lurk7 years ago

I'm very late to this thread but I was incredibly confused when I saw my run was placed under deathless. I want to suggest that "deathless" be renamed to "no warps" as that is what it really is. No deathwarps and no up+a warps is the route of that run. "Deathless" seems to imply that up+a is acceptable when it isn't.

That said, I'm disappointed that people want to argue that a "debug code" shouldn't be used in place of deathwarps. Deathwarping takes longer to warp than simply pressing up+a and makes it arbitrary. There is no reason not to up+a when you want to warp, as even taking damage for an intended death later means losing time while taking the damage. It inherently has no superiority over up+a except trying to use "debug code" as a derogatory insult. I think this is part of where HavocProdigy was coming from when you use language such as it being "outdated" or "simply nonsense" when in fact it's not.

If you wanted to run the game with warps, then you ran any% which allows both deathwarps and up+a. if you didn't want to warp, then you ran no warps - it was simple logic. That you can do the any% no warps route with deathwarps has been known, but it's just nonsense - why not just up+a if you're going to warp?

That said, if you want to run the game without up+a but with deathwarps, then go for it. Just know that it's incredibly arbitrary and I don't think it should be taken seriously as any%, 100%, or no warps has been. It's even more arbitrary than 0 boss in my opinion.

Remz och Arctice gillar detta
lurk7 years ago

I want to apologize for being harsh in my feedback based on the responses. I'm also frustrated by some of the issues we had with the marathon, but I didn't mean to take it out on anyone and totally did. I'm sorry Obiyo, Shokushu, and Bismuth for the way I responded. I had a great weekend and got along with everyone at the event, and do not want to spoil it by being an idiot in a thread.

Bismuth och JeedUnit gillar detta
lurk7 years ago

Please let us know what you liked/disliked about the event.

lurk7 years ago

if anyone has svideo cables for snes/n64 that they could bring for marathon use, it would be very helpful

lurk7 years ago

i feel like june or july work best because that's between school semesters and will allow the maximum number of people to attend. fuck whatever other events are going on at the time. it'll also be fine weather for those not accustomed to the toronto area chill

lurk8 years ago

by the end of this month hopefully

Lanayru tycker om detta
lurk8 years ago

I have to drop Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines as I am no longer able to attend. Sorry for the inconvenience, I had hoped things would have worked out.

lurk8 years ago

swing that shit my way if no one else claims it jy

lurk8 years ago

deadline for game submissions?

lurk8 years ago

it ran dark souls 3 without issue, which is way more intense than DMC3. i still don't think there was any real issue with the game, but i'm not the runner and i've never really played DMC3.

whatever problems pvtcb had with it, he could have known about them beforehand if he had taken the time to test the game on my computer earlier than just before his run. we both figured it would run fine, but there was the choice to use his computer instead of mine from the beginning. regardless, it worked out and cb did his run after x6.

lurk8 years ago

had a great time as both tech staff and attendee. the location alone made it better than the majority of events i have attended, especially the round 1 only 15 minutes away. glad i didn't go the first day because i would have spent way too much money there

for this post, "we" refers to either tech staff collectively as described below, or refers to all NASA2016 attendees as a whole


firstly, thanks to naegleria, thosecrazyguys, dark aries, lanaryu, dark fox, terraj, jy, zastbat, and anyone else who helped out with tech. i learned a lot. i honestly had fun figuring shit out, and none of us freaked out or got mad anyone else. most of us didn't even know one another until this event and we still pulled together as a team and made shit happen.

there were things in our control that we could have done to make things better. however, things being what they were, at one point naegleria mentioned that we might have to do an offline marathon with only local recordings. that didn't happen and instead the marathon was featured on the frontpage on twitch, pretty cool considering. the stream wasn't the point of the marathon, but it was fun.

in our control: -bringing all gear there was a lot of "i was going to pack x, but then thought we wouldn't need it." well we did need it, or it would have been useful to have at least. this would have made the tech issues on day 1 easier to fix, since we had to go purchase equipment

-purchasing gear and assorted cordage sooner

-layouts miscommunication made the layouts not work. the plan was to stream in 720p but the layouts were designed for 1080p. xsplit lagged on the streaming computer at 1080p, and the scripts for the layout only worked in 1080p, which is why we had the black nothingness layout for quake and such. we prioritized video quality over the layout, and once we downloaded obs studio and made the layouts on the fly, things got a lot better. we then went down to 480p to preserve 60fps for the stream. we only had a 1k bitrate anyhow so the stream looked like shit regardless

-allow more time for initial setup that wasn't graveyard hours i got in on the 19th around 2am and things were getting setup. it wasn't a good time and everyone was dead as fuck. we simply all needed to arrive sooner, or at least some part of us

-have someone local check out the hotel this was asked for but never followed up on. the internet issues could have been known ahead of time if someone went and tested the wall jack (that didn't work) and the wifi (which was shit even when you purchased the package)

out of our control:

-hotel internet the quoted 50 down 20 up was a lie, as apparently only 1 guy on staff knows how to get those speeds and that guy wasn't in until monday. the hotel trusted his quote, and in fact might be paying for those speeds and are not getting them, since they admitted to not testing the wall jack in 6 years or something. other issues with it were midnight cut-offs where we had to reauthenticate the connection. so, yes we could have had someone go to the hotel and check this out, but the way it worked out we couldn't have done anything about it

-rented hand mic being shit -bought lav mic being unusable shit

-no stores having lav to xlr micron 5 screw adapters but go figure they wouldn't have them, they aren't typical

-scalers desyncing audio for the stream at least i think that was the cause?

