Texas, USAMaximus7 years ago

This is just a quick question about it, also here's the link to it, Reason why is so the forums won't be clutter up with questions that are not so important. And if you don't know what discord is and your curious about it check out here,


TheQuantumMiner01, _ThunderPlayz_ and 2 others like this
Texas, USAMaximus7 years ago

This might be in place soon to scare away future cheaters, and current cheaters at the moment. So here are some rules that might be in place if you are caught cheating. Also keep note these are not meant to be fair but when you think about it the cheaters did'nt want to play fair.

-Your time is what the in game timer is at the podium (Because usually it's an extra 2 seconds)

-You may only have 2 world records per month

-You will also have 450ms penailzed (added to your time)

This might not come to be but I just wanted your thoughts on it.

TheQuantumMiner01, Pyxelated and 3 others like this
Texas, USAMaximus7 years ago

Paris had some runs where are timed way off, so I'm going to retimed all the runs accepted by Paris so don't be surpised when you see your run re-timed.

Texas, USAMaximus7 years ago

A few hours ago I had some issues with Sony Vegas where I was unable to import footage and playing the footage without it freezing intensely for a bit and then crashing, and I was a bit worried since I won't be able to time runs and accept them, then I stumbled across the idea of having a mod temporary until I'm able to get Sony Vegas working (Which I simply uninstalled Sony Vegas Pro 13 and installed Sony Vegas Pro 12, thank you Tac for that advise).

But I thought about it where there may be a Mod who might be going on vacation and may need someone to replace him temporary, or if the community grows and winter break is coming up and ALOT of people are going to speedrun during Christmas break and ALOT of mods are going to be needed, well get some temporary mods during winterbreak and when it comes down they get removed as mod until they are need again. Pretty much reserved staff members, tell me your thoughts about it.

Texas, USAMaximus7 years ago

EDIT: I'm using Adobe Primere now, but during the time being of me learning how to use it a temporary mod is still needed.

This video shows it all We'll probably make Quantum and Tac mod temporary, if they do well then maybe for permantly, other than that I'm working on this and trying to fix this quick as possible.

Texas, USAMaximus7 years ago

Alright so far there's been 2 people on the forums asking to become mod (And probably much more soon), which 1: people usually would tell us to make you a mod not you directly, 2: We don't even know if there a mature player or not, 3: We are probably going to ask you if you would like to be a mod, any posts that are along the lines of "Make me a mod pls" will be locked. Hope I cleared that up :) Also if you do want to become a mod I'll make a guide about it and the requirements of it, which we may not do since to many mods may have miscommunication (Due to Timezones).

tiggz16, skapunk97 and 5 others like this
Texas, USAMaximus7 years ago

Alright so I'm leaving it up to you guys, so I made Community Guidelines for Dragon Escape, and I'm just wondering of what do you guys think of it.

Title: Community Guidelines

The Dragon Escape community is without a doubt, very, very toxic, this is here to stop that toxicity (Or atleast stop most of it). Here are some rules to start off with for the community that could hopefully start making Dragon Escape great again.

  1. You cannot accuse without evidence One of the issues with the Dragon Escape community is that everyone trys to expose eachother, mostly without evidence to back it up.

  2. No unsportsmanlike behavior This is pretty straightfoward, If player 2 beated player 1's run, player 1 should'nt accuse him of cheating and create drama with him, instead player 1 should congratulate him. Be nice is all what I'm saying, if your wr is beaten it's not the end of the world and it would make you look even more childish if you were accusing him of cheating right after (Unless you have evidence to back it up).

  3. If you're in beef with another player, please try to resolve like mature people quickly as possible in order from making it even worse. This may seem alien to alot but it's best to resolve and talk it out with someone else quickly as possible.

  4. Your world records are not your life, it is not the end of your life if you lose a world record. This issue is in a few communitys where some players will go crazy if they lost their world record. It would make you look very childish so please, don't treat your records like your life work.

The rest of them are pretty much what everyone sees on community guidelines,

  1. No Racist slurs at anyone. I don't think I need an explanation for this.

  2. Don't link pornographic content on the forums. I don't think I need an explanation for this.

  3. No cyberbullying I don't think I need an explanation for this.

  4. Do not tell people to commit suicide. I don't think I need an explantion for this.

The next rules if you break all of your runs with be removed and any future runs you'll submit will be rejected without a doubt.

  1. Do not send death threats

  2. Do not ddos another player/threat to ddos them

  3. Do not threat another player of hacking them

  4. Do not threat another player of swatting them

  5. Do not threat another player of releasing their personal information


Questioning everything escpically actions of mods

Congratulating a player over breaking their personal best/ a wr

Congratulating a player over beating your wr

If you are in drama with another player try and talk it out with that player

This will most likely be updated soon but let us hope this will solve most of the problems in the Dragon Escape community

wind2earth, Supermoar and 2 others like this
Texas, USAMaximus7 years ago

Well, where do I start? the past few days I've been leaning more and more towards Thunders side with the screenshots until I completely went over to Thunders side when he showed me first screenshots of the mod chat (Link to it if you want to see it:!Z8NWyZQY!hrSuay2kBTzNGWqWV1FskcqdoZl7buUfJi3CCZu9xl4 ). 2nd I showed a Dragon Escape group chat proof that it wasn't Flare that banned him out of no reason, and while I was going to send it Paris said "Maximus, If you share anymore I'm going to remove your runs" (Proof ). I'm waiting for this to be removed by Paris because he did it with another post.

Texas, USAMaximus7 years ago

Ok so everyone is freaking out, not many are surpised and some are very surpised, just wondering, when's the evidence coming out for Thunder cheating?

Texas, USAMaximus8 years ago

Its been a few weeks maybe even a month when the first No Exploit World Record went public. Thats all of what I got to say.

tac23tac23 likes this
About Maximus
8 years ago
13 days ago
Games run
Dragon Escape
Dragon Escape
Last run 4 years ago
Minecraft - Run For The Hills
Minecraft - Run For The Hills
Last run 7 years ago
Parcade Dragon Escape
Parcade Dragon Escape
Last run 3 years ago
Games followed
Dragon Escape
Dragon Escape
Last visit 13 days ago
Last visit 1 year ago
Minecraft - Run For The Hills
Minecraft - Run For The Hills
Last visit 8 months ago
Parcade Dragon Escape
Parcade Dragon Escape
Last visit 3 months ago
Games moderated
Dragon Escape
Dragon Escape
Last action 6 months ago
Parcade Dragon Escape
Parcade Dragon Escape
Last action 3 years ago
Last action 1 year ago