DJhinn9 months ago

It's like both you and rj never read my posts.

Rj I've posted evidence of corruption but if you really want to screenshots explaining zheal taking credit for crap he didn't earn, mods banning and censoring people unfairly while allowing people promoting harassment against individuals to speak, mods ignoring feedback from runners, and mods rewriting history.. I can provide that. I've made the claims here but your chosing to ignore them so I'm guessing you want to see the proof instead of accept the responsibility. Ace is a mod. If he decides to rewrite history to his own want then that's fine... but not when your a leader spreading that misinformation to the community. ​and when the other mods do as you just did and say "naw we don't acknowledge that" it shows playing ignorance to the situation. Your post is pointless if you don't read my posts.

New guy. Your a mod. That's clear. Your the first one with any substance here to negotiate so I'll need to comb through your essay. ​

IBut to your points of "zheal would take backlash" and "no one reads this" is moot. People read this... note the comments. zheal has taken backlash... he just bans people when they do and calls them troublemakers. You guys are ignoring soooo many people who have complaints. Like ToastMatt wanting NMS but getting out voted, while chefbaum gets his (but apparently he didn't want it... except to run it anyway), and people voting snowboarding while you ban people from voting it.

The more gritty sources you have ill comb through. Working so I need a minute to study that. Thank you for being the first one here to actually have something to speak on. For this, I'll ignore your personal opinion parts as discarded above.

DJhinn9 months ago

Just to follow up. Kuma or hypghost or whoever that is... do you recall the NMS category? Recall how Zheal fought against it despite ToastMatt and others "voting" for it and saying they wanted it? I do. But snowboarding just appears. That's what I mean by circle of friends and corruption. If it didn't matter how many people played the category or how many you should make, then why the inconsistency?

DJhinn9 months ago

You nailed it. We need a purge. Honestly there is nothing really else we can do unless the moderation team decides they want to be redeemable and listen to the people who speak against them from time to time. Again I do not think I was being uncivil. Passive aggression is not uncivil. A lack of civility is calling out peoples character without evidence and insulting them blatantly. I.E. "I think stealing is wrong." "You are a moron and a loser and no one likes you." "You are uncouth and unintelligent as that has nothing to do with my statement." See? One of these is uncivil.

Now you say attitude is irrelevant but these people came here to just insult me, or insult my intelligence lol. Either they just attacked my character, or they lied. Like Amy saying she doesnt care or most dont care about history when there are a group of banned players who do care, but can't because the people you think are "civil" ban anyone for speaking out. You can say thats passive aggressive but its the truth. I really don't want to air much of Luzbels vod since its so... long but there isnt a petty squabble between him and Zheal... hes saying Zheal is taking credit for something he didn't come up with. Or maybe he did come up with it and Luzbel is lying! Can't tell because people get banned for being "troublemakers." See the issue?

The only 2 solutions is moderator reformation, or I quit. But as a fan of truth and honesty, I really don't want to just walk away and let liars and cheaters have what they want because the majority are too lazy to care. Feel me?

DJhinn9 months ago

Listening? You guys keep spouting nonsense. GO watch a Luzbel VOD and see it. They are giving the details and its still being ignored. And you resort to calling him jealous? You not once asked him why he left, and theres clearly and issue to be said but with a super mod at the helm that is allowed to just ban people for asking questions and ignore legit runners and claim he holds the WR yeah thats total jealousy.

And yes even if ACE maintains it, the mods support it. Even with Luzbel explaining its incorrect, it is the MODS that are making the decision... not ACE. Its Zheals word that makes it true... not history. That is how you rewrite it. You can ignore that all you want and claim "well its just one person doing it" but every leader ignoring the later and accepting it does not make it fact. They say the winner of any war writes the history, and thats the case her. Banning Kitkat, Banning HG, Banning Ptown, and causing runners to leave the SRC because of the nonsense within is how you remove what is known, and add what you want. Its classic fascism, just on a smaller, less life threatening scale. "But Kitkatbars and HG said disruptive but true things!!! Sure what they said makes sense and is a legit concern... but the tone of which they typed it is sooooooo mean!" please. They were right. HG legit said the mod team was rewriting history and ignoring people and their accomplishments. We are seeing in real time and you are actively making excuses for it. Feel bad for Kuma when in a years time all his accomplishments are written off as Zheals.

