Germanyqckdth7 years ago

Hey there,

I want to get a new mouse also because I feel my current mouse's scrollwheel hinders me to get better results in bhop speed. My current mouse is the Speedlink SL-6397- BK Decus Mouse:

Though I realised, it kind of is okay in size, the scrollwheel is a little slow, though smooth and soft to control (no unnecessary scrolling-fatigue).

I've had a look at the Steelseries Rival 300:

Though big enough and very handy to hold and control, the scrollwheel seems kinda hard to scroll which currently makes me prefer the following one:

The mouse design is very handy, feels good to hold and control; the mouse is very sensitive and the scrollwheel is effortlessly smooth to scroll.

So in comparison to that, the G502 by Logitech:

does have a freescrolling which might be very useful e.g. in climbing ramps with freescrolling jump, or getting higher scroll counts to get smoother bhops without losing too much speed. The scrollwheel then again seems to be a little harder to control once you've scrolled it in normal mode, and very difficult to control in scroll counts in freescrolling.

-> Does someone have experiences with that?

Additionally, the mouse is too small for my hand. More fitting, but way to expensive would be the g900:

What is the best mouse choice for playing Half-Life in your opinion? What suggestions do you have for me for purchasing a new mouse?


Greetings qd

Germanyqckdth7 years ago

Hey there,

so after having had several people trying to get the Elevator Skip to mission 18, we've so far had different success. Some strats work for some people and for others not. Some can't get through the doors at all at the moment. In my opinion this M18 Elevator skip needs to have a seperate topic since it is the main issue in the any% category. I feel it is important to get a setup for everyone. That's why I would like everybody to share your setups to get this skip working for others to come.

Here is my approach of getting through the doors.

There is 3 doors, the big torch door, the first elevator door, and the second elevator door. I've made four seperate videos; 3 for getting through the doors successfully, and one for slipping out of the first elevator door when trying to get through the second elevator door. (What you see mostly are the successful attempts. Sometimes it took some time to get through. This time you can think of as "working" the door. I dont know what this working part could be responsible for in eventually getting through.) This is a crucial point in getting this setup done, and the hardest part for those who didn't get through the door at all. I can't exactly tell you yet how it works, and i hope that we can figure this out together by looking at the material.

M18 Elevator Skip: First Door

M18 Elevator Skip: First Elevator Door

Slipping out of the second Elevator door majorly is imo a result of wrong alignment, but also of the two states to be within the space between first and second elevator door. There is a state where you're kind of periodically getting pushed like a pulse, and there is one state where you're not. I feel like it is a question of momentum, the running and the pulsating, the bobbing back and forth when running within the door.

My setup when being in the door is to walk up to the middle of the door, which you cannot pass. The goal is to get behind the middle of the first elevator door to be kind of pressed into the second elevator door and, if everything goes right, into the elevator itself. To achieve that, I align my cursor in the middle at or above the line in this picture.

¤unsure¤ The closer I look to the corner of the floor panel, but always below an imaginary line (first line) from one corner to the other, the easier I slip into the middle between the elevator doors, but the higher is my risk to actually slip out in some situations it seems. The further I look to the right (along the second line, which seems to be a good vertical compensation for horizontally looking further to the right), the harder it is for me to slip into the middle, but the safer I am not to slip out. I never point the cursor inside the floor panel. ¤unsure¤

M18 Elevator Skip: First Elevator Door Slip out

M18 Elevator Skip: Second Elevator Door

The scrollspeed between the two elevator doors to get into the elevator has to be moderate, but a little quick. If it is too fast, you slip out or get stuck; inputs eat themselves. If you are too slow, you dont get into the middle and cant progress into the elevator.

So this is my experience with it. As you can see, slip outs happened often. I activated vsync in the beginning to try stuff, and feel like this could cause the slip outs while not using vsync at all makes it more consistent to get through having the cursor pointed to the panel corner. But I dont know yet :)

Greetings qd

sevay tycker om detta
Germanyqckdth7 years ago

Hey there,

we have been investigating Crouchclipping and Vsync-Clipping or -Teleporting for some days now. This is not a lot of time. However, a lot of reports have come in that make clear that these glitches not work for everyone the same and have individual components.

