Englanddaley_Kong7 years ago

Hey there!

I'll be upfront with you all from the get-go, I feel that is the best way to approach a community I am genuinely wanting to engage with!

I'm Daley, Community Manager over at Coatsink. We recently released a platformer called Shu, and we made it with the Speedrunning community very much in mind.

As a company we wanted to involve the the SRing community, without necessarily having to BUY the game - this isn't a sales pitch , it's more of a plea to try the game we very proud of.

Anyway, I've set up a time-trial competition, which you can enter via a demo of the game which you can find on Steam, the fastest time on the demo version winning a copy of the game: http://coatsink.com/shu-community-time-trial-shu-down-begins/

It's always been our plan, from the conception of Shu, to get the Speedrunning Community on-board, and I guess you could call this a (potentially futile) attempt.

I am sorry if these types of posts are frowned upon, feel free to string me up haha, but I am hoping to engage with some of you at the very least, we want to appeal to you.

Anyway, enough blabbering out of me. I would be very grateful of any advice, places to look to speak to Speedrunners, as thus far I have only found this forum and Reddit! You are an elusive lot - that or you are too quick to see.

  • Daley
daley_Kong Hakkında
7 years ago
7 years ago