Suggestion for Intro Skip to get the real precise Starting Times in AutoSplitter
8 months ago

I noticed, and I even checked three times just to be sure, that the PRECISE time where we gain control of Fisher after the red lights objective for intro skip runs in the German version is 1:59.4 and not 1:58s like you mention it in the category rules and the English version is 2:03.2 and not 2:04s. I haven't checked the other language versions yet because they are not quite popular version to speedrun, but I was wondering if the moderators could possibly put the PRECISE times of each language version in the rules since it's very easy to change the starting time in the autosplitter and it does not change the LRT and I also think it could be fairer given that the German version gains 1 second and a half of the real starting time, I know that it's not much of a time saving but the difference is still there. To conclude, Thank you guys for continously keep the speedrun community active by adding or changing things that are pretty welcome to me.

Churp tycker om detta


The times provided in the rules are rounded up estimates of numerous re-timings of the intro section. This means that if the duration of the Training intro is 1m 58s 717ms (French for this example), the final time is rounded up to 1m 59s. In other words – rounded upwards to the next whole second.

You are correct in saying that English intro is 2m 03s with milliseconds, but going by the same rounding up logic I mentioned above – we round up, in this case – 2m 04s flat.

However, I'm interested in how you got the 1:59.4 time for the German intro. Can you perhaps post a video of your intro for us to take a look? 1:59 is above our rounded-up times, let alone actual times.

Additionally, please take a look at the video below, where I show 4 instances of the Training intro skip with a timer.


Redigerad av författaren 8 months ago
Churp och Galvaude1670 gillar detta

Some additional extra thoughts:

The reason for the whole rounding-up thing is because the Training intro has a little bit of RNG involving its duration. While the duration interval is probably less than a second between the shortest and longest variation, it's still pretty uncertain. And adding a set-in-stone "1m 57s 455ms” requirement wouldn't reflect the actual gameplay all the time.

That's why we decided to round the times up to make sure everyone has a level-playing field. Hope it makes sense.

Churp och Galvaude1670 gillar detta

Yep, the video sums it up pretty well, I didn't know there was a bit of RNG in the Intro, now I see it, and it makes clear sense yeah. As I said earlier, it's not much of a time saving, so I have no problem with rounded times. Thank you for taking the time to answer my suggestion.

Churp och DirectorMusic gillar detta
Senaste nyheterna
Introducing the Training Intro Skip

In response to community feedback, we now permit PC runners to skip the introductory cutscene and lights tutorial. Together, they last around 2 minutes on every reset, but don't add any significant gameplay value.

Here are the established rules:

- You can c
8 months ago
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