Lower Saxony, GermanyAisora4 years ago

Hi, I was having the following question. I noticed that my WR in the 10 Mario Challenge Category was broken by degu.

I was wondering what he did better compared to me and had a look into his wr.

At that time, I noticed that his run is actually a lot slower for , while his "unlock times" in the beginning are a lot compared to mine.

Just as a reference: I save the sample stage a lot earlier, but start the actual gameplay only @2:00~

He saved his sample stage almost 10 seconds later, but starts the actual gamplay @1:25~

How is this possible? Has there been an update I'm unaware of?

How did he save almost 45 seconds at this point?

When I was running the game heavily, I noticed that you have to wait 30 seconds 2 times after the initial saving.

So when I'm leaving the saving dialog @0:44, I'm able to access the @1:46-@1:47, (because of the input delay for the modals).

Is there any setting or method in the game, which reduces those unlock times?

Lower Saxony, GermanyAisora8 years ago


I just wanted to make a small suggestion to ensure that the runs for 100-Mario-Challenge are as legit as possible. It's a small thing, but I'd suggest that a 100 Mario Challenge Run has to have the credits at the end of a run. This should be a requirement for both recordings aswell as livestream-vods.

I wanted to check out the stages of the current WR in 100 Mario Challenge and found a lot of normal level among them. 100 Mario Challenges are very easy to splice together when being pre-recorded. So this requirement should ensure that people don't abuse the RNG element of 100 Mario Challenges in this way.

I don't see any downsides to implementing this requirement, since it'll also make the process of verification a lot easier.

Om Aisora
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Super Mario Maker
Super Mario Maker
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