What I have heard so far is:

  • that fps rates (which seem to be crucial to getting these skips) differ a great deal from setup to setup
  • that some clips are easy for some, difficult for others, and impossible for others again
  • that the length of having the game open and performing these glitches influences the probability of a crouch- or vsynch-clip to work
  • that during a full run weird to bug-like occurences seem to happen for some runners (mostly All missions because its longer and these situations get more obvious)

The problem we are facing here is nothing less but the comparability of runs which is the fundament of a leaderboard. If these new glitches are random, we will only find out by collecting experiences by every runner. This not only means experiences in short term practice sessions, but in runs.

I suggest and would like to ask all of you to share your experiences possibly about all the skips (door by door) how difficult or easy you can do them, how you do them, and what setup you use. This way we will get to a common ground.

This is in my opinion a necessary and thorough step to not only understand this glitch better, but to make it work for a speedgame status. I still think, it is a great improvement. And I'm looking forward to see it properly working.

Greetings qd

Vitja, StreamingFire och 2 andra gillar detta
Germanyqckdth7 years ago

Hey there

"Mars City 1", "Enpro", "Monorail" and "CPU" have cutscenes right after the level load. When playing on 120fps, there is a delay between a level load and a cutscene between 0.8 and 1.35 seconds on my system adding up to about 4.6 seconds. This delay does not exist on 60fps settings. (You can test this with Livesplit Load Remover having the Ingame Timer timing cutscenes out.)

When loading up a new level, there is a short time when the game quicksaves the beginning of this next level. On 60 fps in those 4 levels it is possible to press escape during the quicksave and skip the cutscenes before they even start. In 120 fps the same escape press during the quicksave sends you directly to the menu.

So additionally to the timeloss of these delays you will also lose your individual reaction time to skip the cutscene and perhaps the time for the cutscene to end and the game to start again (in case we decide to have cutscenes counted as ingame time).

This whole thing also goes for RoE and LM.

I'm not sure we need rules for this so far. So just fyi.

Greetings qd

Germanyqckdth7 years ago

Hey there,

I don't know if there is anybody really interested in it but since it's kinda standard, we now have a discord channel.

¤update: We decided to make the discord channel invite only for everybody who is really interested in running the game. :) ¤/update

Be welcome to ask questions, suggest strats and all kinds of Doom 3 Speedrunning related stuff.

Greetings qd

Germanyqckdth7 years ago

Hey there,

after asking around a bit, I decided to try and do a load remover for the source Port RBDoom3BFG on my own. Thx to the Speedrun Tool Development Discord (Special Thx to Ekelbatzen and 0Seren) I got everything together, and here it is:

A first version of a load remover that still needs to be tested in a full run.

Currently there is no possibility to activate this load remover on Livesplit since it is not submitted yet. ¤edit¤ I've now submitted the Load Remover. It's possible to change the code at any time if changes are needed. ¤/edit¤

Setup: So here is an instruction for the setup for your own testing:


Load Remover Properties:

  • works for main campaign, RoE and Lost Mission
  • times out level loads
  • times out manual loads (Menu loads and quickloads)
  • does not time out quicksaves
  • does not stop in the menu
  • does not time out cutscenes

One remaining question that I'd like you to share your opinion about is whether it's good to have manual loads timed out as well since they are not obligatory in the game but man made and maybe advantageous for your run. I'm not even sure if a separation of level loads and manual loads is possible, and I'm also ok with having both kinds of loads timed out.

So please feel free to test and share your experiences.

If the load remover works fine, I'd like to suggest to have Game Time as the future priority in sorting runs over Real Time.

Greetings qd

Germanyqckdth7 years ago

Hey there,

so like in other games, Doom 3 actually has the capability for other categories than Any%. The following categories could be interesting:

  • 100% (All PDAs and all Video Disks): This Category would be easily veryfiable since the PDAs and the Disks show in the inventory. You would need to load up the "Excavation" Level and show your inventory after the completed run+time. The "Excavation" Level itself would have to be watched for verification, since there are some last items to pick up.

