Whiterobe Glitchless Any% Guide
Whiterobe Glitchless Any% Guide
Güncelleme tarihi 2 years ago tarafından Charybdis2

#Introduction Welcome to the guide for running Any% Glitchless! In this guide, I'm going to give an overview to the general route and detail some skips. If there is anything that needs clarification, please ask us in the discord. Keep in mind the route has changed in the past and probably will continue to change in the future when better time saves/skips are found.
@sanchopanda created a glitchless video with more better explanations throughout the run

This guide also assumes you have read the rules and have a general understanding of the game. If you have not read the rules they can be found in the 'view rules' section on the main page.

Safe Strategies

As you are learning the route, there are some safety strategies you can employ in order to avoid having to reset your runs:

● A safer broken bridge that doesn't use the pillar. ● A safer tower route. ● A safer mountain skip.

#Chapter Select & Broken Bridge

Chapter select has little optimisation left, You will need to grab the two symbols to be able to make broken bridge. Broken Bridge has a few tricks to it. Runners will usually aim for the first pillar, then wait, then they will jump to the second bridge. However landing on this pillar is tricky, so a safer strategy is to land below the pillar on the main bridge. Look below to see the two routes.


  • Riskier Strategy https://media.giphy.com/media/FxgRXGHz5ivWHyubpu/giphy.gif -Safer Strategy The last trick for Broken bridge is the History lesson chirp. You can chirp every stone from this location marked with the x. https://i.imgur.com/XYsoCQP.png

#Pink desert

Pink Desert is pretty straight forward. You can slide down the sand dunes to gain scarf and roll in the sand to gain some momentum. In Pink desert we collect 1 symbol on top of the tower. There's two ways to do this. A safer way and a more riskier way. https://media.giphy.com/media/aWl7yS8uMkwbZNo5gX/giphy.gif More consistent way // Credits @Nichero3

https://media.giphy.com/media/wWVlkeFosocCr1plov/giphy.gif Riskier Way

After collecting the symbol we slide down the massive dune towards the factory. We chirp to release the carpet then use the carpet to fly to the History Lesson. https://media.giphy.com/media/mBvhuy7DaKOIMLbwVU/giphy.gif

@nathanj Has compiled a video of the fastest way to leave pink desert (Ignore the beginning part as this is glitched)

#Sunken City

Sunken City is even more straight forward than pink desert, We collect all 3 symbols. During the rest stop after the first symbol we aim left to collect the second symbol then fly over the wall, skipping the pit stop.

After the 3rd symbol, at the very end of the level we perform a zen jump to fall into the dark pit quicker.

During the side camera slide section @Yupa_Miralda tested a few ways of sliding there and found, that not jumping is the fastest

A zen jump can be more difficult to time, and less consistent than a zen sit.

Zen Jump Basics The Wiki page has the basics of the zen jump https://journey.fandom.com/wiki/Zen_Jump The difference between a zen sit and jump is that in a zen jump you jump while the screen is fading to black.

https://media.giphy.com/media/1v4DiJ8IuqMZ3b3AIx/giphy.gif -Zen Jump // Credit @Nichero3

https://media.giphy.com/media/rrJ6uI1v0TPKOHOnys/giphy.gif -Zen Sit // Credit @Over


In Underground we do not need any of the first 3 symbols, however having more symbols can help you in tower and mountain, So you can grab the second and third symbols without loosing too much time. One of the hard parts about underground is outrunning the war machine after it attacks you. This video by @Nichero3 shows a fairly consistent way of out running the war machine . We then collect the fourth symbol, and enter the slide down to the temple. We can activate the history lesson during the barrier animation and sit while the war machines are rejected away Shown below

https://media.giphy.com/media/P8vDKFP1ajKdwe7Za8/giphy.gif -History Lesson sit // Credit @Nichero3


Tower can have multiple routes, some being more risky than others. I've listed a few videos with different routes from least riskiest (Easiest) to the more difficult routes.

-Easier Outdated route // Credits @Over

-More safe route // Credits @Nichero3

-Slightly risky // Credits @Nichero3

-Most riskiest route // Current tower WR


Mountain used to be 2 mins slower, but a skip was allowed that skips the first wind section and the frozen bridge. The skip doesn't go Out-Of-Bounds (OOB) but you can easily go OOB doing the skip. The skip is performed by being warmed up inside the start of the level area, you cannot do the skip while frozen.

Here's two similar ways of doing the skip. // Credits @Nichero3 // Credits @Nichero3

After the skip, you can jump through the patrol fields into the death march overlook. The winds in this part can remove you scarf if you get stuck in them. This can make death march slower. https://media.giphy.com/media/MlGsVmsdaRreKgXIV3/giphy.gif //Credits @Nichero3


The only trick for Paradise is that you can skip the first sliding section.

https://media.giphy.com/media/tL3gUIAfNQLxLdxumT/giphy.gif -Paradise //Credits @Nichero3

#A Final Note Thanks for reading this massive post. There isn't much material, guides or resources for Glitchless. If you have any further questions ask in the discord #Speedrun section.

If your looking for individual levels, and how they're run check out https://www.speedrun.com/journey/levels. Another great way to learn is to watch the top runners streams or runs they've submitted. If you want an All platforms leader board it can be found here: https://www.speedrun.com/journey_category_extensions#All_Platforms_Any

A special thanks to @Nichero3 for helping me write this and letting me use his clips and videos, as well as @Over for letting me use his clips and videos. Another thanks to @nathanj and @Yupa_Miralda for letting me use their videos.

Edit 1: Added @nathanj 's video to pink desert and @Yupa_Miralda 's video to sunken city.

Edit 2: Added @SanchoPanda 's Video to the introduction

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