thread: The Site
Florida, USAClocksStrikes137 years ago

Could it be changed to ClocksStrikes13 then?

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Florida, USAClocksStrikes137 years ago

Well personally if Donald's Dock, Daisy's Garden Tasks runs got added, I say it would have to be from the beginning to that point, just playing one playground could allow for cheating. You could just get max gags off screen (or in the first playground) and then blaze though the rest of the playgrounds. Basically being a misrepresentation of a good run for the game.

As a potential runner of this game and as a Toon myself, I think the categories as they stand right now are good.

If anyone could finish say All Racing Trophies, All Garden Trophies or All Golf Trophies and I would love to see a 100% run on the leaderboards

Florida, USAClocksStrikes137 years ago

If the time ever comes where you need another mod for this game, I can be that guy. Is Candy% or Achievement% going to be a thing anytime soon?

I'm gonna do some routing later today and get the resources for Pumpkin% up.

Just to let the other runners know, I am going to be having a name change soon :D

thread: The Site
Florida, USAClocksStrikes137 years ago

Would it possible to get a change to ClocksStrikesThirteen. Please and Thank You.

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Florida, USAClocksStrikes137 years ago

I forgot to ask you your time, mine was a 20:05.XX for Pumpkin% but my PB is a 19:17.XX

FinalFrantasy likes this
Florida, USAClocksStrikes137 years ago

Not to get your hopes up, but I'm right there with you. I probably haven't been waiting as long as you have. But I'd say an extra active mod would be a nice addition. I would say I would do it, but I'm only a runner and my personal obligations keep me from doing anymore...

FinalFrantasy likes this
Florida, USAClocksStrikes137 years ago

I understand Connor, I'll try to get one knocked out soon, I have wanted to do one for a while.

Florida, USAClocksStrikes137 years ago

If I'm willing to do it, theres bound to be other people in the world that would want to.

Florida, USAClocksStrikes137 years ago

If this was an IL (Individual Level) category, I would like to see it as on the leaderboards. The rules for such a category is the only problem I see.

We can either make it accessible when you make it to that point. or We can also make it so you have to make it to that point on a new character.

Florida, USAClocksStrikes137 years ago

I think a good 100% definition would be All tasks, Maxed Gags, Maxed Suits. If that sounds good to you guys, I would like to make it a category.

Florida, USAClocksStrikes137 years ago

Would you mind if I make a Guide and Resource for Pumpkin%

About ClocksStrikes13
7 years ago
3 years ago
Games run
Trick & Treat
Trick & Treat
Last run 7 years ago
Games followed
Trick & Treat
Trick & Treat
Last visit 3 years ago
Toontown Rewritten
Toontown Rewritten
Last visit 4 years ago