lurk7 years ago

2017 hotel/venue was great in my opinion. If the event was moved to June then we'd have more availability at the first/second choice hotels we were originally looking at. The venue could only be improved, so long as the internet and such are vetted beforehand and the hotel doesn't decide to screw us over.

licensetobill och Lanayru gillar detta
lurk7 years ago

You're registered, paid, and all good to go.

lurk7 years ago

We can confirm if you tell us which email you used

lurk7 years ago

Yes you'll have access to a PC, but I'm not sure how many there will be. We can make sure you have practice time. You'll have to download the game unless the person's computer you're using already has it. Our hotel internet is solid, so it shouldn't be a big deal.

lurk7 years ago

In the interest of focusing on more on site things to do besides the obvious mafia/werewolf games, darkfox and myself will be hanging out in the general discord voice channel to facilitate some brain storming sessions for ideas on what we'd like to do. We're both in EST, so we figured we'd hang out a few evenings in the next 2 weeks to talk to anyone interested in ideas and will be attending. We will tweet out the day of and inform the discord for whoever is around. Lets discuss ideas in this thread as we update things from our discussions.

Some of the ideas we have currently are: more challenge games (i.e. beezy, fzero gx) local mystery tournament mini-game scoring/mashing/etc. competitions video game scavenger hunt (find things in games as a team against other teams) mini-panels put on the 2nd stream put on by attendees blinzer might have a IRL mario party worked out fighting game tournaments (whatever games people play) mario party tournament (quo has a thread made for this already) puyo puyo or tetris tournament various boardgames PC LAN games if enough folks bring PCs trip's out to places around Toronto (we'd most likely have to take a train/bus for large groups depending on distance. checking with the hotel concierge about options) (ideas for where to go are downtown Toronto, Canada's Wonderland, local arcade, and the big mall nearby)

TwoWorlds, MASH, och Lanayru gillar detta
lurk7 years ago

Since the discussion has turned passive-aggressive and unhealthy, it is now coming to a close. NASA has given an answer to the potential pitch from Stream.me, and that decision has not changed in the week since this thread has been up. Thanks everyone for your time and participation.

lurk7 years ago

After careful consideration as a group, we (as in the "NASA staff") have a summary for why NASA will not be entering into a contract with Stream.me this year.

The money being offered isn't enough to make the switch worth it since it only covers the venue. We're not confident that we could reach their estimate for success at 400 concurrent viewers on their platform given our viewer history. It's an unwanted pressure on the on-site atmosphere.

The growth isn't a guarantee given the conditions above. The money isn't a huge issue given we will break even on costs on a relatively cheap attendance fee of $50. The grassroots tech gathering has worked out well so far. We've operated at somewhat of a loss up until this year and are okay with that, with an easy example being Naegleria funding the venue last year(and almost everyone's rooms)

Having more events, such as 2-3 per year, means we'd have to put a lot more time into the events. Staff would need the sort of support like having a full-time job for at least a few members.

Twitch has been working with us to improve the stream. An easy example was them giving us front page multiple times during NASA2016. We hit our peak viewership of 4.5k during that time. We don't have much of a pull since we don't have a charity or esport aspect, but we have a good standing relationship with Twitch.

Even if NASA did enter the contract, there would still be an attendance fee because the venue is only a portion of the marathon's overall costs.

The "strict" rules on Twitch stream behavior have worked fine for our past marathons, so switching based on Terms of Service isn't really a concern. We're fine with the line we're at with our stream behavior.

We're thankful for the offer, but do not think this is the right direction for the event. Please feel free to continue to discuss the options and ask questions.

EmeraldAly, cyghfer och 7 andra gillar detta
lurk7 years ago

For those who will be crossing the border into Canada to attend NASA2017, here is are some helpful links with information about what to expect:

http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/help-aide/faq1-eng.html http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/travel-voyage/checklist-aidememoire-eng.html http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/travel-voyage/declare-eng.html#_s8

In summary: don't bring weapons, drugs, animals, or mass amounts of food with you. You will likely have a harder time reentering your country than getting into Canada, especially for Americans given the current political climate around travel bans.

Do not give the officers a hard time or a bad attitude! This is not the time to make epic memes about haha activate it. The officers have complete discretion over whether or not you will enter the country. Be cooperative, answer their questions honestly, and you won't have any issues. In the case that you are selected for a random search, which in my experience having crossed the border hundreds of times is very rare, so long as you follow the info above, you will not have any problems.