And the fact you think Kuma verifying his own run is a legit thing to do just shows your character right there. You do not audit your own work... ever. It doesnt make sense to. He removed it because he got called out for it... IF you think harassment is telling someone to do the right thing and not be corrupt, then congrats your either a mod or on the way to being one! I can't imagine thinking that way. You call this an allegory but you literally are seeing it and ignoring it. Kuma verifying his own WR run on a category 3 people voted on is super corrupt. "They said I stole for them but I checked my pockets so I didnt... trust me bro". Even worse is saying it was a fair vote when you ban people who stand against it. "Only 25%" Imagine telling anyone making a law that "they are a minority so we can ignore them. If they speak out call them troublemakers and ban them." Just wow.

You have sources here. I used an analogy because your not fully able to understand corruption while actively standing in it... but Im understanding that you are one of those corrupted individuals. In your last statement you legit said minorities dont need a say, its ok to verify your own runs, speaking against someone or something is harassment, and if something is logical but said in a tone of voice, its bannable. There is nothing here to discuss with you if your for these awful ideas.

And for the record... I said either ban hardware or make a category for all of it. You must've missed that when you failed to read most of my message. Since you say number of people doesnt matter, just make a category for each person. Vote on it if your so inclined, since it only takes 5 people to vote on something to make it exist in this SRC. Also I think it was Dylwingo who said he'd run NMS some day...

DJhinn9 months ago

I knew you weren't Hype. Was a bit of sarcasm since you took the name and spoke against what he was fighting for originally. And yes your mods do care about history since they went out of their way to rewrite it. They can't tell you who was first in what WR and just randomly throwing together details of wins and losses in their video. Luzbel is upset, and quite honestly why would a mod put that together if they didn't care? My biggest question is why put it together if you lack the knowledge? It would be like rewriting slavery in America from a child who hasn't read the history books. Why bother if you do not know? The answer is either ignorance or corruption and I am not fond of either. How was that for a source?

Censoring too. Kitkat censored after what? Putting out a list of runs that could possible come true at the whims of the "SRC." I recall a runner stating they wanted a category in place because "I may run it one day." I recall the addition of snowboarding with 3 runners, one a mod that voted for it, ran it, verified it himself, then took the WR of it, and promptly deleted it when he was called out. That sounds super legit and logical to me! We see similar issues with HG, Ptown, and honestly probably Luzbel soon enough because hes questioning the great and powerful Zheal. Even more you guys ban them, ignore their concerns, and say "well we don't care if theres an issue. We say we do but truth is harder than whatever we want."

And hardware. This is what bothers me probably the most. You would create a random category for no real reason other than 1 person asks for it, BUT will not create a category for the multiple different hardwares? Can ban some, can just add more categories... I mean hey more free World Records and thats your goal is it not? I mean Chefbaum could easily not do SCM but... he wanted it and got his own category. But new runners are expected to know all this right off and hope their hardware or disks are the special chosen ones? Just ban em or make more categories. There is no arguement that can be made that makes sense aside from it. EXCEPT you'd hate to make Kitkatbars correct in that a category should exist for anything at any time because people want it. THeres the hypocrisy.

Again you just made generalizations. You clearly haven't been following up on the discord, the runners that are NOT a part of tribunal I'll call it, or the previous posts here to see what is going on. You just saw me post, and decided to play the part of the white knight. Good try friend, but to debate, you need information. I provided some for you here.

Also... in a community thats roughly 20-25 players... 5 is a lot. Its enough that they shouldn't need to be silenced and censored and banned because they like fairness and truth.

DJhinn9 months ago

Also its cool to see you still around HG. Im sad your trying to white knight for someone using semantics on wording but I honestly thought you poofed. Good to see your still here.

DJhinn9 months ago

There are several who care about the sentiments on the past. Even you came into the discord upset about the lack of integrity of the history of it. Now its Luz. I understand it is far easier to ignore a problem and pretend it doesn't exist but even you wanted it fixed. I don't know if you are white knighting for Amy but the fact she said most is irrelevant. You can't claim the past is needed to grow or build upon but then openly say people dont care. I can name 5 right off that do.

And its not an opinion when its actually happening. Again I refer to the train on the tracks and you saying "oh well its not going to come" as its actively coming at you. In fact, ALL of you have ignored every claim and just instead picked a fight, and had to spend your time defending your own positions that you put yourself in... and to no avail. History is being rewritten, there are people upset about it, there are categories being made for speedrunners so they can run their own categories, there was a mod who self verified, there are hardware discrepancies that are unfair to any new players, the speedrunning community is becoming more p2w as better hardware and devices means better times. And there is a standing ovation for hypocrisy and censoring. This is all fact and has been proven just by clicking a leaderboard, reading a forum, or listening to a "troublemaker".

