was probably my earliest introduction to speedrunning- I was 9 and competing against nobody but myself, but I was having a wonderful time regardless. I spent a fair amount of time on Soccer, too. Maybe if I practice I'll be able to get back some of my former glory, haha.

It's no big deal if not (I'm trying to work on getting an any% run without any stupid recording issues anyhow) but I just think it would be cool :)

EnglandWinter_Doggo3 years ago

I just finished a speedrun for a game that lasted about 3 hours - quite messy, but not so bad in the end - and was watching through the footage to make sure all was well. All was not well because about half an hour in, the footage skipped a little bit- I checked again to make sure, and yes, about 0.2 seconds of video was missing. Can I assume that this makes my video likely to be rejected? It's a small game in terms of speedrunning but nonetheless they'd probably not want to take any risks.

Anyway, since this was recorded with a capture card, I suppose I'm better off using both that and a camera at the screen as backup. I was already planning on doing that, but I forgot beforehand. I'm just glad I checked my video before uploading it.

It's not a massive loss and it'll motivate me to get a better PB next time, but I'm just wondering if anyone else does that? Use both a capture card and a camera?

Thanks in advance :)

EnglandWinter_Doggo3 years ago

Yes, recording with a camera is completely viable as long as you can see the whole game screen. :)

gelofgc likes this
thread: The Site
EnglandWinter_Doggo3 years ago

If you're unsure, it's probably better to have more help but not need it than to not have enough and still need it. If you think having another person around to help would be good, then try it!

Afaik there's no real harm from having a third mod or a verifier to help you.

Symystery likes this
thread: Talk
EnglandWinter_Doggo3 years ago

I really like running games from my childhood, which I guess is to be expected. I just get so much more pumped up when I have a history with a game, and it pushes me further than with any other game I could've chosen (given I often have the attention span of a goldfish... that extra motivation counts!). I also like running less popular games, mostly because I don't feel as much pressure about how well I do in a run. I swear, I would have run a Pokémon game forever ago if it didn't feel so intimidating to me, but here we are.

As a result... I've ended up getting really into a game in both of those categories, being Petz Catz 2 for the Wii of all things. I memorised everything you need for any% glitchless 10 years before the game was even run, so for me it's pretty easy to get into haha

As it turns out, though, I do like watching popular game speedruns, especially Mario games. It's odd because I don't even like playing mario games, but the communities, runs and ideas are just so interesting to me! Good job to all the people who make them awesome ^^

thread: Talk
EnglandWinter_Doggo3 years ago


(I broke it...)

9495yigit, Zanum and 32 others like this
EnglandWinter_Doggo3 years ago

Hello again, sorry for making another post before your response but I figured it'd probably be easier to mention this now than later I'd also like to ask about the quests from Ambrose and Charlotte in North Pawville- where they ask for "Special fruit/vegetables" and if you complete it you get an extra heart. These aren't registered as a quest in the diary and don't even have a question mark prompt, so while I would lump them in with Charles, at least he gets official "quest" status.

Thanks in advance

EnglandWinter_Doggo3 years ago

Hey, thanks for responding. I'll look into doing this :)

EnglandWinter_Doggo3 years ago


I've done an any% run today, and am planning on improving my time at some point in the coming days before uploading it. However, I am also preparing for a potential 100% run. Of course, since nobody's done the category before, there's no rules set for it.

Comparing to The Dog Island, that game wants you to get all scents for 100% and that's it- no speciifcation about quests (though many unique scents are exclusive to quests anyway). In this game, there are quests such as Charles' Golden Angler Fish quest- can I safely assume this is required? Also, what about the Zoo, treasure chests and clothing?

I just want to be sure on this. Thanks in advance :)

petriform likes this
EnglandWinter_Doggo3 years ago

Hey guys. don't mind me, just dropping in a year or so later, but it's just occured to me- that even if you get past the boulder blocking Lonesome, you don't know how to Pick Up and Throw yet. You might be able to get to Bartholomew this way, but you won't be able to fix the whirlwinds since you can't pick up the rocks.