  • Nightmare Any%: This is THE standard hardcore category. But I assume it won't be run by too many people, if any.

What do you think about this? Do you have other categories in mind (Is low% viable in any way maybe?)? If there is not enough people interested in these categories, they probably are not going to be set up on the boards.

Thx for your opinions greetings qd

Germanyqckdth7 years ago

Hey there,

I tried to set up a macro for the outsiderskip via jump on the last frame of the cutscene before but for some reason was unable to get it.

Can someone maybe explain how you have to set it up to get it working? A guide for that also might be very helpful since it is a major skip. If you don't have a free scroll mouse, it's also pretty inconsistent.

Thx greetings qd

LikeaBillion tycker om detta
Germanyqckdth7 years ago


I've got problems setting up the HL WON version. When i have the cd key of the Goldedition I own verified by steam, it looks like the game is transformed to a steam version. Trying and installing Halflife by autorun fails when pressing "install". The setup doesn't even start. Compatibility in the properties doesnt work either.

What are the specifics about what game you use for the run?

Greetings qd

Germanyqckdth7 years ago


just found this glitch. It might be useful for future runs.

Greetings qd

Germanyqckdth8 years ago

Hey there everybody,

infomastr and myself took the time to do a Guide on speedrunning Alien:Isolation on Nightmare mode. Pretty much everything you need to know about how to basically run the game, how to set it up, and what strats you need is in there (and in the descriptions via links).

Any additional thoughts are appreciated.

Thx Greetings qd

Stewart_the_Sock, sevay, och dcruze gillar detta
Germanyqckdth8 years ago

Hey there everybody,

our community got really active lately, and we've done a lot of optimisation in the game. All the DLCs and of course the main categories for campaign have lots of improvements and almost all the new glitches and strats in them. Times have come down a lot. Although we got new runners, we need to think of ways to hold ourselves fresh, and get up new challenges.

That's why I suggest, we write a Letter to Creative Assembly to please give us access to kind of an Alien:Isolation Level Editor. Then we can go further into the game, do real speedrun levels and get into modding. And modding of course, as you all will be very much aware, always secured the vitality of a game community.

So what do you think about this? How should we do this? What's the best approach, and what might be needed in case of technical difficulties? Are there ways we can help CA make this easier for them so they won't feel it's impossible to do?

Greetings qd

JulianAlien tycker om detta
Germanyqckdth8 years ago

Hey there,

I got a problem here for quite some time now. If I hack a terminal too fastly, for some reason a symbol doesnt get logged in.


This especially happens with the last symbol a lot, like here:

So my guess is it is fps related. But it looks very similar to using an empty box. When you loot it, its empty, you get right out with the radial-menu-button, you get back to use something else. But there is a small delay, before you can use something else. It is a little like that.

Any help appreciated!

Greetings qd

Germanyqckdth8 years ago

Hey there everybody,

I just wanted to inform you that now with our 21st runner Blueberrian I finally have to scroll the page to see everything on the Nightmare Any% board. I'm so happy that all of you are with us and enjoy speedrunning this nightmare (or novice) with us! Be welcome, join our streams as we will try and watch what you're doing and how you improve your times.

After the community was a little inactive from time to time, it is as active as it's never been. There still seems to be room for discovery and steadily we glitch out seconds and even minutes (Ps4 exclusive). If you got ideas, tell us, post them in the forums. If you got questions, ask.

You're all very welcome It's still great fun

Greetings qd

Blueberrian, Cliffs och 2 andra gillar detta
Germanyqckdth8 years ago

Hey there,

now finally... I have to apologize a bit. Packsciences mentioned two programers in our loadtimes-thread about three months ago. And somehow we didn't make it to just message them. Now I approached Fatalis and in just two days he got the impossible done:

a fully working Alien: Isolation autosplitter.

We've been going through this back and forth and solved different issues to get it aligned to the game as best as possible.

