United StatesSoulless_Persona15 days ago

Readded and fixed

Sorry, src been very bad about telling me when someone posts on the boards lately

Tsukasa_Kinomoto likes this
United StatesSoulless_Persona4 months ago

Going to be real, this isnt going to get us anywhere when it comes to either side. I personally see no point in the adding it with a game such as this. I get why you guys want it, but there is no point in adding it when I have gotten more much comments about a possibly low% or Mercs speedruns throughout my years on this game than no 1-1. Maybe 3 at most about no 1-1.

Hell, looking into low% since a few have asked but that is something way later down the road due to a lot of areas in RE6.

If you see it as gatekeeping, then you dont know what that even means especially when I have went out of my way to help others when they have questions throughout the years and going to make voice over guides when I get some breathing room in real life.

If we ever get the need for a Category extension page, then that is a slight MAYBE, for no 1-1.

Locking this thread. Hope everyone understands

War_Jebus and excel86j like this
United StatesSoulless_Persona4 months ago

Going to be honest, I brought this up with people that have runs on discord a while ago and it was voted against it, stating it would be pointless having it on the boards for a game that doesn't get as much light as RE3R or RE7. Additionally, they also stated that it wasnt that huge of an issue to do 1-1 and move on. get not caring for it but not going to drop a category for 1-2 people to do. You can do it on your own but it wont be posted.

It was brought up again and people were like...No on it still.

If we get a huge surge of people coming to break down the door for it, neat. It can be revoted on, but still feel like it is bloat for the boards.

1-1 gives ammo, FAS, a spot for can be DA maniped, and has minor tech in NG+. I get it, but it isn't worth it to have it on the boards.

War_Jebus likes this
United StatesSoulless_Persona4 months ago

There are certain boxes that have a higher chance of dropping GL rounds (the top areas with the pole as Jake, Sherry is in her upper section), but it is all RNG on what the Helo does, where it goes (targeting Chris/Piers more), and when it drops the rope etc. Only the movement at the VERY start of of the fight is scripted.

The fight is just awful with Jake/Sherry.

United StatesSoulless_Persona4 months ago

Since I took most of the runs off (nor do I want most posted), I'll be adding runs I have done /will redo in this overtime, including ILs down the road.

Can be used as reference and to assist others etc.

United StatesSoulless_Persona4 months ago

I'll send it to Salad to see if that helps him! TY

United StatesSoulless_Persona5 months ago

I'll run this by him. Thank you!

United StatesSoulless_Persona6 months ago

Zach hasnt responded to me about anything nor have I had the time to mess around with it any due to RL issues and events.

United StatesSoulless_Persona10 months ago

I can see if I can contact him. I havent talked to him in several years, but I know I got it like twice before as well. Once coop, once solo.

United StatesSoulless_Persona10 months ago

If I recall, I believe he shot a certain spot for it. Where I cannot fully recall since it has been a long time. Hell, he was able to only do it very few times.

United StatesSoulless_Persona11 months ago

Seems like it could be a game version issue then. I know deagle at least got it to run just fine on his and I can check to see if it runs fine on my end later on.

If so, IGT can be used for both with and without loads if nothing else is wrong with vod etc for the time being due to it.

Then can see what can be done in terms of the splitter at a later date

So it was already on those settings when you tried to use it?

If so, is it just not splitting for you?

Aight- Specify what exactly is the problem. Saying there is one wont help pinpoint the issues. Is it bit starting, not splitting etc.

The general gist: If it isnt starting, you need to select the game in Edit splits, go to settings and select what you are doing in terms of campaign etc.

It could also be your copy of the game could be causing the issue. Certain regions can do as such, however, it seems to be working for US, UK and JP versions at the very least

Zygalovd_YT likes this

The boards are not open for runs until 2-3 weeks after the game's release. It will be no later than April 14th. This is to give time for people to enjoy the game in addition to allowing the mod team time to decide rules, categories, etc.

Komrade_Kit, BigglesworthTheGrey and 10 others like this
United StatesSoulless_Persona2 years ago

That is known and the reload can cancel weapon picking up animations etc but it is useful to have it on the board as info regardless Also that body you can run by it if you are in the right spot generally cause reloading will always be slower than running so the trick is generally used if there is walking going on and you cant run or slide to avoid it

United StatesSoulless_Persona2 years ago

The Splitter is complete and is available on livesplitter! This is now required for PC runs and will be the timing method for the runs moving forward. Thanks to this splitter, deaths ARE ALLOWED for PC version since it will account the time for it in addition to not counting loading etc. It works for Full game, Claire only and Barry Only. If you receive any problems let us know!

PS the older PC runs will be retimed with the current method as well but it will be a bit before the runs are all complete so be patient

Zygalovd_YT, Grey009 and 2 others like this
United StatesSoulless_Persona2 years ago

Called life or I forget to do it. Shit happens. Boards are getting changed since work has lighten up a long with other RL issues. Started on some of it now and will finish with in as the week goes by. But a splitter is being made for PC to help with the no death so when that is done-it will be implemented etc to where deaths can be done. Console may keep no death rule unless we can come up with a penalty for it.

Runs that spam character swapping will be deleted as I go through things.

david_2K and deserteagle417 like this
United StatesSoulless_Persona3 years ago

You referring to model swapping, costume swaps, BGs? BGs, model swaps, music changes arent allowed. Costume swaps are hit and miss cause it depends on what all it does

United StatesSoulless_Persona3 years ago

Full campaign is getting a splitter that will work with deaths etc so that board will wait until it is finished. Was a bit busy redoing another board but will be adjusting IL board splits and rule adjustments soon

United StatesSoulless_Persona3 years ago

Boards are done. Need to retype rules (I saved them on a doc but will update them too) and I really need to do is go through the videos to reconfirm times for the older runs. Some maybe a bit off cause of the old RTA timing/I just want to look over just in case while I am here lol. Especially since I have deleted a lot of runs with no vids

NOTE-If I have missed a run, deleted it, or something is wrong with a run of yours-please message me and will see what we can do.

About Soulless_Persona
7 years ago
Games run
Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil 6
Last run 9 months ago
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3
Last run 6 years ago
Resident Evil: Revelations 2
Resident Evil: Revelations 2
Last run 2 years ago
Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D
Killing Floor 2
Killing Floor 2
Last run 6 years ago
Resident Evil: Revelations
Resident Evil: Revelations
Last run 6 years ago
Miraculous: Rise of the Sphinx
Games followed
Resident Evil: Revelations 2
Resident Evil: Revelations 2
Last visit 1 month ago
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3
Last visit 8 months ago
Resident Evil: Revelations
Resident Evil: Revelations
Last visit 2 months ago
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 - Raid Mode
Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil 6
Last visit 12 days ago
Miraculous: Rise of the Sphinx
Miraculous: Rise of the Sphinx
Last visit 1 year ago
Games moderated
Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil 6
Last action 3 days ago
Resident Evil: Revelations
Resident Evil: Revelations
Last action 2 months ago
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 - Raid Mode
Resident Evil: Revelations 2
Resident Evil: Revelations 2
Last action 1 month ago
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3
Last action 8 months ago