Therefore, if we were to find a skip like this, you'd have to do the skip after dealing with Augusta's fields the second time.

EnglandWinter_Doggo3 years ago

Hi, everyone!

I'd like to run this game, and I will try to run it regardless of how this is handled, but I only have the PAL version which apparently runs at 5/6 speed. I would've been okay with buying an NTSC game for this, but discarding the fact that it'd probably be tough for me to find one, the Wii is region locked anyway.

I hear some communities like Mario Kart take this into account when timing their runs, increasing NTSC times or decreasing PAL times to match each other. Would it be possible for something like this for Catz/Dogz? Like I said, I'll still happily try to run it and I understand if it's not okay, but I don't like the idea of myself or others being idsadvantaged over something like this ^^;

thread: Talk
EnglandWinter_Doggo3 years ago

I am a huge fan of Monster Hunter - I'd definitely call it my favourite game series - and the music is just one reason. Both old and new Monster Hunter games have brilliant soundtracks (for me, World took some getting used to, but that's just because it was so different from the other Monster Hunter games). Specifically, I think the third generation games - Tri, Portable 3rd and 3 Ultimate - have some incredible songs.

I'm probably a bit biased on this just because I love the series so much but I'd say it's worth mentioning either way.

Pear likes this
thread: The Site
EnglandWinter_Doggo3 years ago

Yep, those 3 runs are all ones I can see, but there's another one that I can't. Combined with what XandoToaster has said, I think it's probably just not gone through, so I'll try to resubmit it and see what changes. Thanks everyone :)

Edit: the new submission is now in my pending actions. yay!

ckellyspeedruns and Pear like this
thread: The Site
EnglandWinter_Doggo3 years ago

I've already been to the page you mentioned, Riekelt, but just to be sure I clicked on the link and it's still not there.

Yes, I do have other pending runs listed

thread: The Site
EnglandWinter_Doggo3 years ago

Hi I recently submitted a speedrun (minecraft classic, if that matters) and - though it took longer than usual - I got the pop-up that said "your run will be verified by a moderator before it appears on the leaderboards". I then went to my pending actions, and the run hasn't appeared there. Does this mean the run didn't go through and needs to be resubmitted, or does that just mean that the pending actions page is broken?

thread: Speedrunning
EnglandWinter_Doggo3 years ago

Since someone else mentioned games they don't have recorded runs for, I guess I'll mention I used to run a game called Fairune- just never recorded it. They had global leaderboards on the switch version for best times, and that motivated me to push myself (originally I got top 20 from a list of hundreds, though I've been overtaken many times now). I couldn't figure out exactly how the very top player got their time.

It seems that now, on src, the world record holder has a similar time. Maybe I should look into their run to figure out exactly what I was missing.

Azantix likes this
About Winter_Doggo
THE DOG Island for Nintendo Wii and Playstation 2
3 years ago
2 months ago
Games run
THE DOG Island
THE DOG Island
Last run 2 years ago
Petz: Dogz 2/Catz 2
Petz: Dogz 2/Catz 2
Last run 1 year ago
Heroes of Might and Magic III
Heroes of Might and Magic III
Last run 3 years ago
Google Minesweeper
Google Minesweeper
Last run 3 years ago
Last run 2 years ago
Google Snake
Google Snake
Last run 3 years ago
Plants vs. Zombies
Plants vs. Zombies
Last run 2 years ago
Heroes of Might and Magic
Heroes of Might and Magic
Last run 3 years ago
Games followed
Heroes of Might and Magic
Heroes of Might and Magic
Last visit 1 year ago
Heroes of Might and Magic III
Heroes of Might and Magic III
Last visit 1 year ago
THE DOG Island
THE DOG Island
Last visit 2 months ago
Petz: Dogz 2/Catz 2
Petz: Dogz 2/Catz 2
Last visit 3 months ago
Last visit 1 year ago
Games moderated
Petz: Dogz 2/Catz 2
Petz: Dogz 2/Catz 2
Last action 4 months ago
THE DOG Island
THE DOG Island
Last action 4 months ago