Ontario, CanadaSmurfy4 years ago

hold B while you walk. i suggest joining the discord if you need more help the forums here arent checked all that often

BenjySparky tycker om detta
Ontario, CanadaSmurfy5 years ago

that run is exrtremely outdated and wouldnt help, if you want the current route, watch the WR video. But yeah mostly if you save while your screen is normal it should be fine, but you save a lot naturally over the course of the run as part of the route. Plus manips are really the only things you would need to specifically practice and you have to save and reset to do those anyways.

Ontario, CanadaSmurfy5 years ago

you need the BIOS image (the screen that says gameboy). manips only work with hard resets, which take you to that screen. Also for running this game you need Gambatte-speedrun, which requires the BIOS image.

Ontario, CanadaSmurfy6 years ago

If you have any questions about the marathon (submissions, schedule, etc.) please post them here.

Ontario, CanadaSmurfy6 years ago

not having audio is helpful if you want to hide a splice. so runs faster than 1:55 require audio to help stop cheating.

Speedrunner0218 tycker om detta
tråd: BioShock
Ontario, CanadaSmurfy7 years ago

For each phase you need to place 2 proxy mines, that takes him down to 1 HP and you shoot him with whatever. Since theres 3 phases you need 6 mines in total, not 3.

tråd: The Site
Ontario, CanadaSmurfy7 years ago

Recently changed my twitch name so doesnt make sense to have SIVIURFY anymore. most people know me as Smurfy so it would be great to have that. thanks!

Ontario, CanadaSmurfy7 years ago

Pokemon only has RTA on the boards theres no IGT column. It doesnt make sense to add IGT, if its accurate then the difference between 2 runs in RTA and IGT will be the same so its redundant. And if its inaccurate, then its useless.

Ontario, CanadaSmurfy7 years ago

only time IGT ever makes sense to me is if youre taking out load times to make sure a better PC doesnt mean a better time. otherwise what happens if a trick requires a reset to the main menu? then the in game timer is no longer accurate. then you either have to ban a trick simply because it messes with IGT (never the right choice imo) or switch to RTA.

Ontario, CanadaSmurfy7 years ago

On any LB ive seen a NG+ category is used when the game has a built in NG+ function, not when a glitch allows you things on a new file that you shouldnt have. Banjo Kazzooie using FFM is a great example of a game allowing you to bring things from another file like Friendlyrock said.

tråd: BioShock
Ontario, CanadaSmurfy7 years ago

The ramp is because the collision detection when you turn V-Sync off goes crazy. So jumping up the ramp is how you get up it, it just takes some practice to get up it fast. When it comes to the little sister, she tends to run back if you get too far ahead yes, but in that water section it sounds like the security bot might be hitting her. I wouldnt know for sure without seeing it though.

tråd: BioShock
Ontario, CanadaSmurfy7 years ago

Really? What are the differences? I had no idea.

tråd: BioShock
Ontario, CanadaSmurfy7 years ago

I've wondered this for a while, but is there any actual reason for 360 and PS3 to be separate? I assume the game is identical on both consoles, so wouldn't it make more sense to just have them as the same category?

Ontario, CanadaSmurfy8 years ago

yeah 151 got split into No Restrictions and the 151 thats there now. a lot of farming glitches that made the run boring were banned for the new rules, and No Restrictions got moved to the forum leaderboards and allows anything pretty much. that run is under an hour now.

Ontario, CanadaSmurfy8 years ago

looks like your options were wrong. The J item in the underlow was the wrong quantity. The settings before you start the run should be Fast,Off,Shift, which makes the J item Jx9 instead of the Jx3 you had.

Om Smurfy
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