JapanMisutoM3 years ago

Antlion kill Solo: 1st: RyeGames, 3:09, 2nd: Binary01103, 3:31,

Dragonfly Kill Solo: 1st: Binary01103, 7:21,

SpiderQueen Kill Solo: 1st: Binary01103, 0:48.064,

Treeguard Kill Solo: 1st: Binary01103, 1:08, 2nd: CallMeSharon, 8:54, 3rd: NightMule, 14:26,

SpiderQueen Kill Co-op: 1st: Lady_Ebao, Boogerts and WeenisTamer, 2:01,

Treeguard Kill Co-op: 1st: Alcantara and SMOK_, 8:53,

This is to archive all custom world settings speed runs submitted prior to the March QoL patch which massively changed the way worlds are generated.

Thanks to all runners who submitted and ran these categories! All runs after March 11th must be on patch 455433 or higher for the new leaderboard.

JapanMisutoM3 years ago

We need a moderator who can verify seeds on Mac.

It seems that seeds are OS dependent and I don't have access to a Mac computer so I am unable to verify seeds from runs on a mac.

Any volunteers?

binary01103 likes this
JapanMisutoM3 years ago

All categories have been updated and reset to reflect the new rule requirements.

Given the impossibility to verify if a run was seeded or unseeded, I've decided to just scrap the unseeded category in its entirety. Thus, going forward, all runs must show the seed used. At the end of the run, runners will be required to open the developer's console and type "c_announce(TheWorld.meta.seed)" no quotes to show the world seed that they ran on. If caves are used you will also need to announce the seed in the caves.

With seeds being shown, it is heavily encouraged for each of us to challenge other player's worlds to get an even better time! Also, if you don't want to run, feel encouraged to share interesting seeds that you find. Seed hunting will arguably be more important than simply running existing seeds as an ideal seed presents a significant amount of potential time saved.

Also, due to Klei's aggressive and frequent patching over the course of the last year, the patch number that you are running on must also be included. This can be achieved by showing the home screen of the game before clicking the "host game" button. Patches may remove bugs or exploits that are used thus rendering some old techniques impossible on the current patch. Until someone shares a way to safely downpatch your game, runs will be removed if a used bug is removed in a later patch.

Also also, due to time constraints (as 13 boss runs were already 10 hours long and now we have 2 additional bosses) and Klei continually adding new bosses, I've removed the all boss category for the time being. If there is significant interest in this category then we can reopen it later. Until then, each boss has their own individual level leaderboard.

I'm as sad as anyone to see the unseeded category go, some who frequent this board may know that I did unseeded speed runs on stream and YouTube. This feels like a lot of my content was just undone, but ultimately, it's for the best. It's been nearly 2 years since I posed the question on the single player board, asking people for a way to verify that a run is unseeded, to which even the developers of the game stated that there is no way outside of the honor system - which, sadly, does not cut it if we want this board to encourage healthy competition.

With all that out of the way, that means each category is now up for grabs. Let's get out there and find some crazy fast seeds and put our skills to the test to save some frames and go quicker!

JapanMisutoM3 years ago

I've tried contacting the mod for the Don't Starve series several times over the previous year. I have had a run pending verification for over a full year now (a 10 hour long run, the games flagship run - all bosses - and WR pace). I have also submitted a different category (a shorter sub 20 minute one) run 5 months ago to see if maybe something happened to the first run. I am getting no feedback from the mod of the board though.

Because I am getting no feedback from the mod and have been unsuccessful in communicating him for over a year now, what can I do? It feels awful to have put months of my life into practicing for an endurance run only to have it completely ignored.

Steps I've attempted:

Tried to contact through twitch - didn't work. Tried to contact through the forums - didn't work. Tried to contact through messenger - didn't work.

What is my next step in this now over a year long battle? Here's the run in question for those curious:

JapanMisutoM5 years ago

I strongly suspect that Vanakyria is cheating all his records in Don't Starve.

Checking his account, upon creating an account on he submitted 6 different world record runs on his first attempt. He has gone on to post 17 more World Records in Don't Starve, once in a bulk post 11 at one time, then another 6 at one time. I'd stake my reputation on a gamble to show that Vanakyria is not a legit runner of this game, and that he is merely acting as if runs are luck and padding them out so that they are just close enough to previous records to be believable but not quite enough wrong turns to not be first (for example, both best ending titles he beat by 50 seconds).

Doing research with members of my stream and the Don't Starve community we found a way to seed a run without it being visible at all by the current recording requirements. You can still show world preferences and generate a "random" world for the camera, while the game files are actually loading up a known seed that you have a map for. To the best of my ability we have been unable to find a way around this and actually verify that a run is legitimate.

So we as a community need to find a way to actually verify runs, because presently, anyone can take any record they so choose.

As proof of concept I have uploaded the first (at least first to be admitted) seeded run of Don't Starve. I ask that the mod and any members who check this forum do their best to find a way to delegitimize this run for reasons other than "well you just went in all the right directions as if you already knew." Because, that could still be luck and is nothing but circumstantial evidence. I posted this run on a dummy account to the mod and I'll post the video here.

In an effort to help people find a way to verify runs in the future I will also post how to seed this run in a (presently) undetectable way.

