Rule: add +15 seconds to every top-3 Any% run on older hardware
3 years ago

The reason for that is faster loading times. For example, the current Any% WR was finished at 2:23:51, however, it was done on an older hardware, and some loads, in comparison to loads from other runners, are slightly faster. There is no sure way to accurately calculate the load difference inbetween the two, but roughly it seems like an older hardware has a 15s load advantage throughout the run. Therefore, the current WR is retimed to be 2:24:06. Of course, the best solution to this would be an addition of the loadless timer, but unfortunately, we don't have that yet, so adding extra seconds to older hardware runs seems to be the fair thing to do as of now.

Note: this only applies to top-3 Any% runs as of now. An Any% old hardware run that claims to be top-3 on the leaderboards will be retimed. Or you can do that yourself while submitting.

Redigerad av författaren 3 years ago
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