How to use the timer:

  • the timer has to be started manually similar to the standard Realtimer
  • the timer has to be ended manually similar to the standard Realtimer
  • the timer times out loadtimes from the very start of a load till about 0.2 seconds after the start of the fade in (this is due to a very complicated mixing of loading processes which were too hard to dissect perfectly. I very much think 0.2 seconds delay of timer start after a load is negligible. It's equal for every runner at least.)
  • the timer does not only time out usual loads of leveltransitions, but also manual loads via menu (this is important if you die. It's especially important for the 100% category. Safeskips and the time gain will be equal for every setup now considering loadtimes.)
  • the timer does not stop when being in the menu (this is fair because in the menu you have full control over whatever advantage you could gain there) ¤edit: timer does not time out skippable cutscenes anymore¤
  • the timer times out skippable cutscenes (in the beginning I was not sure if this was ok or not. I believe it's alright because I think the skip by pressing enter during skippable cutscenes also varies in speed depending on different setups. It really doesn't matter to me how fast you skip a cutscene or not. It's not a "skill" I think. WHAT DO YOU THINK?)

Activate autosplitter in Livesplit: The autosplitter already is uploaded and implemented in Livesplit. Since LS is permanently connected to the inet (if you're online), you can go into LS > right click on LS Window > Edit Splits... > Game Name: "Alien: Isolation" > in the fourth line from the top it says "Load Removal is available (By Fatalis)" > Activate For the autosplitter to go into effect in running the game, make sure to: LS > right click on LS window > Compare against > Game Time

The Autosplitter is aligned to the steam AI.exe. It reads code of the game for cues to work. This means it only works for the steam version.

!!! I think it makes sense to have both times (Real Time and Game Time) running as a comparison for all of us in the LS window. But as the autosplitter is finished now, I request that measurement for speedrun times have to prioritise Game Time instead of Real Time. This way, speedrunning this game will finally be fair. !!!

So I believe this was quite some work going through all the code. I really appreciate all the work Fatalis has put into this. I think we all do. Thank you very much again!!! Great work!

Here is Fatalis' page for you to check out and pay a visit:

I'm really happy this is done now. Now it's important to do extensive testing on the new autosplitter to make sure it's flawlessly working. This especially means doing full game runs. If you find anything, please post it here. Fatalis kindly agreed on taking care of any upcoming problems of this timer since it's his project. :)


Greetings qd

Metzix och Infomastr gillar detta
Germanyqckdth8 years ago


I found another glitch which might be interesting. Maybe it's already known.


This Glitch is probably consisting of doing an input while being shaken by an outside force. Since I didn't try this glitch with a health bar on, I don't know if I'm taking damage from the Molotov impact.

Trying to get shaken/damaged by the Molotov while trying to access the safepoint will just kill you though. So in addition to doing an input while being shaken/damaged, you have to be "outside" the gameplay. This also applys for the Alien stopping to chase you, even if it's close, when you access the spacesuit in Mission 18.

The same sort of glitch is possible accessing a spacesuit while burning by standing in flames for a sufficient amount of time (also M18). While in that glitch by getting burned you can enter the radial menu, in the Molotov-spacesuit glitch you can just use up the remaining Molotovs without being able to access the radial menu.

Greetings qd

Blueberrian tycker om detta
Germanyqckdth8 years ago

Hey there,

as some of you might know, my game keeps breaking down in my runs (3 atm). Because the A:I CA Forums are down atm and because I would appreciate any help I can get on this I do a post on this here even if this is not a specially speedrun related topic. It may also be interesting to maybe collect all the bugs appearing in the game in a seperate topic. I thought about it, but didn't do so so far.

The game keeps freezing in level transition loads. When the game is frozen it's impossible to access the task manager or shut down the game even on a second monitor. The only possibility then is to reboot.

I've updated the drivers of my graphics card (AMD R9 390) for win 10 to the latest version (12/17/2015 Radeon Software Crimson Edition 15.12). I also reinstalled the game and checked it for corruption in steam. It went smooth for some time but broke down again yesterday.

There is a similar problem described in nvidia GPUs. You get stuck in the loads but the next mission will eventually load about later (estimated 5 minutes). The key to solve this was not to use the current drivers, but take older version drivers.