If you are an American and need info on obtaining a passport, I suggest visiting a Walgreens near you: http://photo.walgreens.com/walgreens/storepage/storePageId=Passport-Photos

Lanayru tycker om detta
lurk7 years ago

If you are unsure about bringing any technical equipment, consoles, games, etc. with you for use at NASA, the answer is: Yes, bring it.

Here you can coordinate equipment with NASA staff and others. If you have equipment that can be used for the stream, please note that. We may reach out to you if we are in need of your equipment for the stream.

lurk7 years ago

Hello everyone,

Unfortunately this will not be information on where you can begin to book rooms. We have had a falling out with the Toronto Airport West Hotel, in that when we were finalizing our contract they decided to double the price and move us to a different conference room. This would have easily doubled the price of the attendance fee for everyone, and we felt very off-put by them suddenly pulling the rug out beneath our feet. We are no longer going to be at the TAW.

Do not be alarmed if you already purchased a flight! The dates and airport are staying the same!

So for the past month we have been working diligently to find an alternative hotel venue. At the present, 2 hotels are looking like solid choices:

The first is the Sandman Mississauga which is actually in the same parking lot as the TAW. We are looking at space of 2000sqft at $750/day. We visited this hotel and the staff was very helpful and willing to work with us. The current issue with the Sandman is their Internet is inadequate to sustain our stream (less than 1mb up). We are talking with their ISP rep to see about getting better speeds for our event, but we do not know what that will add to the cost. We have also contacted a private ISP to get a separate line, and asked whether or not the Sandman would be alright with that. We are currently waiting on their response.

The second is the Holiday Inn Oakville. This is accessible through public transportation, about a 20min drive from the airport. We are looking at 2 rooms, about 600sqft each at $500/day each. They also have a larger ballroom at 1200sqft for $1200/day. Their Internet is at roughly 40 up, more than good enough for our stream purposes. We only just recently visited this hotel, but like the Sandman they seem very willing to work with us.

Our goal is to finalize a new hotel venue within this month. On behalf of all the NASA staff, I want to apologize for not having this all situated by now so everyone can book flights and rooms. We thought the TAW was going to be our decision before they changed the contract at the last minute. The TAW is also no longer an option, since they only gave us roughly a week to decide if we were going to accept or not.

MASH och Lanayru gillar detta
lurk7 years ago

FYI the submission deadline has been expanded by a week: until February 8th.

lurk7 years ago

preNASA ended up raising $1,440 of its $4,000 goal.

Assuming 100 attendees for NASA2017 and the price difference of USD to CAD taken right now (12/6/16) means the hotel costs 8575 Canadian Dollars which equals 6456.11 US Dollars. So the registration/attendance fee will be somewhere around $50 USD after what preNASA raised.

So what'd you think of preNASA?

MASH tycker om detta
lurk7 years ago

Yes, the event was shifted. I edited the first post to reflect the changes. You'll need to fill out the form again. Sorry for the confusion and inconvenience this may have caused.

There are a fucking million marathons, literally 2+ marathons being held every single weekend this year, and apparently ours needed to be moved because otherwise that weekend would have 3 other events going on.

MASH tycker om detta
lurk7 years ago

TheMaster, would you be willing to do a donation bid war between the 2 games or are you set on preferring to run L4D2? We don't really have an extra 45min to throw into your estimate with how the schedule is now to show both games.

lurk7 years ago

confirmed, cannot do monday until after like 6pm EST though

TwoWorlds tycker om detta
lurk7 years ago

I see where you're coming from in that they work the same, but on the face of it the language implies that you can up+a warp - the category makes more sense to those who don't run the game that the category involved no type of warps.

I don't think "deathless" was ever a stipulation of the run category, as for example, you could die to Kraid and start back from the top of his lair and still finish the run without using a death or up+a to warp, even though you died. The same can be true of dying to metroids in Tourian, or Mother Brain.

Remz tycker om detta
lurk7 years ago

Since I run batgun, thought I'd clarify that you are not required to shoot joker in the head to defeat him. Shooting him in the head deals more damage, but shooting him anywhere will make him take damage.

Looking forward to see this in action since I don't have time to participate. Good luck!

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