8 years ago
Île-de-France, France

Hello everyone,

I'm an irl friend of Leimao, and I know he was an active member of the meatboy community.

I just wanted to let the people that knew him here that leimao passed away two days ago.

If anyone want to know more detail about it pm me, I'll be checking this forum from time to time.

Mijzical bunu beğeniyor

C'est une terrible nouvelle. J'espère que tous ces proches s'en remettront vite.

Y'a t-il un autre moyen pour les pm ? Cette rubrique ne marche pas sur ce site.

French Southern Territories

Oh, merde, toutes mes condoléances. Leimao était non seulement un très bon runner mais également un mec gentil qui aimait bien rigoler.


Toute mes condoléances à vous tous... Je le suivais il était génial il va beaucoup nous manquer.


Je suis vraiment désolé d'apprendre cette nouvelle. On ne se connaissait pas avec Leimao autrement que via twitch et Super Meat Boy mais c'est vrai qu'on rigolait bien. Et souvent. Une sincère pensée à toute sa famille et ses amis.

J'ai posté un message sur discord (peut-être le plus pratique pour une discussion de groupe parfois différée) a propos de mon besoin ressenti, si c'est faisable et possible, de me déplacer aux obsèques. Ça m'a en tous cas traversé l'esprit et je ne voulait pas le garder pour moi.



Je suis désolé de l'apprendre, toutes mes condoléances à tous ses proches.

Rhône-Alpes, France

Très triste nouvelle ça fou un coup .. Mes condoléances et bon courage à toi


Mes condoléances à sa famille et ses amis. Bon courage.


Je le connaissais pas vraiment mais je suis choqué d’apprendre la nouvelle. Toutes mes condoléances...

Poitou-Charentes, France

Je le connaissais que par son pseudo mais ça fait bizarre à apprendre. Toutes mes condoléances à tous ses proches.

United States

i'm stunned and devastated by this news. leimao was a regular visitor of my channel and became a good friend of mine these past few months. i'll miss his sense of humor and warm personality, and his deep knowledge, curiosity, and passion for the game we play. my condolences are with his friends and family back home. <3

meat friends: we have to finish the work that leimao started with the segmented 106% run. this was an ambitious project that he initiated several months ago, and i'm sure that he would want to see it finished. for more information about what you can do to contribute, visit here - http://www.speedrun.com/smb/thread/2nm7s

SlyLobster, CtrlAltDelicious ve 4 diğerleri bunu beğendi

This is really hard for me to wrap my mind around, especially considering how happy and fine he seemed, then suddenly this. I literally talked to him i think a day or 2 before this occurred. Leimao was a good player, and a good friend. I wish this wasn't true but there's no denying it is. I think we all loved Leimao a lot, and will miss him more than imaginable. He was an amazing guy, and will stay that way forever in our hearts.

warm_ham ve PackSciences bunu beğendi

This information has been eating the back of my mind since it came to light. Although I didn't know leimao closely, it /feels/ like I've lost a close friend.

Thank you for informing us Taioro. I am truly sorry this happened. I can say nothing more, as the words are simply robbed from my psyche while I continue to process this.

WanderPlays, curtis ve 2 diğerleri bunu beğendi

Vraiment désolé d'apprendre cette nouvelle. J'ai moi même perdu a un ami durant l'année 2015 j'espère que toi et sa famille tiendront le coup, il faut du courage..

Je ne le connaissait pas très bien moi non plus mais cette communauté étant très restreinte on se connais tous un peu.

Toutes mes condoléances...


Terrible nouvelle en effet :'( Je l'ai connu en papotant avec lui pour faire avancer son projet de run 106% segmenté. Comme dit warm ham, rendons lui hommage en terminant ce travail.

courage à sa famille et ses amis...


I hate to bring up feelings again, but I have just found out that Jim passed away. I've asked around where he was, since i wanted to ask him some things. Shadax then linked me to this thread.

Firstly I am in shock an have tears in my eyes. He was a genuine person and a good friend. We played Smash Bros. Melee occasionally, talked in Skype and chatted in twitch streams.

I wanted to talk to him, because shortly after christmas Jim sent me a copy of Undertale, he probably saw it on my wishlist. He said i should play it because it's a great game. I was caught off guard by such a surprising gesture. I felt like giving back to him, but i felt like sending him a game in return would not be enough. So i took out an old picture of his cat he sent me and painted a black-and-white version of it on a small canvas.

The reason i wanted to talk to Jim was, because i wanted to ask him about his address, so i could send it as a surprise to him. http://i.imgur.com/FWgfa01.jpg

I'd like to think that he would've enjoyed it.

May you rest in peace, friend.

Jintek, warm_ham ve 4 diğerleri bunu beğendi
Virginia, USA

Wow, this really is terrible news. I'm so sorry for his loss and the loss of your friend man. He was a truly great SMB community member and runner and it's terrible to see him go. I will remember him. Leimao will be remembered. Sorry to be so late but just found out today reading this. :(

As Heraclitus said "Panta rhei"..."everything flows".

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