New South Wales, AustraliaKittensXO4 years ago

I think this is a smart move as a Variable for DS runs for those who don't want to do so, and don't have issues with long-term button mashing. DS is essentially the "modded" category, and I believe that the analog/remapping methods are allowed currently within DS, so this doesn't do anything to remove skill from the equation as your lines, menuing, quickshots etc. will still require you to practice and get better.

Speaking of quickshots though, if someone is able to test and confirm that turbo does not allow for quickshots that would be a great place to start for testing, as I personally don't see turbo helping more than it would hurt as far as text prompts and menuing. From memory we do need to time links to quickshot, but I can see it being a problem if turbo bypasses this.

wesker32 tycker om detta
New South Wales, AustraliaKittensXO5 years ago

Thank you very much for taking the time to review this category with us. The most fulfilling part of watching our community evolve has always been having everyone be heard to reach a result that benefits the many rather than few - I feel we all reached this here.

The revisions are more than fair IMO, I hope to see more of us working together like this to grow our game and continue make it fair and fun for both newcomers and veterans alike.

Happy running, everybody! <3

Psarthex, KatLink och 2 andra gillar detta
New South Wales, AustraliaKittensXO5 years ago

These are my final thoughts on this matter and, respectfully, I strongly disagree. Calling it "silly" that someone chooses to have a gun in their inventory for Low%/Knife% is a bit crass towards people who are simply going for speed. We now need two additional menus, one of which requires us to waste time unnecessarily to segue to the box in the hall at the start of the run.

The purpose of this hobby is to be as fast as possible whilst sticking to the stipulations of our run category. Holding a gun, aiming with the gun whether it be to glide or snap the camera isn't invalidating a knife only run. A big detriment to enforcing the knife skating - which does not work well at all with Claire, and is basically null in sections where she holds a flashlight due to the difference in animation for her and Leon - and the W mash - which essentially kicks controller/console runners out of the competition for these runs - is gatekeeping, which was a big issue we faced when 60/120/Variable was originally discussed. I've trialled these alternative methods on controller myself being new to KBM for this game, and could not get it to work. Maybe a console/controller runner can test this and decide for themselves if it's viable.

This may be a new game, but Low% has always been about using the knife unless scripted otherwise, being the Croc and Super Tyrant with Leon. Nothing about holding a gun invalidates your run in any other game that these categories exist, and is simply a routing choice that the runner makes.

Take all that as you will. All the best with how you decide to dictate where this category evolves.

New South Wales, AustraliaKittensXO5 years ago

Crazy tested this on stream last week so he will be better at elaborating, but you are slow for the initial put away animation with the light then fast after, so this renders it only consistent when you don't have a light out. It was still slower overall than using the aim animation from the gun.

New South Wales, AustraliaKittensXO5 years ago

Gun in inventory has never been an issue, so long as it isn't fired. If it is deemed faster to skate with W, then why aren't both methods viable? This is not a fair rule change IMO, especially as it coincides with great runs to kick the boards off nicely to entice some competition, they are now rendered obsolete out of a last minute rule change which wasn't there during Crazy's grind today. If a runner wants to lose out on an inventory slot for the sake of skating with their gun they should be able to.

New South Wales, AustraliaKittensXO5 years ago

Knife skate is only viable when you don't have to put the light away, otherwise it's much slower. I find it disrespectful that Crazy has been running this since near launch knife only, and the rules stated he could gun skate as it is the faster tech and doesn't involve firing. Yet it only becomes an issue after the runs are submitted?

Can we please have some elaboration on why the rules are changed to remove speed tech when knife only just means not actually shooting?

New South Wales, AustraliaKittensXO5 years ago

As of 'today' the gun is banned... such a meme. If you are not firing any bullets, why would it be banned to remove stair skating tech from the run? Can a (smart) mod please explain?

New South Wales, AustraliaKittensXO5 years ago

Low% at last, thank you!

New South Wales, AustraliaKittensXO5 years ago

Ivys are a difficult part, but there are alternate routes and a spare knife you can use for defence placed in the Server Room where you will encounter them.

The game is confirmed beatable on Standard using breakable knives with the Leon exceptions above, and that includes potentially skipping two knives as they are outside of the routes myself and CrazyGamingDayz have tested, but HC requires the infinite knife as there aren't enough breakables to complete it otherwise.