Since I can't shut down A:I it's impossible to just pause the timer. Even if I was able to pause A:I, the game doesn't load the next level. So if I continued to play, I would have to start from an earlier safepoint. This basically ruins all of my runs right now.

The only thing I do differently in my runs now is to use the mousewheel for "use" a lot more often than before. I'm not sure if this got anything to do with it. But since spamming use is the reason for quite some glitches, it might also effect the game's integrity over time - I don't know.

¤edit¤ I want to emphasize that the game was running smoothly under the same circumstances 3 weeks ago. I then deinstalled it and reinstalled it about a week ago and then the problems started. I have to admit though, I'm not perfectly sure I had these special win 10 drivers for my GPU installed back then. Nevertheless this shouldn't be happening with the proper drivers installed. It might not even be connected to GPU settings as well. ¤edit¤

So again, if anybody knows something about it, that would be really nice.

Thanks Greetings qd

Germanyqckdth8 years ago

Hey there,

I've been looking into 100% runs lately and did quite some experimenting. Based on dcruze's guide to 100% runs that you can find in the Guides section, here is my game plan for 100%. Since most of our runners never got into that, it might be interesting to follow and talk about possible other strategies.

100% Route

Legend: AL = ArchiveLog NoL = NostromoLog Audio = Audiorecorder

1ab: The AL Terminals have entries in different positions. After dcruze's writings it is still the AL-counts (3x for example is three times). I added the position: 1ab means The first of four entries got two subentries on position a and b. This is for getting speed using the computers.

(A): If there is an (A) behind one of the entry positions (for example 1ab(A)) this means, you have to activate it (Audiologs mostly).

In my script important words and positions are bold. You cannot see this here unfortunately.

M1: Bunk Room > AL 001 (1) // Galley > AL 002-003 (2x 1+2)

M2: Footbridge > AL 004 (2) // Generator Room > AL 005-007 (3x 1+2+3(A)+4(door)) M2: Bench > Medikit (V.1) // Restaurant > AL 008 (Audio), AL 009-011 (3x 1+2ab) M2: Baggage Claim > AL 012 (Audio) // Security Control Room > AL 013 (Audio) M2: Zachary Watson > AL 014 (Audio), ID tag, Maintenance Jack M2: Interrogation Room > AL 015 (Audio) M2: Freight Shipping > Flashlight Batteries > ID tag M2: Two-Man Switch > AL 016-018 (3x)

M3: Lobby > AL 019 (Audio), ID tag // Tech Support > Smoke Bomb (V.1), ID tag M3: Works Archive > Data Cell // Tech Workshop > AL 020-021 (2x 1+2)

M4:Tracker > AL 023-026 (4x 1+2ab+3(A)+4(door)) // Surveillance > ID tag, AL 029-030 (2x 1+2) M4: Ext. Comms > HACK+USE AL 031-033 (3x 1(A)+3a(A)b(A)) // Stairs > Flashbang (V.1) M4: Int. Comms > EMP (V.1) // Taylor > AL 034 (3(A)), Rewire > ID tag

M5: Day Room > AL038 (Audio) // Morley's Office > AL 035-037 (3x 1+2ab) M5: Padded Cell > ID tag // Staff Quarters > ID tag, Noisemaker (V.1) M5: A-29 > AL 039-040 (2x 1+2), Keycard // Hallway > Pipe Bomb (V.1) // A-27 > ID tag M5: Assessment Room > ID tag

M6: Morgue > AL 042-043 (2x 1ab) // Morgue Drawer > ID tag // Lingard's Office > AL 044 (1) M6: Security Desk > Molotov (V.1), AL 045-048 (4x 1ab+2+3(A)), (2505) M6: Patient Zero > ID tag, AL 049-050 (2x 1+3(A)) // ER > AL 051-055 (5x 1ab+2ab+3(A))