DJhinn9 months ago

I want you to explain in detail to me where in my opening statement I was uncivil. The moderator team has a tendency to only respond in either deletions, bans, or in their discord where they have full authority to ban as they please, which has been proven in the past. Ive had 5 different members of this community attack my character without substance and you want to claim I am uncivil? I bring facts, truth, and fairness and throughout this forum all I've seen are excuses and hypocrits. I even have proof of Amy claiming the past is important and yet she tells me here no one cares. Its just a lot of hypocritical nonsense that I have to accept because not a single runner here has the ability to counter my arguments.

Even now you came here with nonsense. "You are uncivil because your facts and truth bare more damage than the taunts from the community." How absurd. Your on no ones side fine... but I side on truth and honestly anything less speaks to your character. If it sounds harsh well sometimes the truth is as such. I won't simply back down and reflect on what is right because the community in whole is blind to the obvious. And the reason any of you speak up is not to correct the action or dismantle the issue, but to silence me because "oh boy... his very real complaints are unpleasant and it is far easier to say hes a big fat meanie than it is to actually care about my own community."

DJhinn9 months ago

I wasn't really even talking about the snowboard category here. I was talking about Chefbaum running against himself in his own category because his hardware can't run a category 99% of the rest can. But yes snowboarding also fits as only 2 (3 if you count the self verifier who deleted his own WR to prove he didn't want it) run it. But the entirety of your take is more moot than arguing about a leadership team that accepted another leader verifying their own runs without questioning it. Or like making new categories for people with better hardware, but then not making new categories for people with different hardware. The game is slowly becoming P2W based on what hardware you have. Imagine new players coming in and reading a guide to get gud, then realizing they dont have sonic disks but theres no category for that. Or that sonic disks arent banned but they cant be found easily anymore. Or you need a different ps2 to play. Or any of that. The game is so spread apart some runners run against themselves and put it in their bio as a WR holder. Here hold my beer as I run a solo game of tennis and call myself a professional.

Again your following the same excuses as mentioned above. Its an excuse. Now your saying the people banned are banned for "causing trouble" but you fail to acknowledge all their points are completely valid. Rewriting history is not "its not intentional" when you constantly ban, or ignore the people that actually HAVE THE INFORMATION. I'd imagine you are the guys who'd crash the Titanic because the info being relayed to you would be thrown away as the person giving it to you is a "troublemaker." Colin was actually banned from the SRC because he was toxic and promoting hate toward another player. Kitkat, Ptown, Hypeghost, and now likely Luzbel speak out against this corrupted leadership type to simply be ignored or disliked because "damn.... how dare they say we are wrong!"

Really shouldn't speak to a subject if your knowledge on the subject is so superficial. You see a rash breaking out all over the skin, but instead of asking why... you blame the doctor for being a troublemaker. But of course you and the community don't care. You are all part of the reason it is the way it is. If you don't care and like the free WR categories to everyone then just ignore me and move on. I just like truth and fair, if you don't... then you don't have to.

DJhinn9 months ago

I think I'm the only one here who's been civil. The constant excuses I hear are "it's a free, thankless job so be nice" "no one's perfect" "everyone quit because they wanted to" "everything is fine"...

But none of this makes sense. Is luzbel now considered a troublemaker, a term used by a mod? Anyone who brings up issues or concerns is considered a trouble maker? Legit this community gets so upset when someone shines any light on an issue, they attack your character and personality while completely brushing aside any issue. It's called accountability and when you grow up you have to learn to accept it.

I've brought up numerous complaints and had solutions to them that were outright ignored. I never said luzbel was forced out. But luzbel themselves said they were going to be ignored because they aren't liked. That tells you the community is kind, and appreciative? What fantasy world do you all live in.

You create leaderboards for individual runners, leader boards for people who don't play but want it, mods verifying themselves, mods rewriting history to fit their own agenda, and bans to anyone who speaks out. WHY would anyone with an ounce of integrity do these runs for these mods if that's the case?

Heck even one of the runners got banned from the src for his toxic nature.. and it wasn't ptown! The toxicity is from the leadership... it comes from the brain.

DJhinn9 months ago

Need more substance.

DJhinn9 months ago

I'm a luzbel fan but go on. You keep coming back to reply but every internet troll knows when you respond with "I have a wife, a job, a car, and a house" they are coping. But why cope sir? You are a part of a src that is rife with censoring, random bans, biased world records and 0 accountability. Just get into the circle of friends and ​maybe you can focus more on job and grass than to worry about a no body who cares about fair play in speedrunning.

