100% definition
5 years ago

Hey there,

I was thinking about the 100% category and its rules. Currently the only requirement for that category is to own all regions at the end of the campaign. This auto-includes to have all special bonuses (like to have more req at the start of a mission etc.) and to have all honour guard sqauds. The only thing not included so far is the wargear. For true 100% you would need to also have all 10 wargear slots filled. Just for the record I put all requirements for those below:

◾ 3-to-1 kill ratio (a minimum of 200 kills required) ◾ 1 conquest (taking a province) ◾ 5 conquests ◾ 15 conquests ◾ 2,000 kills (accumulated) ◾ 5,000 kills (accumulated) ◾ 3 defeated enemies (stronghold missions) ◾ 1 defense (manual) ◾ 3 defenses (manual) ◾ 5 defenses (manual)

I think that you reach most of the requirements as you conquer all regions anyway. Critical would be the "3 to 1 ratio", the kills and the defenses. The first one you normally get at Tyrea anyway. The defenses could also be done quickly by skipping turns and letting the AI attack. The only thing I'm not sure about are the 5000 kills as you normally try to kill no enemies and just go for the mainbase.

What are your thoughts? Personally I think 100% should include all wargear.

Greetings, Max

New South Wales, Australia

Crap i just uploaded a run and i sure as heck didnt got half the wargear. I dont think this impacts what im about to say here just wanted to say it so no one points out that im just being contrarian to keep my run.

Im of two minds, it makes sence at least on paper to get wargear and most of the time you should get most of it anyway with the kills being the only hassle.

Its just there maybe some problems in execution first i found i didn't get the wargear for defeated enemy's beacuse it seems to trigger on you removing that AI out of the game so if its a stronghold taken by another AI it WONT give a defeated enemy wargear (or it may have been a glitch but that would also be bad but in a different way) and it means a run with bad RNG can just kill your run.

Getting 5k kills is a bit of a slog and will probably result in farming one mission for half an hour , the most likely being the ork stronghold at the top of my head.


that's an interessting finding with the execution. but as there are 6 enemy factions I think killing 3 of them should be allright. I mean you need to kill the last one yourself anyway so it is only 2 extra really. for the 5000 kills I am thinking of changing tactics for some missions so you kill more enemies on the way. let's say tau stronghold. instead of camping in the base while teching you could skirmish a bit to get some kills here and there. ork stronghold would be the best to "farm" kills that is for sure. it could leed to some interessting strats where you split your forces efficiently to get a lot of kills arround the map simultaniously.

...all that theorycrafting aside: I like to keep things straight and easy to understand. a 100% category implies that you get everything a game has to offer. for most games it is to get everything that is shown in your "inventory" or at least the highest upgrade for everthing. wargear is keeped track of in the overworld menu and therefore should be included in the 100% category in my opinion.

I would like to wait a few days to see if anyone else wants to say something about that. if there is no big backlash against this rule addition I would then update the rules.

ps: I really feel sorry that I am bringing that point up just as you recorded a run :-S.

TTInquisitor och wilderjoe gillar detta
New South Wales, Australia

It dosent bother me too much and i agree that it is unlikely to be locked out of 3 strongholds, tho we seem to be the only to active runners for the game so you might as well change it now and as i said i was of two minds and can see why you do this and i do agree it makes the categories neater with more difference between it and all strongholds.

Dont worry about the run while i haven't put it here cause of the potential change its still on my youtube and you can see there that i said it was a poor run that could be improved apon so i dont feel too attached to it , still gives me some experience with the route and such, some maps havent played in years since it did it casual, it was more of a trail run than anything else.

PS: for 3 to1 kill because i found the map bonus that lets you buy buildings with Rec that i forget the name of basicly guarantees the the 3 to 1 as you have a locked set of units and theres way more orks.

TheLaughingMax tycker om detta

allright. I changed the rules for 100% and also improved the descibtions for all categories to keep things clear. very well then, I am looking forward to the first "real" 100% run for this game.

ps: I was looking at your runs from DoW (base game) and I am planning to do some runs for that game as well … if I find the time that is

wilderjoe och TTInquisitor gillar detta
United Kingdom

From looking through everything seems like you guys have already figured it all out, Looking forward to the first 100% though.

wilderjoe tycker om detta
New South Wales, Australia

Dawn of war one is a pretty good run and some guy from Russia asked me to make guides for the run (which i need to get back to), the only proplem is it took awhile to get my runs approved and after 25 days i had to ask Liv for help to get that sorted. I like the Dawn of War two run more myself but we recently had alot of drama there with the previous mod being let go.

DC and DoW2 Ret have been the only games ive ran so far that have been consistently getting runs approved and DC is the only one that i feel is active.

im also thinking about doing winter assult but im not interested in soul , the webway gates make a hassle to get around and less routing possibilities. ultimately i want to do all the DoW games (yes even 3) as its kinda my theme right now , after that i think im looking at halo wars 1 and 2 and after that maybe something that is'nt a damn RTS dunno what tho.

TTInquisitor och TheLaughingMax gillar detta
United Kingdom

I know how you feel about that, I havn't done a speed run for a while just approving runs on the ones I mod for. :P

New South Wales, Australia

If time is a issue maybe you should find games that are sub 30min or something or is it just "life" dosent permit it right now?

New South Wales, Australia

Alright we really need to workout how were getting to 5k kills cause its adding two hours to the run.

A few things i found:

Kills are only counted if you win the mission, if i could jump in the ork stronghold and clear out and quit out then it wouldn't be a problem.

The other thing that could be done is waiting untill all enemy zones are 10 strength for more kills but that ups the chance of AI taking AI strongholds.

So we need to find the best grind spot or mess around and see if difficulty spawns more enemys.

Any thoughts?


lets put that in a seperate thread ;-)

wilderjoe tycker om detta