M7: Corridor > ID tag (next to body) M7: Synthetic Storage > Hacker, ID Tag // Office #3 > AL 060, 061 (2x 2+3(A)) M7: Storage > Data Cell before or after (Depending on going up the ladder or through the Hallway in the beginning) M7: Office #1 > AL 056-057 (2x 2+3(A)) // Office #2 > AL 058-059 (2x 1ab), Smoke Bomb (V.2) M7: Seegson Synthetics > Fluid Plant > AL 064 (1)

M8: Transit Station > ID tag // Maintenance Deck > Flashbang (V.2), ID tag M8: Terminal > AL 067-068 (2x), Gas Torch // Transit Office > AL 069 (Audio), ID tag

M10 Marshal's: Windowsill > ID tag // Marshal's Office > AL 103-104 (2x 1+3(A)) M10 Systech Spire: Warn Survivors > AL 149 (0482) M10: Tech Support Office > AL 022 (Audio), ID tag M10: Facility Cntr. > AL 073-075 (3x 1ab+2a+4b(doors)) M10: Ma. Acc. > AL 076 (Audio), AL 079-080 (2x 1ab) // Supplies Storage > AL 077-078 (2x 1ab) M10: Reception > AL 083-085 (3x 1a(A)+2b+4a>4b+3) (7789) // Coolant Control > ID tag M10: Table > Noisemaker (V.2) // Unlock Reception (for M16) M10 Gemini: Product Storage > AL 087-088 (2x) // Distribution > AL 086 M10 KG-348: > Galley > Keycard, AL 093 (1b), ID tag // Keycard Room > AL 092 (Audio)

M11: Recharge Docks > EMP (V.2) // Bar > AL 095 (Audio) // Generator Room > ID tag M11: Bench > ID tag // Bunk House Hotel > AL 100-101 // Medusa Ink > AL 096-099 (4x) M11: Ricardo // Marshal's Booth > AL 070-071 (2x 1+2) // Office > AL 102 (Audio)

M12: Reception > AL 105-106 (2x) (8382) // Android Disposal > ID tag M12: Reclamation > AL 107-108 (2x) // Showroom > AL 109-111 (3x) M12: Android Orientation > AL 114 (Audio) // Vent > ID tag // Office > ID tag M12: Sales Agreements > Molotov (V.2), AL 112-113 (2x), ID tag, Various Loot

M13: Security > AL 115-116 (2x 2+3(A)), ID tag // Code on Blueprint > AL 150 (4930) M13: Right Hemisphere Overview > AL 118 (Audio) // Left H. O. Office > AL 117 (1) M13: Core Observation left > AL 119-120 (2x 2+3(A)), Gas Mask M13: Core Observation right > ID tag M13: Right Hemisphere Servers > AL 122 (3(A)) // R. Monitor Control > AL 123 (Audio), ID tag M13: Consultation Room > ID tag M13: Elevator room > AL 121, 124 (2x)

M14: AL 125 (Audio) // Chief Engineer's Office > AL 127-129 (3x 1+2ab+4(door)) (6832), ID tag M14: Engineering > AL 126 (Audio), ID tag // Transit Office > ID tag

M15: Sideroom > NoL 004 // Service Elevator to M6-Area M16 M6-Area: Right Side Room > NoL 005 // Dentist > AL 130 (Audio) M15: MRI Room > ID tag (or in M6) M15: Ambulance Bay > LVL3 Hacker, ID tag // Reactor Room > SAFE1 > Elevator to M5-Area M15 M5-Area: Nurse Station (1702) > ID Tag // Kuhlman's Hideout > AL 041 // LOAD to SAFE1 M15 M6-Area: Hack Shuttle Access M16 Anesidora: Hallway > AL 131 (Audio) // Power Distribution > AL 132-134 (3x) (4510) M15: Ward > AL 135-136 (2x)