And clearly I know enough to speak on the issue, which is more than you since you, the speedrunner, came into this thread with no solutions or impact, and just a lot of hateful comments that you worry apply to yourself.

DJhinn9 months ago

Just came back from outside. Was great. Still didn't end the trouble in paradise. Maybe go fix the src instead of wasting my time replying something that has nothing to do with the src in a forum specifically about it.

Also we both know you don't go outside. 7 hour runs, on top of 2 hour runs, on top of 5 hour runs. Glad your keeping the game alive but really?

DJhinn9 months ago

Uh oh... seems like we got another troublemaker in the SRC! Better ban 'em since the mods can do no wrong!

Kitkatbars tycker om detta
DJhinn10 months ago

I agree with Ptown. You are failing miserably at your job. People are quitting because of the lack of leadership. Like its that simple. You cant get people to voice their opinions because they quit? Ever think about asking WHY they quit? Seems like a simple question to ask but we all know the answer. Its just easier to ban people who are outraged by incompetence of the people representing them. Just do better. Dont ban people because clowns hurt your feelings. Dont delete posts because you think its absurd after doing something absurd. Dont create a "walking through the ice fields" segment because easy WR. Just do better.

DJhinn10 months ago

It is in decline BECAUSE this is happening. It was in decline since its rebuilding of it because the new leadership has time and again refused to listen to anyone. You are not even listening now. If you took everything you said in this forum and repeated it at once, you'd read and pull:

  1. Despite reasonable protests, I ban people who I think are causing drama because I disagree with them.

  2. I listen to old school players who have all quit this community because of the lack of leadership and the lack of say in the community.

  3. There is clear evidence and indication that people are not receiving credit, acknowledgement, or feel they are not getting say in the community, but I would rather ban people and plug my ears in light of this.

  4. The community that continues to play are mad at the moderator team but I disagree I am doing anything wrong and thus we should ignore them.

  5. I think it is within the spirit of competition that I and the team can create any segment we want, call it a segment, complete the segment, and verify our own runs.

  6. I will continue to ignore anyone who speaks out against me and ban anyone I think is a troublemaker... and this will strengthen the community somehow.

... and you really can't figure out why there is an issue? Really? Are you that dense Mr. Moderator? I'm beginning to think maybe this free role was too much for you. Perhaps you should give it up before you kill the community in its entirety.

Kitkatbars tycker om detta
DJhinn10 months ago

And seriously stop mocking and making a joke of the actual speedrunners and SRC. Perhaps then you wont get clown faces on your server since you will no longer be a joke of a moderator. Keep being a joker and get more clown faces that clearly hurt your feelings more than that of the runners you mock.

DJhinn10 months ago

Kuma you are literally proving our points. You are admitting to ignoring the actual speedrunners in favor of the small group you represent as friends. You are NOW willing to take down your own record because you "don't care" but were quick to jump on that now weren't ya? Luzbel ditched you guys and started his own submission src because of the lack of leadership, but yeah he sure doesn't care because why would anyone care about a community ran by a dictatorship designed to make sure only the mods stay on top.

When you ignore the people you are supposed to represent, what do you think will happen? Cheers, beers and a party? Ive never known someone who was neglected by the people who were supposed to help, listen to, and promote them to end up happy and content. In your case specificly... the longest time runners left the SRC, the best players are ditching out because they dont appreciate the mockery of their craft, and the rest hate the credit stolen from them in favor of the small group of friends promoting themselves. "We discussed it as a community" of what? 5 people who don't actually run the game? You can take down your WR, and decide to actually step up as a mod and less of a tyrant but damn dude... until your hypocrisy stops and you guys start listening your killing the SRC for FFVII and patting yourself on the back doing it.

DJhinn10 months ago

I find myself in agreement with Kitkatbars. You quite literally added snowboarding when the community said it was a joke and to not do it, but then say that its harassment, and mockery when someone else suggests the same thing on a higher scale? That is hypocrisy in its finest form dear moderator. Do not delete posts that you do not agree with if you will ignore people who actually play the game. And to make matters worse, I agree with their assumption about your circle of friends making more world records for yourself. I mean... you add snowboarding and guess who I see on the top? You won't be changing minds or bringing more people on board by acting like a dictator, ignoring your community, acting a hypocrite, and then blatantly lying about it. Honey is sweeter than shit my friend.

Om DJhinn
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