Texas, USAGhoul026 years ago

Gimme some time to verify it. Also, for future reference, usually the easiest thing to do for a new category is to submit under an existing one and I'll take care of the rest.

HeroMystic bunu beğeniyor
Texas, USAGhoul026 years ago

Kiria's Ad Lib is 100% guaranteed in the first fight after you get it. So I rush it and use it against Gangrel. It will never not go off and confuse the full enemy team, and takes maybe 2 fights to get the stage rank and 4 minutes to complete the side quest (basically nothing)

Apparently this is cut off, but it shows basically the whole thing. I think I just drop a spell or something to finish him. It's not hard.

Maybe it's more useful against Draug. Didn't consider using it there, but I'm pretty sure Draug is at a 60% if not higher chance right now, at least with what I'm using. And again, even if it takes 2-3 tries, this is ¤insanely¤ fast and efficient. The entire dungeon is possible without a single grind fight.

Texas, USAGhoul026 years ago

Eventually, mirrors will stop working. Not going to argue that.

But the fact that you end up underleveled does not cause an issue with them, since once they outlive their usefulness, you can still return to prior areas where enemies remain killable or the Arena potentially.

Also... they're kinda really consistent. Gangrel is, for all intents and purposes, 100%. I'm pretty sure Draug can get to 75% with more work.

I've always been sure that at some point, bosses were going to outscale reflects. But I imagine that not using them is going to cost 3+ hours in the mid game, only 2 or so of which are going to be recoverable because the make up from being outscaled is going to take a while.

konu: Catherine
Texas, USAGhoul027 years ago

It was definitely my preference as well, but when I set the board up, SRcom didn't have an easy way to split multiple categories as different timing methods and really, given that nobody else was even doing Babel, it wasn't a huge deal. I still don't think SRcom does, but I think the accuracy in timing would be worth it at this point.

konu: Catherine
Texas, USAGhoul027 years ago

Since the game does have issues with loading and running for an extended period of time and Babel has a constantly displayed IGT, I'd like to propose switching it to solely IGT. I'll likely go through the leaderboards and fix it but given that the IGT never disappears and is easily the better way to actually time the run, I'd like it to be the main source shown.

Note that due to SRCom restrictions, I don't think it's possible to display it as IGT instead of Real Time without adding an empty IGT slot to the story mode runs, but I'll put a note in the rules and times won't go there without verification.

Does anyone vehemently disagree with the concept?

Texas, USAGhoul027 years ago

Does adding a variable work? A separate tab is both useless and not good, especially given that digital copies are not really in low supply. If you're running on a disk, it's just a slower copy of the game. There's also like 3 runs so you really don't want to break up the leaderboards more than they already are. That said, I'm not opposed to adding a digital vs physical variable which should allow the boards to be sorted and filtered.

Texas, USAGhoul027 years ago

It's a completely different game, balance wise. If it were to be run, it'd go in here, under a different category in all likelihood. That said, it's completely incomparable to the original and won't be compared there.

Texas, USAGhoul027 years ago

There ¤are¤ backwards compatible PS3s. They're normally banned for speedrunning, but MLSTRM isn't technically wrong.

konu: Catherine
Texas, USAGhoul027 years ago

If you're referring to the normal in game stages, given that there isn't an in game timer for any of them, I don't really think they're particularly well suited for having ILs. If one of the other mods wants to add and handle them, that's fine but I don't think this is a case where they're needed. If you want to practice them as ILs or if another mod disagrees with me and wants to maintain them, by all means go ahead.

Texas, USAGhoul027 years ago

Replace very strong with outright broken but also bizarre and hard to use and you have the jist of it. I've got a theory route to the boss of chapter 4, but Draug is a like... 30% chance fight and the next mini boss has only worked once for me. The problem is that Draug at a tiny percent chance is almost faster than any single grind fight would be so theres no reason to try anything else other than spam it and wait for his attack pattern to work for you, and... that's kinda the case for most of the game to that point. I'll post what I have eventually, but I want to continue working on it.