M16 Seegson Communications: Deal with Seegson Security // Relay Facility > NoL 001, ID tag M16: M4-Elevator to Lorenz (Lobby) M16 Lorenz: Kitchen > ID tag, Molotov (V.3) // Elevator to Gemini M16 Gemini: SAFE2 > Reception Office > AL 089-090 (2x) M16: Analysis Labs Office > AL 091, 094 (2x), NoL 008 // Vent > ID tag // LOAD to SAFE2 M16: Elevator to Lorenz M16 Lorenz: Server Farm > NoL 003 M16: Seegson Security > HACK+USE AL 081-082 (2x 1ab+4(open Cells)) > Cells > ID tag M16 Transit Office1 (0482) > Medikit (V.2), AL 072 (3b(A)) M16: Call Transit to Engineering > Transit Office2 > NoL 002 // Transit to Engineering M16 Engineering: Call Transit to SciMed // Workshop > Pipe Bomb (V.2), NoL 007 M16: Transit to Scimed M16 SciMed: Call Transit to Solomons // Reception > grab Pipe Bomb (V.3) M16: SAFE3 in Transit Station // (back to) Reception > AL 066 (Audio) M16 M7-Area: Facility Administration > NoL 006 // AL 062, 063, 065 (3x 1+2+3(A)) M16: LOAD to SAFE3 // Transit to Solomons M16 Solomons: Call Transit to Lorenz // Transit Office > ID tag, Noisemaker (V.3) M16: SAFE4 in Transit // Gallery > ID tag // Baggage Claim > Mike Tanaka > AL 146 (Audio) M16: LOAD to SAFE4 // Transit to Lorenz (For No-Safe-Strategy: Locker (2931) > Lots of Loot // Walk back to Transit // Transit to Lorenz) M16 Lorenz: Lobby > M4-Elevator to Seegson Communications M16 Seegson Communications: Vent > AL 137 (Audio), Smoke Bomb (V.3), ID tag M16: Back > ID tag, AL 027-028 (2x 2ab) M16: Observatory > AL 151 // EVA Prep > ID tag

M17: Terminal > AL 138-140 (3x 1b+2a+3) Transit Control > AL 141 (Audio) M17: Upper Transit > ID tag, NoL 009 // Canteen > AL 143-144 (2x) (1984) M17: Projector Room > AL 142 (Audio) // Living Area > AL 145 (Audio), ID tag M17: Spaceflight Terminal > NoL 010, EMP (V.3)

M18: Dock > ID tag, AL 147 (2b 4b(Clamp)) // Umbilical > AL 148 (2b 4b(Maintenance Rig)) M18: Recreation > ID tag

So have fun figuring this one out!

Greetings qd

sevay tycker om detta
Germanyqckdth8 years ago

Hey there,

I was just made aware of this glitch (by DougTheSquirrel):

Link (start at 1:10):

Double use glitch. I don't know what this could be good for. Maybe it could help find a way for fastwalking?!

Greetings qd

Blueberrian tycker om detta
Germanyqckdth8 years ago

Hey there,

in our game "Alien: Isolation" ( we've got downloadable content that we're running seperately. At the moment, it is categorised under "Level Leaderboard" because there is no other space for it.

Is it possible to have an additional main category (besides "Full-game Leaderboard" and "Level Leaderboard") that could be called "DLCs"? It's about visibility and proper order especially for new runners. These DLCs are also too small to have an own category besides the main game (category here: as in This could also be interesting for a lot of other games, I'm sure.

Thx very much for your site! I love to have all these runs in one page and a community for exchange.

Greetings qd

Om qckdth
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Senaste körning 6 years ago
Följda spel
Afraid of Monsters: Director's Cut
Afraid of Monsters: Director's Cut
Senaste besök 3 years ago
Alien: Isolation
Alien: Isolation
Senaste besök 5 months ago
Big Lolly
Big Lolly
Senaste besök 3 years ago
Black Mesa Sideline
Black Mesa Sideline
Senaste besök 3 years ago
Senaste besök 3 years ago
Crack-Life: Campaign Mode
Crack-Life: Campaign Mode
Senaste besök 3 years ago
Crowbar of Time
Crowbar of Time
Senaste besök 3 years ago
Doom 3
Doom 3
Senaste besök 8 months ago
Modererade spel
The Solus Project
The Solus Project
Senaste åtgärd 4 years ago
Through the Woods
Through the Woods
Senaste åtgärd 6 years ago
Senaste åtgärd 1 year ago