-capture cards not working setup times would have been drastically reduced if the 2 card setup had actually worked. i think we bought 1 card and tried 3 others?

in the end, i've got the vods and i'll be uploading them eventually. some of them have to be cut up, and i'm not sure if i can do anything to make the audio better for the runs on day 1 and 2.

schedule: -started late as heck because of the internet

-don't have pc games on the first day/as the first run i downloaded dark souls ahead of time, but nax didn't have a lot of time to test stuff out. the stream was shit anyways, but things could have gone smoother without adding in any pc game issues.

-no one communicated the changes to the german restream or the viewers we updated the srcom schedule but not horaro. things were all over the place and it's understandable that they had a hard time managing what was going on with their corresponding notes. sorry!

-certain runs on the schedule should have been removed because the runner was never at the event (velocity 2x)

-certain runs were removed on the fly because the runner was nowhere (axiom verge)

-the setup buffers worked amazingly well and we would have been totally fucked if not for them

chat: don't care lol

mafia: -needed it's own space where that would have been i don't know. it would have been loud for the lobby and we didn't have another room

-needed a moderator for more games i know others enjoyed not having the moderator, but i think we needed one. near the end, we started having one for each game

-could have started a new game after beezy to simply continue the stream into bonus i know one was already going on but could have been cool. i haven't watched the vod of the game y'all played afterward

thanks naegleria and everyone for putting this thing on. i look forward to future NASA events

Lanayru, Naegleria, och AndreaRovenski gillar detta
lurk8 years ago

i'm the 1 with the vods. they'll be uploaded here (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYeXD06E5nIk7BwRr5Q954w) most likely.

lurk8 years ago

i'll have at least 1 chess board on me

messenger tycker om detta
lurk8 years ago

believe they exist in case we fall behind, and if we don't, then it's an open/bonus stream time.

AndreaRovenski tycker om detta
lurk8 years ago


Lanayru tycker om detta
lurk8 years ago


basically if your game wasn't listed as PC on the schedule then it didn't make the above list

lurk8 years ago

i do have a run of daffy duck: the marvin missions. forgot to submit it to srcom. here is a vod:

i'm cool with it being cut still, just thought i'd respond to the reasoning

lurk8 years ago

I'll arrive really late the 18th but if I can I'll help out

lurk8 years ago

Run: Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Required equipment: PC, KB+M, Monitor

Equipment I will bring: all

Dates i will be attending: May 18th-23rd

Can the marathon use my equipment for other runs: Yes


Run: GS Mikami: Joreishi wa Nice Body

Required equipment: game cart, SNES + controller, CRT TV

Equipment I will bring: all, x2 CRT TVs

Dates i will be attending: May 18th-23rd

Can the marathon use my equipment for other runs: Yes, but not controller

lurk8 years ago

Since I'm providing the gaming PC for the event, I'll also help coordinate them. PC games have notoriously bad setups at marathons, so I'm making a thread to help clarify the process.

Desktop Specs: http://puu.sh/oNcEW/8ab4dadadc.png

The plan is to have everything setup by 8am on the 19th so we can start testing runs, with priority to the starting runs (dark souls, max payne 2, etc.)

Obviously we want to get your games set well before your run so you have time to test stuff out. The best method for installing your game would be to bring it on a USB flash drive. You can also install it via steam, although that takes longer and might not be as reliable. Feel free to bring your own keyboards, mice, and whatever else.

From the schedule, it looks like there are a total of 22 PC games. AFAIK from the schedule, these are all of the PC games:

[quote] dark souls 1 max payne 2 quake cave story devil may cry 3 perfect stride kero blaster caster vtmb dark souls 3 freedom planet 1001 spikes true crime: streets of l.a. octodad: dadliest catch towerfall ascension axiom verge dustforce dx doom 2 grand theft auto: ballad of gay tony jumpjet rex flywrench izbot [/quote] If I missed your PC game that's cool just post here. I also already have some of these games installed (like dark souls 1, cave story, kero blaster, quake, etc.) so feel free to reinstall or tweak whatever to make the game run as you need.

If you are able to bring your own rig, that would also be great.

Om lurk
Gick med
9 years ago
20 days ago
Spel körda
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Senaste körning 6 years ago
Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions
Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions
Senaste körning 7 years ago
Postal 2
Postal 2
Senaste körning 6 years ago
Senaste körning 10 years ago
Batman: The Video Game (GB)
Batman: The Video Game (GB)
Senaste körning 8 years ago
Beavis and Butt-head (SNES)
Beavis and Butt-head (SNES)
Senaste körning 8 years ago
Ghost Sweeper Mikami: Joreishi wa Nice Body
Senaste körning 6 years ago
Följda spel
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Senaste besök 10 months ago
Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions
Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions
Senaste besök 2 years ago
Senaste besök 6 years ago
Batman: The Video Game (GB)
Batman: The Video Game (GB)
Senaste besök 2 years ago
Modererade spel
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Senaste åtgärd 3 months ago
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Senaste åtgärd 2 years ago
Batman: The Video Game (GB)
Batman: The Video Game (GB)
Senaste åtgärd 3 years ago
Ghost Sweeper Mikami: Joreishi wa Nice Body
Senaste åtgärd 1 year ago
Kero Blaster
Kero Blaster
Senaste åtgärd 3 years ago
Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions
Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions
Senaste åtgärd 1 year ago