Texas, USAGhoul027 years ago

Now see Tofo, not only is your comment quite rude, but you also sadden me as a fellow Texan that apparently, our school system didn't teach geography very well. See, unlike Texas or Florida, Illinois is land locked, and far enough away that by the time a hurricane were to reach it, the worst it could do is a bit of rain and maybe clear whatever drought the state is in. If you truly wished for a natural disaster to hit the state of Illinois, a hurricane would be woefully inadequate to do... much of anything. Might I suggest a tornado? I do believe those would be possible, but if your goal was to hit Beef, they aren't very good at demolishing entire states. Quite the gamble. If you're upset at the removal of your runs, there are politer ways to disagree that wouldn't involve direct insults or wishing death of all things. You could lay out an argument for why video isn't necessary, or heck, even ask how getting video proof to replace what was probably a run you'll beat on your next attempt anyway.

Crumpet_of_Conquest, Koolzo ve 3 diğerleri bunu beğendi
Texas, USAGhoul027 years ago

There was nothing. A picture of splits and a comment. To be quite honest, splits would not be required imo as long as the game is visible for a majority of the run and the beginning and end are plainly visible. Retiming such a run would be easy and within the guidelines for a good mod to do regardless.

Electra13x7777 bunu beğeniyor
Texas, USAGhoul027 years ago

This should be fun.

I would have liked to remove them for lack of video proof; however, it would have been a slight double standard due to not handling Yo-kai Watch the same way (that said, Yo-kai Watch has the benefit of an extremely accurate and easy to use in game timer, which to my knowledge is not quite applicable to SMT runs due to the risk of death. While NG+ is likely very safe, enforcing a similar ruleset across both is probably the best thing for the game and series as a whole.) I do understand that traditional 3DS capture is not particularly cheap or easy to use. That said, I also am relegating more of this to Beef, as he is much more invested in the game, and consider most of my work to be simple housekeeping/dispute remediation. If he believes video proof (especially given that it can be captured via even a 20 dollar webcam or the n3DS hack) is required, I'm not one to disagree. If the argument is that a webcam setup is not comfortable enough, I'd like to point out that 3DS capture cards add a substantial amount of weight, in addition to being somewhat temperamental and tethering to a computer; there is sadly no solution that preserves the freedom that a videoless run would provide.

As for why the runs I removed were removed, given that you and most of your friends were removed for you using them as a way to make your ban evading account you're using right now, I felt it inappropriate to leave the runs up under a false name and instead wait until you could resubmit whenever your ban ends (which is a moot point if Beef would like video proof regardless). If this is crossing the line as a series moderator, that's fine, but I'd like to hear that from a site administrator.

I also find it funny that you felt the need to try to brigade this on Twitter, as though it would somehow validate your opinion.

As for removing Ghostscits times across all games, he has a history of submitting cheated/falsified runs across multiple games (I know of Sonic, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and Catherine and I'm sure there are others), and as such, is completely unreliable in any way for a run that doesn't have video proof. You'll also notice that I did verify his Persona 4 Arena run yesterday, as it sufficiently met the burden of proof required. Removing a Persona 3 time that was, if I remember, done on emulator (which required streaming in SRL days for proof and in multiple other communities), as well as three or so 3DS game runs that have a picture of splits as proof is, I believe, warranted until some form of video proof is met.

Texas, USAGhoul027 years ago

Since this contributes nothing positively to the game or series and you've had your fun, I feel locking this is probably fine.

Electra13x7777 bunu beğeniyor
Texas, USAGhoul027 years ago

Thank you for the help Kirk. Much appreciated.

Texas, USAGhoul027 years ago

Submit it with a video and I'll add it. Same thing I do for every other leaderboard.

Texas, USAGhoul027 years ago

If people want to run it with difficulty switching, why not? There would actually be some cool stuff in it that running on only hard or easy wouldn't have.

If you want to run on only a specific difficulty, do that too and as a separate category. Speedrunning rulesets are flexible for a reason.

Texas, USAGhoul027 years ago

I'll add a category for it when there's a run of it. And as somebody that's got about half the game routed on Hard difficulty, in theory, a true any% NG run would switch difficulties.

Texas, USAGhoul028 years ago

Is there any way we can use IGT instead of real time? As far as I know, the IGT that's displayed after each stage is accurate and, importantly, takes into account all deaths. Since I'm going to be running on PS4, this removes all hardware differences from the equation, loads etc. Thanks!

Texas, USAGhoul028 years ago

You can run whatever you want... I'm intending to run on hard with my route, my main point was that the fastest way to beat the game probably involves switching difficulties. When a run is completed, I'll add the category to the leaderboards for it as needed.

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