In the scripts folder of your Don't Starve game (or in the scripts folder for DLC1 [RoG] or DLC2 [SW]) open your worldgen_main LUA file with any file read (such as notepad) at the VERY top of the file is a commented out line of code allowing you to seed a world:

--SEED = 372000 -- Force roads test level 3

Simply remove the first "--" to make it not commented and insert the seed of your choosing. This is completely hidden from current video recording requirements.

As for how to find a seed, when opening a random world simply type


and this will give you the seed of that world. By using a mod to reveal the map and show extra icons you can load a random world, quickly check the map to see if it would be good to run, and if it is, just print screen the map follow a believable route through the world, and get a new world record. Similar seeding can be done for adventure mode even.

So again, this post is a call to action. Because as it stands, no record, not even the "slow" runs on this board, can be believed. I've tried really hard to find a new way to verify runs, the things I've tried and why they have failed:

-Showing dev log at the start of the map; this doesn't show that it was seeded in anyway.

-Showing the world generated by going though the platform to world 2; you can change the seed while the game is "generating" the first world and that screen doesn't show a mouse so we couldn't even track it to see that the mouse left the screen to go and change the file back to random.

The only way I can currently think of that MAY work, is requiring DS to be windowed and that you do a screen capture (showing your task bar and mouse). This seems like it would be really invasive though and I may just not be creative enough to show how to cheat this method yet.

So please. If you care at all about the integrity of these runs, @Redlof and anyone else in this community, we need to figure out SOMETHING to actually verify runs.

JapanMisutoM6 years ago

Hey guys, Misuto here.

Presently, our games categories are mostly dead. Of the four categories, two have 0 submissions, and two are sheer luck based on world gen.

Let's look at each category first and discuss the flaws before I propose new categories.

Doorway to Adventure: This is pure luck, start a world, run towards a forest, if you pass 30 seconds and didn't find the door restart. This is our first category, the one people see when they come the and it's the biggest joke of a category. Keeping this is fine, but definitely move it to the back of the list, this should not represent our game.

Best Ending: This is also pure luck as you can see in my most recent run. While world generation tends to follow rules, there are two checks made during world generation and and if the thing set pieces weren't spawned in following the rules they tend to follow (near a road, not in mosaic biome, then more specific rules for each like not a swamp for box and potato thing), then the game just breaks the rules and spawns it anywhere there is space. If it fails to find space then it just deletes anything non critical to make space leading to world gens where a set piece can randomly be in the mosaic biome no where near a road.

So, while one world gen may require an unlucky amount of exploration that punishes you for knowing the general world generation rules, another world gen could have all the things along a single road. This run, as it is, is just a longer version of the luck sack that is doorway to adventure. This run is nothing but start a world, run on roads, hope for luck, reset at 10 minutes if you didn't win.

Beat Adventure Mode: This is a more skilled version of best ending as you essentially have to do best ending 5 times in a row. Honestly, this is probably our best run... Yet it has no submissions, not even from me. It's a long run. Each adventure mode is made to have multiple locks in place designed to slow down and test the player.

So while 30 minutes is an amazing run on Best Ending, 2.5 hours would be virtually impossible given the required amount of luck for adventure mode. 5 hours even would definitely be a great run in this category.

That's a 5 hour, no break, luck heavy, endurance speedrun. Yes there are (much) longer speedruns that some people do, but it takes a lot of dedication and interest.

All Bosses: This speedrun could be fun in theory, but honestly should just be a deleted category. Rushing Ancient Guardian does in fact take a lot of skill compared to the other 3 categories (and likely would use the fireplace glitch to get an easy kill). However, the other bosses are just crazy luck dependent.

Spider queen, Unless your world has the queen's gathering set piece, the range of time for a spider queen to spawn from a spider den is [22.5 - 45] in game days. A ridiculously huge range. One player could take 3 real life hours longer (not including time spent paused on the map) than another just for this boss to spawn. Also, a spider den's growth is paused when it's not loaded into memory. This is why on long game worlds you can still manage to find level 1 spider dens far away from your base. There's a potential bug where going to the caves/ruins will also pause this growth.

Treeguard, also a luck dependent spawn but not time dependent. Time spent waiting on the spider queen can be used to chop down stupid amounts of trees while staying near the den to insure it's still in memory and growing.

Deerclops, this is the worst offender of luck. Deerclops has a 66% chance to spawn in the first winter, and in the first winter, if it spawns, it will spawn after day 31.5. So, over 4 and a half hours into the speedrun, you have basically a coin flip of having to hard reset and lose everything. (A reset is 100% required at this point, cause it takes more time to try to spawn him the second time than it is to restart and roll that first chance 4.2 vs 4.6 hours.)

This is another endurance speedrun that depends on a coin flip literally hours in...

Ultimately, only one of our current categories (adventure mode) is even OK. Though sadly unpopular due to it's time commitment. So how can we improve this?

Suggestions in reply to follow...

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About MisutoM
6 years ago
11 months ago
Games run
Don't Starve Together
Don't Starve Together
Last run 3 years ago
Don't Starve
Don't Starve
Last run 5 years ago
Don't Starve: Shipwrecked
Don't Starve: Shipwrecked
Last run 5 years ago