Speed Run FAQ - Ask any Battlefront 2 speed run questions here!
7 years ago

So everything working fine, except I need a little more training. Should be submitting very soon my run, I expect it to be around 1h10 if I don't make any big mistake (I was stopped once by a defeat on coruscant's librairies, once on polis masa defending CP, by the way how to make sure you sufficiently cleared up the area so you can leave to join the other side of the map ?)

Just had a very general question. Is sniper class the fastest of all ? I get why you are taking dark trooper in many situations, but isn't republic Jet Trooper also an option ? Like for the 2nd objective in Utapau, or even the flag in Felucia. I can tell heavy soldiers run slower, but is there a difference in running pace between Jet Trooper and sniper ?


Sniper classes are the fastest default classes when it comes to mouvement. They walk/sprint a bit faster than the Storm troopers and Engineer classes. Dark Trooper is pretty good since his jet pack launches him foward. Jet trooper on the other hand only fly in air with no increase of speed. The jet trooper mouvement on the ground is equal to the Storm and Engineer classes.

It has been a while since I tested this but I think I remembered the scout trooper still being faster to go to the 2nd objective in Utapau. You also have to factor in the time you take to switch class. The jet trooper is not guaranted either, you have to kill enough ennemies to be able to select it which does not always happens in Utapau.

--Coruscant Librairies-- If you leave at the 30 seconds mark with at least 2 bookcases left, you should be fine even if there is 1 jedi left. Getting of all the jedis is the most thing to do. Soldiers are usually not too much a treat but can do a lot of damage sometimes if stuck on a certain AI pattern (like standing in front of bookcase firing rockets or grenades non stop).

--Polis Masa-- Suicide between the 2515 seconds mark for the first few runs. It really sucks to lose a run there especially if you are new speed running this game.

DunyOfGont bunu beğeniyor
Washington, USA

To avoid creating another thread, I added the Star Wars speedrunning communities discord, and a save file for award weapons in the Resources tab.


Just want to tell you guys that a #battlefront2 was added to the Star Wars Speed Runs discord, so get in there and let's keep speed running this game together! :)

So this isn't about speed running itself, but...

Would it be possible to set the rest of the page up like the Instant Action tab is set? Basically, each game mode gets a big tab, then variations get put into sub-categories of it? The way it looks right now just seems really sloppy.


At first we only had the any% categories and there was very few runners for the game, so back then the any% section was just created like that. The instant action section is a recent addition to the leaderboard and I knew that if I did do sub-categories it would be mess.

Doing the same thing for any% is a good idea, however I am afraid it will break the current submitted runs. Otherwise I will have to manually add them all back.

I will at least take look if I can do something about it. :)

Victoria, Australia

personally i think it looks fine the way it is :D the 4 main categories then instant action with its sub cats and then misc

United Kingdom

If I wanted to submit a good time from a full run from an individual level could I cut the video down for that level? Or do I need to rerun the level on its own?


You are allowed to use a segment of your attempt to submit as an IL. Just create another video featuring only that mission and then submit to the leaderboard.


Greetings ! I just began to speedrun this game and i tried to do the famous infinite sprint. I try the 2 different ways and it didn't work. My character stop sprinting mid air and don't allow a roll when my stamina is at a certain point, is it normal ?

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 3 years ago

Hey there Einoshi! Not really sure what to tell sure but the infinite sprint is VERY precise. Keep in mind that if you fall/drop from too high it will cancel the sprint and so it is impossible to do the buffered version if the ledge is too high.

Einoshi bunu beğeniyor
North Carolina, USA

Hi einoshi, when i was originally learning the game a couple of weeks ago, I had the same problems and I found an easy fix and an overall easier method (for me, this is all about preference) but either double tapping w to start your sprint, or tapping your sprint key once and running off the ledge on either mygeeto or coruscant while holding roll (the roll has to be held before you hit the ground) and it should count the infinite sprint. I also learned (using that same strategy) it might be easier to hit the roll button earlier since It gives more time for the game to buffer the roll. I personally double tap w to get my sprint since i believe its harder (and more precise) for the game to buffer a roll if you hold down your sprint key. I hope this helps and I'm willing to help you with anything else you would need.

Einoshi bunu beğeniyor

Thanks for the reply and the tips ! I'm gonna try like you told me and i'm gonna see (i was not holding roll so it may be the problem).

Edit: just tried it a couple of time, and yes, it was because i though you had to tap the roll button at the right moment but you have to hold at the right moment, thank you for helping me !

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 3 years ago
DarkLightBoco bunu beğeniyor

Back again with an another question ! I was trying to do Felucia run but i had a small problem. "the remote rocket launcher". For speedruning the game instead of grinding all the perk (i lost my save, and it been a long time i didn't start the game), i decided to download the 100% perk profile on ressources. But there is a catch : the remote control is a bad idea for Felucia. Is there a way to "deactivate" the remote or i will have to grind all the perks except demolition ? Thanks for the help !

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 3 years ago

No you are stuck with that weapon forever as far as I know. xD

I was annoyed too when I started on PC because on Xbox I grinded them myself of course. But I got used to swapping weapons without accidently firing the remote rocket.

For Felucia you could use the presicion pistol and fire the acklays legs instead of a rocket shot. It is more consitent and barely slower (about 0.5 to a full second?).


Hi all,

I just started running any% a few days ago, but I'm having an issue where I frequently crash on Felucia at the very end of the autoscroller. Is there any way to avoid or prevent this? Its happening on 4/5 of my runs so its very frustrating.


Key Kaptain! I heard that a lot people had that issue when jumping around the ship near the power cell. I would recommend avoiding to jump the ship maybe? Where on the map does it usually crash for you?

Kaptain bunu beğeniyor
North Carolina, USA

Hey Kaptain, ive never experienced a crash at felucia before, but it might be because you have mods installed (if thats not the case im afraid i dont know what the problem is), if you have discord installed you should also disable the discord overlay since that causes a couple of bugs.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 3 years ago
Kaptain bunu beğeniyor

Thanks Boco and 1nstant for the responses.

To answer your questions - No I don't have any mods, and I was always crashing at the ship right before the power cell spawned, but I think I fixed the problem.

I took Boco's advice and I think that prevents the crash. As long as I stay at the AT-TE for as long as possible and grab the power cell at the last second I haven't been getting any crashes so thanks for that advice!

DarkLightBoco bunu beğeniyor
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