Ontario, CanadaVexx5 years ago

I'm trying to get controller set up for TWN version and having bad luck. After I enter the button inputs and click okay the game closes and doesn't save the inputs. Any idea why this happens? Never had this problem on JPN PC version.

Ontario, CanadaVexx5 years ago

I posted something I discovered recently, I made a tweet about it on Carcinogen's twitter:


keny likes this
Ontario, CanadaVexx6 years ago

So for G3 when I run up and aim to take out first phase of final birkin auto aim just DOESN'T work and Leon completely aims the other way to the left and no clue how to fix it and why it happens. Anyone know? REALLY would appreciate it lol.

Ontario, CanadaVexx6 years ago

I've seen it used in the current Leon A World Record, where as soon as the bugs start trying to attack Leon they IMMEDIATELY get shrugged off. Never knew about this before, is there a special way to do it? Help is greatly appreciated guys thanks.

Edit: So I got it once and I'm pretty sure you just shake joystick in anticipation of the attack almost JUST before they bite/damage you. Wanna just 100% confirm this is how to do it. Thanks.

Ontario, CanadaVexx6 years ago

So I know the trick where if you unequip the gun as Ada for the Annette cutscene you actually save time in versions where you watch cutscene. Mostly due to Ada not having to go and pick the gun back up. But I was curious, does this actually count for the GC version where you skip the cutscene overall? Does the cutscene itself still count? So unequipping gun still worth it even in GC version or no? I noticed current Leon A GC World Record unequips it, but figured you didn't have to.

Ontario, CanadaVexx6 years ago

So recently I've been running Claire A on GCN, on my Wii for past week or so. I noticed when I started PB'ing and comparing to other runs on the leaderboards (most noticeably Jake Tabor's 1:07:27 run) that it seemed I was much slower than I should have been overall. Even though my run seemed to be not much different and even quite better at some parts. I finally started investigating and doing some serious comparing side by side and checking. Even at times letting Jake's run get ahead of mine and he would ALWAYS catch up and pull ahead of mine even though there was no difference.

I figured out that I am losing time on some loading/camera angles changes. When I am playing a lot of the time camera angle changes stall a sec or so for me before transitioning and my Wii makes sounds like it is loading. It isn't fluent at all and this is SUPER FRUSTRATING to lose time to something totally out of my control when I am deserved a much better time. I tried cleaning my game disc, I cleaned my Wii a bit, also making some room. This didn't seem to help at all. Any ideas at all would GREATLY be appreciated. I have a launch day Wii so it is rather old. Hoping that's not the problem because buying a whole new Wii just for a dumb issue like this is really offputting.

I know something like black Wii's are meant to run faster or something like that. I had the same issue I believe back in the day when I ran Leon A on GC and I tried using GC console itself instead of Wii to see if that fixed the problem but always there was no RTA time gain and I don't think it helped. Thank you.

Ontario, CanadaVexx7 years ago

Hello guys! I just wanted to make a cool announcement that I thought some people might be interested in! :)

Awhile back, almost 5 years ago actually, I started a challenge for myself. To see if I could beat the entirety of Resident Evil 2 blindfolded. I have been inspired countless times over the years of blindfolded runs of Ocarina of Time, and some of Majora's Mask. So it really got me working on trying to see if I could do something like that myself. Not only for a Resident Evil game, but for quite possibly my favourite game of all time. I got up to before the valve handle, and it went pretty well. You can see my run up to that here:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

I wanted to finish and was feeling good, but here's the thing... my memory card ended up getting wiped that had the save for this run. I was pretty down and just stopped for the longest time. Now though I finally want to get back at it and conquer this thing! So starting tomorrow I'll be restarting this run and streaming all my attempts live on Twitch!

If anyone here is interested in watching here is the link to my stream:

I'm running the Gamecube version of the game and Leon A scenario still. It's gonna be hard, but I think it's a totally doable goal! :)

uhTrance and StevenMayte like this
Ontario, CanadaVexx9 years ago

Me and TheThrillness decided to stick with the game and put this beast to rest. So we finally went all out and got sub 5! The holy grail! Enjoy :)

My side (Jill) -

TheThrillness' side (Chris) -

Deln, zenix, and uhTrance like this
About Vexx
9 years ago
3 years ago
Games run
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2
Last run 6 years ago
Ninja Gaiden (NES)
Ninja Gaiden (NES)
Last run 7 years ago
Where's Waldo?
Where's Waldo?
Last run 3 years ago
The Evil Within
The Evil Within
Last run 9 years ago
Resident Evil (Remake)
Resident Evil (Remake)
Last run 11 years ago
Resident Evil: Survivor
Resident Evil: Survivor
Last run 11 years ago
Resident Evil: Gaiden
Resident Evil: Gaiden
Last run 10 years ago
Games followed
Where's Waldo?
Where's Waldo?
Last visit 3 years ago
Ninja Gaiden (NES)
Ninja Gaiden (NES)
Last visit 3 years ago