I propose Low% and HC to be a NG+ for these reasons, although Infinite Knife is a bit more true to form to old Resident Evil, respectfully, this game is a beast of its own and should be treated as such - Inf is a NG+ unlock, and should remain in NG+.

New South Wales, AustraliaKittensXO5 years ago

60 and 120 should be acceptable just like the main categories, I believe Low% would be best as Leon would need a grenade/handgun bullet to kill Croc and RL for Tyrant. Both Claire runs can be done with standard knives.

Gonna say a flat no to allowing other defense items for the instances of grabs and mobs (jail mob in Leon runs). These can all be done through evasion or heals if you prefer brute force - knife category so you will need to be very safe and learn the dodges well! It's a lot of fun and a great way to appreciate the work you need to put in to survive in this game.

New South Wales, AustraliaKittensXO5 years ago

Agreed to make it breakable only - run HC as NG at your own risk LOL! Eager to see more interest in this category, and to hopefully have it added to the main boards as opposed to CE.

New South Wales, AustraliaKittensXO5 years ago

I am also against banning the knife, I would much prefer reach a conclusion on FPS.

New South Wales, AustraliaKittensXO5 years ago

I wouldn't have a problem personally using 3rd Party if all it assists with is FPS locking, just curious if it would genuinely help the lower end as it was mentioned above by uhTrance that there is one that cleans up performance issues. Would be an easy solution if it did as I would prefer 120FPS myself but can only hold it steadily during trivial parts of the game.

New South Wales, AustraliaKittensXO5 years ago

All for a no box extension, I was thinking about this myself earlier lol would be fun routing!

New South Wales, AustraliaKittensXO5 years ago

Yeah I agree if it is time for a slight pc upgrade I'm down for that, but dunking money to get a 144hz monitor just to have the option to lock at 120FPS is ridiculous IMO. Maybe 3rd party can be tested by people with mid to low end builds to even the playing field?

New South Wales, AustraliaKittensXO5 years ago

I'm all for NMG Locked FPS/MG Variable FPS. I can't consider stairskating a glitch at all but this should prevent the need for another category if we have a minor glitch found that can benefit the Locked category.

Regarding display of FPS, I personally have issues using window capture to show my FPS while playing the game and need to rely on game capture. Perhaps all runs should show the menu before Run Select to show options and settings? Unless someone can suggest a fix for mid to lower end PCs?

Also I think 60FPS should be the lock for accessibility. 120FPS is not maintainable for a lot of us, whereas 60FPS feels like a fairer majority benchmark.

New South Wales, AustraliaKittensXO5 years ago

Agreed with Nattie and Pess, this is more of a reason to go back and optimise runs that require optimising anyway. I may be wrong, but I believe Traditional Chinese is fastest at the moment, will need to run more unless someone better has already confirmed this.

The meta was always JPN, we changed 60FPS to 120FPS. This should be the new norm if you want to run the game at its "fastest".

This isn't like RE3 where localisation issues force runners to play different copies - we are all running the same copies with the same patches offered to everyone, even playing field.

My only huge concern still lies with doorskip support for the new patch. Would love to start running Trad. CHN with doorskips.

Voxgizer tycker om detta
New South Wales, AustraliaKittensXO5 years ago

I personally feel we should not be segregating the leaderboards into JPN/CHN - this is, as was mentioned earlier, like the 60FPS to 120FPS update to the run meta.

My biggest worry is that if doorskip is not resolved, we will have to lose a set of leaderboards, unless the doorskip runners are happy to both run the slower text, and use an unpatched .exe of the game. Myself personally, although I'm not a run submitter, prefer to run the game with doorskips, and I don't like losing that option.

I believe this isn't more of a waste of time for all the runners who have given their all to put great times up on the board, but more of an opportunity to go back and optimise your runs if you so choose to.

DJNattie och Voxgizer gillar detta
New South Wales, AustraliaKittensXO5 years ago

Autosplitter works just fine, I did a run on stream without any timer faults.

New South Wales, AustraliaKittensXO5 years ago

Alright, so we got hit with a patch that has rendered DS mute (for now, until the mod has been altered to match the new .exe). We also got Traditional and Simplified Chinese Text. Can confirm from a glance that Traditional (only text I've tried so far) is considerably faster than Japanese text. So let's start the dialog - thoughts?

Om KittensXO
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